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Thread: Claymore

  1. #261
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I love all the VAs they've been finding so far. The casting has been amazing. Even the most minor roles are being played by either VAs that have been in really popular stuff lately, Minori Chihara (Yuki Nagato) playing the Awakened One in this episode, or VAs that did really prominent series a decade ago.

    Emi Shinohara, who plays Ophelia is perfect at playing one creepy psycho of a Claymore. She was giving me goosebumps when she was grabbing Clare and again when she started shivering and called them both "wonderful." The moodswings made her creepier than anything we've seen and her sadistic side is just bone chilling.

    Like the Awakened said, Ophelia really is the monster of the two of them.

  2. #262
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaFob
    What really bothers me is if Clare actually did drink the blood of Teresa. Unless I missed it, there have been no mentions of Clare drinking Teresa's blood. The images of Teresa herself could possibly just been a memory of how she fought as Clare had witnessed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    So now we are in a Vampire anime?
    Then Ophelia appeared.

  3. #263
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    This episode was that bullshit, chopping off Clare's legs was just wrong.

    I'm really loving the different personalities each claymore has, it'll be nice to meet some of the others down the road if we ever get the chance(hopefully none of them will be like Ophelia the crazy bitch)

    R.I.P Captain America.

  4. #264
    Yeah, she is psychopathic. That's what I like about Claymore. They're all different. I love the character design.

    Can't wait till next episode ^_^

  5. #265
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Well, in any case the next episode(s) should present a deadly battle. I wonder if the dude dealing out missions to Clare knew this was going to happen.
    I wonder the same too.

    As for the episode, I thought it was a nice episode. And like everyone has said, i like Ophelia's psychopatic personality. Scary!! But what's with with Clare kissing Raki on the lips? I thought Raki was more of a little brother to Clare or something.. But apparently not.

    Perhaps next time we see Raki, he'll have turned into a male Claymore!!! The show is hinting that Raki will probably be if not the only male to successfully become a Claymore. In the previous episodes they have stated that males always fail because they give into the power of awakening. My guess is since Raki has such a bond with Clare, he will not go over his limits.

  6. #266
    As usual, Claymore produces an excellent episode. I don't think there are many animé where I can litterally be disgusted by a certain character or action. This episode managed to do both. The athmosphere is excellent, the sound-effects ( since the beginning actually ) really match this series and make it one intense happening.

    Finally a heroin that doesn't strike poses, automatically wins, or constantly has to be showing some sex-appeal. I like it as much as I liked Berserk, twisted, exciting and raw.

    Vigourously waiting for the next one.
    Last edited by ?igma; Wed, 06-20-2007 at 04:00 PM.

  7. #267
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Great as always.
    And this episode i fell in love with Clare :-)
    The scene after she kissed Raki and stared at him...that´s probably the sexiest scene i ever so in an anime.

    Also, go, go, go, Raki! I dont see how a timeskip would work at the moment, as Clare is the main character. But there has to be one, to show Raki having gotten stronger.

  8. #268
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Finally a heroin that doesn't strike poses, automatically wins, or constantly has to be showing some sex-appeal.
    Amen to that.

  9. #269
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    I wonder the same too.

    As for the episode, I thought it was a nice episode. And like everyone has said, i like Ophelia's psychopatic personality. Scary!! But what's with with Clare kissing Raki on the lips? I thought Raki was more of a little brother to Clare or something.. But apparently not.

    Perhaps next time we see Raki, he'll have turned into a male Claymore!!! The show is hinting that Raki will probably be if not the only male to successfully become a Claymore. In the previous episodes they have stated that males always fail because they give into the power of awakening. My guess is since Raki has such a bond with Clare, he will not go over his limits.
    No, they are successes at becoming Claymores, meaning half-yoma half-human. But, they're only considered "failures" because they can't resist the urge to awaken, but they are/were Claymores at one point.

  10. #270
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    I wonder the same too.

    As for the episode, I thought it was a nice episode. And like everyone has said, i like Ophelia's psychopatic personality. Scary!! But what's with with Clare kissing Raki on the lips? I thought Raki was more of a little brother to Clare or something.. But apparently not.
    I want to believe that Clare did that to shut him up. He was eventually going to die if he kept on pestering her like that when Orpheilia came.

    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    Perhaps next time we see Raki, he'll have turned into a male Claymore!!! The show is hinting that Raki will probably be if not the only male to successfully become a Claymore. In the previous episodes they have stated that males always fail because they give into the power of awakening. My guess is since Raki has such a bond with Clare, he will not go over his limits.
    If Raki did become a Claymore, wouldn't he turn into an Awakening just as fast? He keeps telling himself that he needs to get stronger, so what other fast and easy way for him to be stronger than to become an Awakening?

    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    So now we are in a Vampire anime?
    Quote Originally Posted by Munsu
    Then Ophelia appeared.
    I meant to ask if Clare actually ate the flesh of Teresa...I think it's the nearly same as drinking the blood.

    But yeah, anyway, although this anime is superior to many I've seen, there's some intended-echii scenes in here the way I perceive it (for example, when Orphelia was feeling Clare's chest, and when the male Awakening was drilling his tongue into Miria's stomach).

