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Thread: Claymore

  1. #221
    Hence why Ryllharu is wondering how strong Alicia and Beth are, if we start assuming that Galatea is comparable to Teresa. I would assume that each generation of Claymores is stronger than the previous one, so it wouldn't be far fetched to think that Galatea may be stronger or comparable to Teresa, even if she's rank third.

  2. #222
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I dont think that each generation of claymores is stronger than the previous one, because if this is the case, when the black dude who was talking to Clare about the present top 5, he would have mentioned this fact. But he merely says that each generation has its elites, meaning there is no real pattern, just that there are always strong claymores in any batch (well this applies in anything, anime or real).

    It would be kind of unfair if the present number three is stronger than Teresa, since it would really make things impossible for Clare to defeat or even match them, ever. Im thinking Galatea may have better youki reading abilities than Teresa, but is weaker in the other aspects. It should not be forgotten that even if Teresa was number 1 because she can read youki the best, her other skills are also top class, enough to match the skills of the others in the top 5 (though not above or equal).

    I wouldnt mind if the number 1 is equal or stronger than Teresa though.
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  3. #223
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Based on just gut feeling, I think Teresa's like some Claymore Goddess who's never been surpassed before. Makes it kinda fun too. For Clare to get to her, she must beat every other claymore around, and then some....

    Also noticing some variation in hair colour amongst Claymores. Was it a "requirement" to have blond hair? Silver eyes was a definite.

  4. #224
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Claymores are made so I don't think it's far fetched to assume that each generation is stronger than the last, or at least in general. Granted there will be variations in each, depending on how strong one girl was during the process over another, or how much time the Organization took to train them (like how Priscilla didn't get enough, and lost control). Just because Teresa was the strongest we've seen, doesn't mean there weren't stronger ones before, or stronger ones after, Priscilla was a perfect example of someone who would have been stronger.

    @Buffalo: The process the girls undergo turns their hair towards blonde-white and their eyes silver.

  5. #225
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes claymores are made, but if the process of making them is the same, then the results from a previous batch and a newer batch should have no difference aside from the other variables you already mentioned. Its not that the idea of a progressive line of claymores is far-fetched, its that there is no proof of it yet, and no real indication either. Assuming that such is the case despite this is rushing things in my opinion.
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  6. #226
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Well, it sort of makes sense that over a couple dozen or a couple hundred years, the people doing the making would do experiments, learn from their mistakes, and generally refine the process.

    In other words, the production of Claymores could be thought of as a technology. Within a batch, there will be stronger and weaker ones, but as time progresses, the process improves, and so the results of the process in aggregate improve.

    That said, Teresa would hae been what, like 10 years ago? Maybe 15? Clare still seems pretty comfortably in the "young adult" age range. I don't think that there's been that many generations of claymores between the flashback and the present, where a pretty much legendary super-elite level would have dropped to commonplace enough for 8-10% (the top 5 of 47) of them to all be at the same level.

  7. #227
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Claymores don't really age after a point, so it actually could have been longer. However, I believe that Clare is only a generation or two at most away from Teresa, with Priscilla's being one of those. I agree that once-elite Claymores are not of the common level (evident with Deneve being fairly high in the rankings), but there is room to believe that two Claymores created by the Organization would be stronger than someone of Teresa's level.

    We don't know the true scope of Galatea's ability, only that she shares a sensitivity to yoma energy that equals or surpasses Tersesa's. But if Priscilla would have surpassed Teresa in her generation, is it that hard to believe that two Claymores are now beyond Teresa's level?

  8. #228
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    but there is room to believe that two Claymores created by the Organization would be stronger than someone of Teresa's level.
    Supported by what ? The fact that 4 single digit Claymores couldn't beat her ?

  9. #229
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Would you mind clarifying how your response fits with what you quoted from me? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that sentence.

    I was pointing out that if we assume Galatea is comparable to Teresa in terms of their specialized ability, that it shouldn't be hard to believe that the Organization could create two Claymores stronger than someone comparable to Teresa's ability (Galatea, ranked 3rd) given a generation or two of development.

  10. #230
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Would you mind clarifying how your response fits with what you quoted from me? I'm not sure what point you're trying to make with that sentence.

    I was pointing out that if we assume Galatea is comparable to Teresa in terms of their specialized ability, that it shouldn't be hard to believe that the Organization could create two Claymores stronger than someone comparable to Teresa's ability (Galatea, ranked 3rd) given a generation or two of development.
    I'm sorry I was floating between "two claymore's teaming up on" and 2 claymores "each more or equally powerful"

    But creation is by chance, they dont decide to make stronger claymores.

