This is the manga I've been reading lately, and I really like it. Great sword action for those of you that like that. At the moment there hasn't been much plot, just character development, but it has been pretty good thus far. I really like the art style, especially the way the mangaka draws the faces (same mangaka as Angel Densetsu). The world is one filled with Yomas (monsters) and there's an organization that trains people to kill them, Claymores. Claymores are the only ones with the skills and strength necessary to kill the Yomas. Who are these Claymores? That's the question that the manga/anime will answer as it goes along. At the moment, they are an unknown identity which commoners know as Silver-Eyed Witches. The story will follow a Claymore in particular called Clare. There's lots of action, and there's no censorship as far as I can see. The mangaka is not afraid to cut-off a couple of ams, legs, and heads.