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Thread: Claymore

  1. #361
    The swords are assumed to be indestructable. Most anime is like that, actually. In Berserk, Griffith could defend against Gatt's OMGWTFBBQ-sized sword with a little rapier.

  2. #362
    Is it just me, or did anybody see a naked Orphelia in the preview? Judging from the next episode's preview, Orphelia will come back to attack Clare. Has anyone considered a possibility that when Irene is done training Clare, she might give her right arm to Clare to use after seeing more of Clare's determination and will power to kill Priscilla? That would be awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    But that sounds a bit dubious, to be honest, so it must be that what ever amount of yoma is added, the result is 50% hybrid as long as it was pure yoma material.
    Yeah, that should be the case, because looking at the scenario, Clare probably drank Teresa's blood (or ate her head, whatever you want to feel like) right on the spot instead of going back to her body to eat the most of the body remains there.
    Last edited by BananaFob; Thu, 06-28-2007 at 12:17 AM.

  3. #363
    Yeah, and we'll have an armless Irene going around. That would be very dumb by her part. Maybe Clare will go berserk and tear her limbs off, that would be a better case scenario, but I don't see that happening. I'm leaning towards she going to the awakening-state and regrow it some time in the future when she's losing a fight.

    Maybe Clare will just bite down on Irene's neck and regrow it that way. We are in a Vampire world after all.

  4. #364
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Man, Claymore gets better and better every episode.

    I also think that Irene will give Clare her right arm. I mean is it just a coincidence that Irene has her right arm and Clare has her left arm? If that Offense and Defense thing Ophelia talks about is true then Clare won't be able to regenerate lost limbs so given Irene's arm, she can still attach it.

    Clare is probably too weak to learn the Flash Sword with her left arm.

    I think next episode Ophelia finds Clare and Irene. Ophelia aims for Irene first since she was so fixated on her at the end of episode 13. Ophelia will probably cut off Irene's right arm and do a blah blah speech "Now you can't do that Flash Sword of yours." Irene dies, and then Clare quickly grabs Irene's right arm, unleashes her Yoki, and attaches Irene's arm. Then she WTFPWNS Ophelia because now she can read Yoki and can counter with the Flash Sword.

    And then!!! Our heroine moves on with 2 people, no 3 people she is fighting for in her heart. Teresa, Raki, and Irene.
    Last edited by Idealistic; Thu, 06-28-2007 at 12:58 AM.

  5. #365
    @Bud: When did we enter vampire world? The only blood I remember being consumed was Ophelia with Clares and I think Priscilla licked some when she awakened, but i'm not 100% on that.

  6. #366
    Just reffer to some of my earlier posts in this thread and you'll see that I was joking.

  7. #367
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Seeing Irene again reminds me of the older debates we've had. About how strong Claymores are now compared to older generations.

    Ophelia got nailed by Irene. No.4 vs No.2. I think Irene would have nailed whoever No.4 was in her era in much the same manner, so I don't think Claymores improve as drastically as some of us thought, if at all.

    BTW, in the preview, chick with the blinded left eye, another Claymore who survived the Pricillia incident? Irene's, I can believe, but she had her head impaled. Can't wait to hear her story...

    Edit: (No.4 vs No.3, Irene was officially degraded, though I still think of her as No.2. Pricillia doesn't deserve her tittle)

  8. #368
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    Wow.. i had never expect Irene to be alive. Clare had her legs cut off before, now her arm. I can't imagine the pain she had to go through @_@

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  9. #369
    Benevolent Dictator
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    the really odd part about that is that the same person took both her legs and her arm....

    You'd think they'd spread the amputation-love around a bit, you know ... have one person take an arm home, another take a leg, and so on... but it's all Ophelia ...

  10. #370
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's just like Ophelia, playing with her toys until their limbs fall off.

  11. #371
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    This episode was awesome, I wonder what Ophelia reaction wouldve been learning that the one that Clare wants to kill is the same person that killed her brother. Also wanna see her reaction when she finds out that she has awakened. Sadly I think Irene will be dying soon, she's spent all this time hiding her yoki but since she's training Clare thats just like telling the organization that she's really alive.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  12. #372
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    We haven't come across a rule that says "You must serve us while you still live" sorta thing have we? Not that the Organization will be nice enough to let you retire.

  13. #373
    regarding the limb reattachment thing, just cuz ophelia said it doesn't necessarily make it 100% true. We have to remember that calymores dont actually know everything there is to know about themselves. Very few actually bother to find out about themselves or the organization, and just stick to thier jobs. Its just like how clare didn't know that voracious eaters were actually awakened biengs...or how the hunting party didn't know the truth about awakening or thier abilities until miria told them. Just because in general offensive types can't regrow limbs doesn't meant it can't happen....especially since clare is half-awakened already. We can't say for sure what she's capable of.

    I like that clare is learning the flash sword technique now...its a good way to make her stronger without being a cliche. It makes it more realistic if she improves her skills rather then refusing to die or getting a powerboost cuz she has someone to protect/kill. I really hope in the future we see her learning more techniques like'll bring her closer to teresa in a way, since teresa could also do all the techniques of the top 4.

    Btw, irene when she first shows up and pwnz ophelia....orgasmic!

  14. #374
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Teresa couldn't do the techniques of the top four who fought her, she could counter all of them. That's a big difference. She couldn't really see Irene's Flash Sword, probably couldn't really keep up with it, but she knew where she needed to put her sword to block.

    You don't need a shoot a bullet to stop a bullet, you just put something in the way.

  15. #375
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I disagree.

    Even if you know where the sword's going to be, you still need to be able to actually get it there fast enough. That means she's not only got to percieve the sword, her movement has to be within the same speed range to actually stop it.

    That's where Clare was weak, responding to Ophelia's sword. She could somewhat see it (enough to read approximately where it was going to hit), but couldn't react appropriately.

    Teresa was not the pinnacle of those skills that 3-5 specialized in, but she was definitely of the same caliber in all of them. Without her insane yoki-reading, she could still keep up with the rest of them at their respective specialties.

  16. #376
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Agreed with that. Teresa was top-level on all claymore skills, and ultimate in youki reading, which was why she was number 1. If all she could do was read youki then she would be like... number 47.

    And Teresa wasnt only countering the Flash Sword technique, she was technically doing it too (awakening her arm), since in order to counter it, you have to actually do it since the speeds simply cannot match.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  17. #377
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    What? Where did it say Priscilla was the one that killed Ophelia's brother? I must have missed it..

  18. #378
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    When Ophelia was talking about her brother she mentioned a "One-Horned Monster". (Eclipse | Claymore 13 @ 19:46)

    I believe Aeon was just making a connection between that and all the one-horned Awakened that we know of, namely Priscilla. So as of now its still unconfirmed but it seems like a very likely possibility.

  19. #379
    I wonder how many of the new "numbers" were influenced by Pricilla. Maybe her rampage through the country was the catalyst for this generation of claymores. That would be one hell of a trip!

    On the better side of things, Claire's learning a new technique! Kinda of a shame that she isn't learning something on her own, but whatever. It still kinda bothers me...even if she does learn Irene's technique, won't she still have that problem of switching from defense to offense?

  20. #380
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    She shouldn't. The point of Irene's technique was to concentrate the yoki increase in her hand. So, it shouldn't affect her ability to read yoki at all. Also, there's no inherent profit in prolonger battles in any case, so she should strive to learn to end them quickly and efficiently, lessening any need to switch back and forth.

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