Would he really? The thing they are fighting now is a male awakened being, and depending on the events of the next episode, Raki may really be able to fulfill my expectations.
Would he really? The thing they are fighting now is a male awakened being, and depending on the events of the next episode, Raki may really be able to fulfill my expectations.
Two Things happened in this latest ep.
1. A male Claymore might be possible after all
2. Claire seems to have gotten some "signals" or at least something that could indicate a coming power-increase.
Number 2 is by far the most logical choice for the following events. Everything said in the last couple of episodes points in the direction of Claires strength. Comparisons and contradictions.
Roughly quoting from the back of my head.
" You are too weak to take on "
" When I saw you there, I thought you were the nr.1 "
+ All the rants and insults coming with the Rank 47
They will most definately ( at least, imho ) use the Boy Claymore thing in the future, perhaps to safe Claire, perhaps unrelated, but I think they need to make Claire stronger at this point in the storyline, for her to not run into a dead end.
They made all this happen, the flashback to her youth and where her power comes from and they did not do it to start over somewhere in the next 15 episodes to finally make her stronger.
These type of animé require power increases, superhero behavior. I'm quite hounestly absolutely sure ( And yes, you can laugh when I'm wrong ) they will not turn the boy into a Claymore in the next episodes, unless it's done at the exact same time as Claire's power-increase.
( I don't read the manga.. For a moment I thought I should, but I never started)
I think this series is interesting because it does things you don't expect or predict. Like Teresa's rather surprising death.
Maybe they'll suddenly kill Clare off, too. That would be a little gantz-like...
Maybe they'll have Raki accidentally submitted to the claymore-making process. Could also happen.
Maybe Raki will die off, giving Clare the necessary fury to go super-saiyajin and kill awakened beings.
We'll see...
WEll, there was absolutely nothing strange about Teresa dying, just the suddenness of it. So however much you want to turn that into the current events.
1. The event of Teresa dying was obvious at the moment she got a bounty on her head.
2. The how of that event was a surprise. But even so, an expected one.
True, there was nothing unexpected about Theresa's death itself, but rather the manner in which she died/was killed.
@?igma - I dont think people intended to suggest that Raki turning into a claymore/awakened being would happen anytime soon (that would be just plain idiotic). The male youma just opened up the possibility for it. The analysis on the power boost is obvious and to be expected, and everyone has probably noticed it.
Maybe we'll find out a lot more about male Awakened beings today. At the very least we'll get to see Miria in action.
Eclipse - Claymore 10 (h264)
Eclipse - Claymore 10 (xvid)
Drat....why am I stuck at work, when I could be home downloading this!
I have to admit, I was really surprised to find out Clare was the weakest of all the claymores. I expected her to be nothing special, but to be the weakest of all of them? I guess it'll add to the moment when she does something totally kick-ass. Miria's comment did have a bit of a prophetic ring to it.... (go Clare go!)
Organization was sending it's warriors to awakened being to be excecuted, wander why? Well next episode should clear it up more. And i think watchers are claymores too, that retired from fighting.
"Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender
I would like to think, for now, that it's more like quickened evolution for them. Or lets say natural selection. Maybe the top numbers are produced more easily by letting the regular Claymores feel that desperation and if they overcome it, they have chances to become much better. It'd be a pretty cruel and wasteful method, but should also be quick the times it works.Originally Posted by Death13a
Unless this is somehow connected to how new Claymores are produced.
A nice explanation as well for the lack of male Claymores. A good thing this is close enough to seinen to allow explanations like that.
I think what Kraco said is partially true. Remember Miria or whatever also said the other two Claymores were near their limit cause of the abilities they could use so well. Also with what happened with Clare when Raki cancelled out her awakening they higher ups probabaly also assume she's close to her limit. I think it's one of two things.
The first being it's a way to kill a number of Claymore's at once instead of individually and also avoids a Claymore "rebelling" against their death.
I think the second is what Kraco said combined with the first. It would be suicide to send only one Claymore against an Awakened and so they send a few Claymore near their limits along with the one they hope has the potential. This way if the one Claymore survives they grow in anumber of ways and if there is deaths among the others then it doesn't really matter cause they would have to be killed soon anyway. In this case I think it would have been Miria with the potential, or there is a chance of Clare if they (the males in black) knew of her abilities.
After the speculation I gotta say, I loved the ep and wanna see the next!