  11. #231
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Considering Claymores turn (or almost turn) into awakened beings all the time and in a somewhat unpredictable manner during fights or after them, I'd say the technology to manufacture them is not based mainly on solid theory. I don't think that supports the theory that they would be developed constantly to a better and better direction. As long as they don't address the awakening problem, I don't see how they could easily make them stronger either, unless by careful prescreening of the candidates to refine any existing, latent potential, of which Teresa might have been the best functional example so far, Priscilla the best failed example.

    While the organization needs yoma to be around aplenty for their business to run, it's still something of a risk to have lots of claymores to fully awaken. It's unnatural that would remain a secret from the general populace forever. So, even if a few voracious eaters here and there were be a boost for the money collection, to have them everywhere most certainly would cause problems before long. So, the organization must control that. And so far the only evident way has been to kill the claymores before that happens. I wouldn't exactly call that "developing the process".

  12. #232
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    How strong each one is does seem to be at random upon creation. However, the amount of yoma they put into a girl, the method in which they do it, and how well they train them, could be developed and improved over the years.

    I can't imagine they're not experimenting. After all, Claymores were all once men, and they tried it out on girls after all those failures.

  13. #233
    Im quite sad they turned it into a power game after all though. The episode before this one, it appeared as if Clare simply excelled versus awakened beings. Now however, they turned it around, back to good old DBZ.

    It's a pity.

  14. #234
    Jounin kenren's Avatar
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    so far i only watched episode 8..and i wanna say..

    FUCK ! Teresa died. FUCK !!! she's my favourite character in the show.. FUCK!
    pardon me.

    <3 Tessa-chan! <3 Lucifus! ....chotto mate.

  15. #235
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Im quite sad they turned it into a power game after all though. The episode before this one, it appeared as if Clare simply excelled versus awakened beings. Now however, they turned it around, back to good old DBZ.
    We've only seen the special skills of Irene, Helen, Teresa and Miria. We don't even know what Ophelia can do, if she even has one. Nor have we even seen many variations of Awakened Beings. It's too soon to say.

  16. #236
    Student Elyne's Avatar
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    Also remember that Priscilla was a new generation, so that might indicate that they get 1 or 2 every generation that somehow surpasses the previous generation. Or she might just have had the potential all along.

  17. #237
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ?igma
    Im quite sad they turned it into a power game after all though. The episode before this one, it appeared as if Clare simply excelled versus awakened beings. Now however, they turned it around, back to good old DBZ.
    I agree with Ryllharu. I don't see how anything would have suddenly changed. We learned a long time ago there were top claymores, well above the others, like Teresa. And considering they mostly seem to fight pretty solitarily against opponents of very varying individual skill / power levels, it's somewhat natural it looks like a power game to an extent. So, if Clare in the future needs to confront other claymores, it'll be against one or a few. And from all what we have seen so far, it's going to be straight sword fighting. We aren't watching Code Geass or Death Note here. If she intends to win fights, she needs to find attack power.

    There's no point trying to avoid power ups simply out of a desire to avoid power ups if the story requires them. But then again, the story is far from over still.

  18. #238
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    After all, Claymores were all once men, and they tried it out on girls after all those failures.
    Weren't they both men and girls at the beginning? What if they are strong before they become a claymore? Does it automatically make them strong?

  19. #239
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Miria explained they tried it on men first, and the female warriors started after more and more of the male Claymores began to Awaken.

    I don't think strength has that much to do with it. Most of the girls start young, most probably less that 14. It seems from the Teresa vs Priscilla arc, and given the explanation of how Miria and Friends are semi-awakened, that it has more to do with the mind being able to reign back in the power released. All Claymores have a limit, but it seems like ones who have better mental concentration and training have the higher limits. Though I doubt even that is an iron-clad rule.

  20. #240
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I agree with Ryllharu. I don't see how anything would have suddenly changed. We learned a long time ago there were top claymores, well above the others, like Teresa. And considering they mostly seem to fight pretty solitarily against opponents of very varying individual skill / power levels, it's somewhat natural it looks like a power game to an extent. So, if Clare in the future needs to confront other claymores, it'll be against one or a few. And from all what we have seen so far, it's going to be straight sword fighting. We aren't watching Code Geass or Death Note here. If she intends to win fights, she needs to find attack power.

    There's no point trying to avoid power ups simply out of a desire to avoid power ups if the story requires them. But then again, the story is far from over still.
    As you might remember, although maybe Im asking too much, I previously mentioned how great it was that Claymore executed an increase in power without actually increasing the characters overall power. Clare seemed to be heading in a direction, where she'd be the bane of many awakened beings, but this would not grant her overpowering strength versus other Claymores by default.

    Now however, they adapted the semi-awakening to form a significant powerboost that would, as currently estimated,. give them high odds against single-digits pre- 4-1.

    You can agree or disagree with me turning it into a DBZ fest, however, the fact that I merely tried to point out the change from one to the other episode, should not be mistaken for trying to forecast the future

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