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Thread: Claymore

  1. #141
    Claymore just turned in a good background basis for hentai material.

    Clean ep but it made me lazy unlike ep 8

  2. #142
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Clare has been made quite an underdog. Yet interestingly enough she is not worried. It must be her personality. After all, she took Teresa's initial beating without a flinch already back then. She must be that kind of a person. The other claymores showed some more emotion in this ep than claymores usually should, I reckon. The contrast was probably there to make Clare remind more of Teresa.

    Well, in any case we should be seeing some very good development. After all, from her position she has only one way to go: Up. While Clare's undertakings are naturally more interesting than Raki's, I still hope the dude will do something to get stronger. I don't want to watch the whole series with him as a pet following Clare and being scared.

  3. #143
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Hmmm interesting... I like the way this anime is going. After the first few episodes I thought it was just going to be a "they go here to kill this, and then move onto a new place." type of anime. The story is going well.

    When they introduced each other ranks... I was already figuring that Clare would be among the weakest. Just because that's usually how some shows are. The main character is the weakest, but has the potential to become the strongest.

    I thought they said Awakened Beings are Claymores who turned into Yomas? How come there is a male one?

    I'm hoping Raki might turn into the first male Claymore or something later on in the show... Would be pretty cool.

  4. #144
    Interesting Interesting!! Claire is ranked lowest came as a bit of a surprise but it's probably because she was imbued with Claymore flesh and blood instead of that of a pure Yoma. That will most likely have other more interesting connotations that we'll see later in the series.

    The level of disrespect from Helen felt a bit over the top. First of all someone has to be the weakest in any group, second having one's symbol should mean they're certified as able to do their duty. Perhaps it's just because of the difficulty of the mission that she was concerned, though I also don't get why she cares so much that Claire's might die. Claymore's don't seem especially big on helping each other if it's at odds with getting the job done, so if Claire gets overpowered and killed I don't see how it would affect the mission anymore than if she just wasn't there at all. My theory is that she's over compensating based on the fact that she's the 3rd weakest and probably doesn't belong there either.

    As to the male Awakened Being, earlier they mentioned that no male had ever survived the flesh & blood ingestion, but most likely that meant no male had ever managed to stay more human than yoma after the process (Which opens up possibilities for Raki).

  5. #145
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was said at some point men are not fused well with yomas and thus can't make claymores. Perhaps this enemy is one of the experiments that didn't turn out too well. It could be the inherent limit of awekening is much lower for men than women and so they spontaneously awaken. That would be, in my opinion, a better explanation for there not being male claymores than anything mystic. Unless it's the female endocrinology that decides it...

  6. #146
    I want Raki to be at least able to hold against number 10 or a medium awakened.
    Don't want a Chad-syndrome char. Could be uber cool but underpowered.

  7. #147
    Hmm... I kind of liked this episode and yet disliked this episode. I like it, well, for lack of a better term I could say it is "different" in that the main character is weak, and has no real way to move forward in skill. From what I've gathered, Claire is doomed to mediocrity. That makes her likeable, removes her a bit from her literally inhuman counterparts. However there is a part of me that wants to see her go apeshit on some Yoma without blinking an eye. That would be cool, yet it doesn't seem like it'll be happening, since you can't particularly count on this anime following typical format, as we've yet to see Raki go anywhere, and the one person I saw as a more prevalent character, Teresa, was murdered real, ahh, quick. What it does mean is (hopefully) a unique progression through the storyline that rather than the ever increasing levels of power she will inevitably achieve, it focuses on her interactions with other claymores, and of course, Raki.

    That or- "Impossible! Where did that power come from?!" will happen. Here's hoping for the first one.

  8. #148
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I'm betting that fighting against another claymore, Clare is just fighting with her own pitiful strength, but fighting against a serious yoma she'll channel some Teresa action...

    I believe number 6's comment about her first impression foreshadows this.

  9. #149
    Wondering if Clare will inherit the "faint smile", that would be kinda cool and nice way of showing Teresas influence

  10. #150
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I'm inclined to agree with Complich. That's what I was thinking during this episode. Clare can't fight other claymores, at least yet, but will fare much better against yoma progressively. I'm sorry to say, but if your wishes, eat_toast, came true we would be watching "the daily life of a claymore" show that would practically go nowhere. Besides, saying it would be better if there was no development at all is saying it's not possible for a person to ever get better at anything and their fate is sealed. That's just depressing, don't you think? It's due to the epic nature of most (shounen) action shows that massive power ups are needed.

  11. #151
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Great episode!
    I, too, want Raki to become a strong fighter. First male Claymore? Sounds awsome
    Also, imo it´s clear that Clare is, or will be, much stronger when fighting seriously. After all, she´ll definitely not die yet.

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    I'm inclined to agree with Complich. That's what I was thinking during this episode. Clare can't fight other claymores, at least yet, but will fare much better against yoma progressively. I'm sorry to say, but if your wishes, eat_toast, came true we would be watching "the daily life of a claymore" show that would practically go nowhere. Besides, saying it would be better if there was no development at all is saying it's not possible for a person to ever get better at anything and their fate is sealed. That's just depressing, don't you think? It's due to the epic nature of most (shounen) action shows that massive power ups are needed.
    Well, it's not that I'm wishing for her to be doomed forever, it's that I'm wishing for there to be a more creative way for her to become more powerful. I probably should have been a little clearer. You're right, being locked is depressing and would make for a horrible action anime, but as we've seen "the daily life" of a Claymore seems to be anything but boring.

  13. #153
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Wouldnt it be a cruel twist for Clare if Raki attempted to become a claymore and failed, becoming an awakened being that Clare is forced to kill? That would literally tear Calre apart, not to mention an interesting development.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  14. #154
    when she first said her rank, i was thinking it was just cuz she decided to stay in the area teresa died/priscilla was hiding....and that just happened to be the 47th district. But that doesn't seem likely with her fainting like that against #6.

    But the dream about teressa does indicate that she'll soon channel her power inorder to fight, which would be really kool.

  15. #155
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I loved the part where one of the other claymore (too many names to remember) said that Clare was amazingly.... horrible. Awesome.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Wouldnt it be a cruel twist for Clare if Raki attempted to become a claymore and failed, becoming an awakened being that Clare is forced to kill? That would literally tear Calre apart, not to mention an interesting development.
    You are a sick bastard ... Such idea didn't even came up in my mind.
    Admit it, you'r Marquis de Sade's hidden grandson.

  17. #157
    tbh I was thinking that the first time I noticed the awakened being in the intro in like episode 2...

  18. #158
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Quote Originally Posted by Psyke
    I loved the part where one of the other claymore (too many names to remember) said that Clare was amazingly.... horrible. Awesome.
    Name time:

    Helen: the one with the apple during the fight.

    Deneve: The one that said Clare was horrible.

    Miria: the one fighting Clare.

    They seem like pretty intersting characters, it would be a shame if they all got killed by that male awakened one.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  19. #159
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Uberbaka - Same with me.

    And thats not being sick. Even if it may be absolutely cruel, you have to admit it will make you watch it.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  20. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    Wouldnt it be a cruel twist for Clare if Raki attempted to become a claymore and failed, becoming an awakened being that Clare is forced to kill? That would literally tear Calre apart, not to mention an interesting development.
    It would be interesting but Raki needs to lose his balls first, if he hasn't done so already.

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