[21:48] * DO furiously masturbates to #gotwoot
Ah, yes. I failed to notice near their limit means they are close to awakening. I just thought they are close to their maximum capabilities. Well, those two can of course be the same thing as long as it's just the raw power and not skills were are talking about. Obviously people like Teresa had mad skills and thus less need to rely on power as such.
heh, my prediction was about right ... Clare's doing exactly what Teresa was great at: reading yoki. Weak against someone who's pushing their yoma-powers down, stronger as the enemy gets stronger. And her insight was pretty slick too
This was fairly satisfying. The episode managed to build out the story's depth (with the shadowy mystery of why this awakened dude was being used as a claymore-dump, as well as who the two people spectating were and what their interest in it was). There's the lingering question of the organization's real mechanics and purpose, which this episode also sounds out a little bit -- but just a little bit. Clare being useful without being the-omg-jesus like Teresa was is a kind of nice turn of events, too.
So now, where will the focus go? Will we go back to Raki? Killing yoma randomly? Is Clare going to become an elite awakened-hunter? Maybe she's going to get suddenly up-ranked? Special training?
Well if the Org. sent them there to kill the Awakened being but were really sent there for themselves to be killed, wouldn't it make more sense for the Organization to keep doing that? Or even worse, send that Galatea girl(or any other Claymore) over there to kill them off.Originally Posted by complich8
Clare best be watching her back.
R.I.P Captain America.
I highly doubt they especially wanted Clare to get killed. They just allowed her to go there, possibly because she's at the bottom of the ranking and thus wouldn't be much of a loss, yet on the other hand they might have noticed she has strange potential the incident could cultivate. The man observing Clare's doings even said she can go if she wants to test herself. Doesn't really suggest she would be on any death list.Originally Posted by Knives122
Great episode!
I just noticed, the Ending song to Claymore is actually the best ending for any anime, ever. That's probably just me though. Me thinks it should have been the Opening song.
Also, as I watched Episode 8 again. Teresa was saying the stages of the claymore, at 10 % etc, at 30 % etc, At 70 % etc... Teresa said at 80 % or higher, there is no turning back and the limit is 80 % of all Claymores. Now that 80 % can be a high 80 % or low 80 %, I am guessing. With Teresa, it's a very higher 80 %.
Prescilla killed Teresa while at 80 % and higher or even 100 %. Teresa was already stronger than Prescilla at 10 % of her real power, while Prescilla was 80 % and higher. I am guessing at 30 % Teresa would have easily killed Prescilla, even as an Voracious Eater, or Awakened Being.
Now Since Clare has half of Teresa, and Teresa is Half Human-Half Yoma, that would make clare one-quarter yoma and three-quarters human or 25 % Yoma. Since it's Teresa in Clare, I still think that 25 % is more than enough to kill any Awakened Being, even Prescilla, or am I just having some wishful thoughts here?![]()
Clare has Teresa's blood and flesh inside her rather than yoma chunks. That means she only has half of what Teresa had (at best) and is really only 1/4 yoma. That's why she's rank 47, she's physically much weaker than the average Claymore. Something may have changed in the holy city when she almost lost it, but she's still much weaker on a base level, as Miria pointed out when they fought. It's not about who or what is in each Claymore, but more about how well they are able to control it. Teresa was a prodigy, as was Priscilla. Clare is just a girl with a Claymore's blood inside, not a half-yoma warrior.
It definitely seemed like the man from the Organization listening to Galatea's observations doesn't really care if the Claymores beat the Awakened One or not. More like testing them without caring about the outcome. Galatea seemed to be wondering why she was doing this. Hopefully everything will be explained next time. Miria noticed some abnormalities in how the other three fought, so something is definitely up with them.
True, the organization probably doesnt care whichever way the battle goes, since it is an all win situation for them. Either kill off the awakened being, or kill off the claymores. And Miria didnt say that they were near their limit, but rather that the skills they used (recovery and Mr. Fantastic stretch) are skills normally used when the Youki release is near its limit. She also noted that it is amazing how they were able to use it like it was a normal skill in battle.
Like Ryll said, something is definitely up, but its too soon to tell for certain.
Clare was so cool when she said "Despair? In this situation? I know of a greater enemy and real despair.", of course referring to priscilla chopping the godlike teresa's head off. Her being calm all the time is just too cool.
Yeah... That's how I interpreted it as well.Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I'm really liking where this is going. Also the preview of the next chapter says they make an oath or something. Perhaps they will be fighting as a group from now on or something?
As for why the organization chose the 4 of them to go after the awakened being, I don't really have any theories on that. Maybe the organization just wants to see if any group can kill an awakened being. That male awakened being probably is the weakest out of all the awakened beings, so it was like a test. Then perhaps the group that kills it will be sent on missions to kill awakened beings while the other Claymores that can't will just be handling the regular yomas in towns.