  11. #271
    I think it's a romantic kiss and not just to shut him up. Raki isn't that young, he's probably in his mid-teens say, 14-16 range? Anyways, after she kissed him you could see it in her quivering eyes (which is a common technique used in anime to convey loving eyes, concern, emotion, etc.) that it meant something to her as well.

    I don't know if mutilating someone's chest (though it did seem like it could've been groping at first), and impaling someone in the abdomen would be considered ecchi.

  12. #272
    I don't think it has been explained how Claymores are made. I don't really think it's something as simple as eating someones flesh. I suspect the humans get operated on and some organs or whatever get transplanted with yoma ones.

  13. #273
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by animus
    I think it's a romantic kiss and not just to shut him up. Raki isn't that young, he's probably in his mid-teens say, 14-16 range? Anyways, after she kissed him you could see it in her quivering eyes (which is a common technique used in anime to convey loving eyes, concern, emotion, etc.) that it meant something to her as well.
    I don't think it was simply either one, but a bit of both and something more. Probably, if you think about it, one of the most complex kissing scenes in anime at large. There haven't been anything like romance between those two, and Clare probably hasn't even been mentally capable for such a thing for too long. And Raki, I think, has viewed Clare more like his only support in the world, like a guardian and an idol perhaps. And something to protect since he's a man, after all, but that goes without saying.

    So, it was to confuse him and thus make him to agree to the request of leaving. Yet at the same time it was also to make sure he has suddenly something else to live for than to die defending Clare. Because it began to seem like Raki just yearned to get stronger to save Clare like Clare saved him. But now Clare effectively turned that fully around.

    Still, I'm not all too sure what Clare is really feeling about it all. I saw much purposefulness in that kiss, to make Raki think about living for the future and not dying for the future. I think such a thing is pretty easy with men, or at least young men. And I have no doubt Clare knew that would happen, and she didn't kiss him at random. That being said, there's still what animus pointed out: It was certainly genuine for Clare as well. A friendly tactical precision strike.

  14. #274
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I think Kraco is right about the kiss. It was more of a way to shut up Raki and have him agree to separate. Give him the idea that there will be something to come back for as long as they separate for now. It was also a promise from Clare. At the same time, remember when they were in the Holy City and Clare told Raki that Claymores are trained to fit in. She could play a prostitute if she wanted. Maybe Clare has special feelings about him and maybe she doesn't, but she certainly gave him exactly what was needed to get him to do what she wanted. I'm more inclined to believe she does have some special feelings for him after what they've been through and how angry she gets when others accuse her of having a little boy as a love-slave.

    As for how Claymores are made, I had thought it was explained enough when Teresa and Clare were approached by the bandits. Teresa tore open her uniform and displayed her chest and abdomen for all to see. They were visibly repulsed by it and she said, "This is the body of a Claymore." One can imagine Claymores are covered in scars and the like. So we can somewhat conclude that yoma pieces are surgically implanted all over into a Claymore's body.

  15. #275
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    As for how Claymores are made, I had thought it was explained enough when Teresa and Clare were approached by the bandits. Teresa tore open her uniform and displayed her chest and abdomen for all to see. They were visibly repulsed by it and she said, "This is the body of a Claymore." One can imagine Claymores are covered in scars and the like. So we can somewhat conclude that yoma pieces are surgically implanted all over into a Claymore's body.
    Maybe... But the way I interpreted it was that the scars were from all the battles Teresa has gone through and all the cuts/wounds she has suffered. But perhaps those are the scars from implants too... Who knows..

  16. #276
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    That's another way to take it, one I hadn't really thought about. I just kind of imagined something really nasty, like pulsating...something. I just guessed at it from what we know about what Claymores are.

    That's what's great about that scene, they show nothing, so it's up to the worst your imagination can offer after seeing their reaction.

  17. #277
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I just kind of imagined something really nasty, like pulsating...something. I just guessed at it from what we know about what Claymores are.
    I have thought maybe of the same thing. That there's the piece of the original yoma implanted there as such, visible. Maybe Clare has Teresa's head or a part of it implanted in her abdomen...

  18. #278
    Didn't Clare get impaled in the abdomen before and as a result of that warranted a new Claymore uniform?

  19. #279
    That was a pretty decent episode. Who knows maybe raki will become a semi awakened like clare etc. If he does become a claymore. The kiss was pretty unexpected for me, but the way it was portrayed was pretty good. I would actually like to know what the bandits saw, but i guess thats left up to my imagination

  20. #280
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Agreed with the assertion of Kraco and Ryll. The kiss served a purpose, but I am also inclined to believe that she also has feelings for Raki. The fact that she promised and intends to find and meet him again proves this. If she only wanted him to live a decent human life, she would not even try to meet up with him again (considering the crap he had to go through living with a claymore), and simply lie about the promise she made. But the monologue she gave after they parted showed that she intends to keep her promise, and even prayed for it to come true.

    I dont think Clare herself realizes what she feels, considering that her partner is still a kid, and she probably doesnt know anything about liking the opposite sex, but this will all change if Raki grows up and meets her again.

    Still Clare in that episode looked really sexy, for many reasons.

    I also think that rather than just scarring, there are youma parts or the like attached to a claymores body, since simple scarring would not deter a bunch of horny bandits from raping a babe like Teresa.
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