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Thread: Claymore

  1. #501

  2. #502
    Ep 17 gonna rock

  3. #503
    Lol Galatea was awesome, who would have imagined a glamorous Claymore concerned about her beauty in the middle of a fight. Poor Jean though

  4. #504
    one of my favourite eps so far... and yea, ep 17 is probably gonna be better.
    but man, lots of info and great action.

    so, there are three Yoma Factions, the Organization, the Free Claymores and the Humans. This makes things so interesting. Also, Clare is #47 but... even without awakening she seems stronger than most Claymores (maybe not single-digit but still). her rank should change (and who the hell gives them anyways? do they have parties?)

  5. #505
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Yes, Galatea is very cool and has a nice style. But it's still Riful who stands out to me. She has such a deliciously evil way of saying things. "That's why I can't proudly call him my man." It's a very strange turn of phrase. Possessive of a hulking giant of an Awakened, derogatory towards him at the same time, and yet mature. Not something you expect to hear from a sweet sounding loli. Riful is such a likable villain. She just sits there and watches. Saying enough to make the show more interesting to her, and provoking Clare just enough in hopes she'll Awaken.

    I've got to say though, I'm not at all fond of the way Eclipse translated what Riful is. It's the third way I've seen it translated, and by far the least fitting. "Dwellers of the Deep"? Viz uses "Creatures of the Abyss" in their english volumes, something certainly more menacing sounding, and the scanlations were using the abbreviated, but more subjective "Abyssal Ones." I obviously prefer the last one the most, since it implies a connection to Awakened Beings yet still separating them as so much more. It's also easiest to type.

  6. #506
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Oh man, one more week........

    Doesn't look like Jeane's gonna make it. Does that mean Galatea's not gonna have a chance? Don't die.....

    Yeah, awesome episode. Looks like Riful can't sit back and watch anymore either.

    And from what Riful said, it doesn't look like they have much of an ambition either. Except for the "guy up North" after acquiring Pricillia. Doesn't look like she has a bloodlust either. Every single Awakened we've seen so far wants guts, cept for the male one in the mountains. These guys don't seem to care.

  7. #507
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Looks like Riful can't sit back and watch anymore either.
    Really? That's not the impression I got. She's like, "oh, she's only buying time. du dudu~" which is nuts because you get the impression she's looking down on Galatea and her awesomeness.

    It's been a while since I've looked forward to the following week's episode. Even with reading ahead in the manga. I haven't gotten this kind of feeling with Naruto, Bleach, or One Piece lately.

  8. #508
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honoko
    Really? That's not the impression I got.
    Preview: Her right arm's transformed. Not sitting.

    But yeah, in this episode, she's not worried.

  9. #509
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I think when time passes by that awakened beings(stronger ones) learns to contain their hunger.

  10. #510
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    That was my favorite episode of Claymore yet. Jean(Screw the E) ownZ. Galatea is just an awesome character. Hopefully the next episode will be just as good if not better than this one.
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  11. #511
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I found odd was the fact that they couldnt dodge those huge cannon sticks that the freak keeps firing out. Its not really that big in diameter, and is not incredibly fast either, since it is still visible. If it is really accurate, you just have to move around a foot or so from your original position to dodge it completely, much like a bullet only easier with its size and their (claymores) sheer speed.

    Might be faster (it would have to be much much much faster) than it looks though.

    I wonder what Jean's power is, the one which Galatea is referring to.
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  12. #512
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Whatever it is, it's got to be offensive. Duff has a super tough hide, so it has to be an attack or simple super strength to cut his head off. I'm guessing the former because Galatea said her powers increase the most of all (current) Claymores when she releases. If she can't cut it now with brute force, Jean must have something other than obscene strength. Galatea and Clare both commented that they can't cut into it. Clare has the velocity of the Quick Sword, and Galatea must be super strong by now.

  13. #513
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    If so, what kind of attack could it be? It cant be anything that has been shown before, that would just be too anti-climactic. With your analysis, I think it would have to be neither power nor speed, nor something simply youki triggered (in terms of powering up). Maybe Jean has a concentrated attack, maybe a thrust, that delivers incredible damage in one hit but has a lot of disadvantages to be used in normal combat. Im hoping that they use something that would make sense in physics (even remote sense is fine) for this.

    Wait, Im not even sure if shes gonna ba around as a claymore next time.
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  14. #514
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I think if she did awakened that she would try to help Clare and Jeane. Jeane might have the same mindset as Ophelia and maybe able to control her awakened form. Or, by instinct and revenge, she might want to destroy Duff because he was the one torturing her. Well if Clare won't be able to kill jeane while in chains and she gets free.

  15. #515
    It's Jean! Why the hell did they put that stupid e in there?

    Anyway, The way they animated Galatea's ability was not at all what I expected, and the way she spoke and acted was also not what I expected. Everything I liked about her originally is enhanced in the anime and they even added stuff I didn't really pick up on originally, like her attitude of I'm so sexy and badass it hurts. In the manga she felt sort of dull, powerful and able, but not all that deep. But in the anime she's reminding me a lot of several of character traits I liked about Teresa and even Ophelia, like the unstressed, almost playful way they handle dire situations. Next ep should be amazing, I almost wish I could just go to sleep for 10 weeks and just watch the whole thing in one sitting.

    EDIT @Below: What makes you think one's loyalty automatically shifts to other Awakened beings once you awaken? Everyone we've seen make the change has just wanted to eat guts and didn't care about anything else. The only one who didn't was Ophelia, who instead tried to kill Clare because she thought she was Awakened. I suspect she did this because she liked fighting Awakened Beings more than because that's what she did as a Claymore, but it shows that something of ones original personality can survive Awakening.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Thu, 07-19-2007 at 02:53 AM.

  16. #516
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I doubt that Jean would help the two if she fully awakened, since according to freaky loli the difference between a claymore and an awakened being is where their consciousness (and therefore loyalty) lies, and in the case of ABs, that would be with other ABs.

    Revenge is a better idea, but Im kind of hoping Jean manages to return to normal form (and therefore become half awakened like Clare et al), since otherwise, we will never truly know what her secret skill is.
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  17. #517
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Watch Clare rip off another limb in order to use Jean's ability.

    Concerning Awakeneds and Loyalty, I think more of it relies on how strong they were as a Claymore. Again, we're back to willpower. I've posted this before, but now with the concept of Abyssal Ones (sorry Eclipse, I hate your translation), it's more important. Weaker Awakeneds, like the one that Miria knew, the one Ophelia fought, and now Katia, don't seem to be able to control anything other than a survival mechanism. Perhaps later, after their euphoria wears off, they can make somewhat smarter decisions, as in how the one Ophelia killed hid herself and was able to get very close to her food first.

    The stronger, more willful ones seem to have willpower enough to hold back their urges and do other things. Ophelia wanted to eat, but she was much more concerned about still killing Awakeneds and playing with Clare. The nameless male in the valley bided his time and waited patiently for travelers and Claymores to eat. Duff is stupid, but allies himself with Riful and they are obviously lovers of some manner. Riful has the most control out of anyone we've seen. She can even suppress her overwhelming aura.

    The strongest Claymores seem to have the strongest willpower, and it seems to reflect in their post-Awakened state. We haven't seen Priscilla in a while, and she was still on a rampage when she attacked Ophelia's family, but perhaps she has finally gain control over herself after settling with the Abyssal One in the North.

  18. #518
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Galatea said Riful aquired her No.1 status at a very young age. You guys think she was a child back then? Like the same sort of form as she is now? Or that this is just what she prefers? She also seems to be the most cheerful amongst Awakeneds. Or atleast relaxed, but not the deathly "Ar Luh? Here's your arm" type relaxed. Wonder what the other Abyss fellas are like. North guy seems pretty proud of himself.

  19. #519
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    I think AB loyalties relies on how strong the AB is. Pricila joined the stronger former #1 AB in the north. And we could see how strong Riful is, which explains the obedience of duff. So they acquire subordinates thru power i think.

  20. #520
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I meant by loyalties is which side one is on. If you become an awakened, regardless of what personality you have (since I believe it has already been established that you retain it to a certain extent for reasons already mentioned) you are gonna want to eat guts.That would automatically put you on the opposing side of claymores,and though there are conflicts between awakened beings themselves, an AB would definitely be infinitely closer to them than to any human or claymore factions.

    I think one can becomea claymore regardless of their age, since I remember a flashback where Clare already looked like a claymore despite being quite young (not sure about this though). I think freaky loli was already a claymore at that age, and on top of that number one. The only problem was, even on top of that she awakened.

    I think they already mentioned something about claymores not changing their appearance even through time (during the Irene arc). I was wondering if this applied from the time they became claymores, or if the growth only stops after reaching full maturity. The above idea rests on this as well.
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