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Thread: Claymore

  1. #1001
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Galatea vs Rafaela would be an interesting side fight we'll never see, Super yoki sensing vs super yoki suppression. Irene was able to sense something about Rafaela's power when she was up really close and already aware of her, which implies that she must leak at least some power out.

    Something else I just remembered that made no sense in this last ep, Priscilla, as a little girl, managed to kill a Yoma with an ax. If a 5 year old girl can kill Yoma by walking up to it and stabbing it with an ax why would they even need Claymore's? That scene made it seem like all the benefits one gets from making a yoma-human hybrid aren't actually necessary to kill them. All you need to kill a yoma is the strength of a 5 year old girl and some sneakiness. If 5 year old Priscilla can kill a yoma I don't see why Raki shouldn't be able kill Priscilla...
    im pretty sure becuase there are some weak yoma and some powerful ones (ie awakened ones) raki can probably handle a regular yoma, but against an awakened being or bunch of yomas in groups, he'd have no chance

  2. #1002
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, as long as we aren't talking about D&D, you should be able to kill great many human sized things simply by lopping off the head by surprise. That's only realistic. I guess the problem here is that most of the time people are facing yoma when they are ready for battle (or slaughter if it's just people).

    Still, I think people like the former raider captain with his fancy sword should have been able to defeat the weakest of yoma even in an honest fight.

  3. #1003
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Galatea vs Rafaela would be an interesting side fight we'll never see, Super yoki sensing vs super yoki suppression. Irene was able to sense something about Rafaela's power when she was up really close and already aware of her, which implies that she must leak at least some power out.
    I think I missed the part where they described Rafaela's powers.

    Can someone tell me where they say that?

  4. #1004
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Rubel explained to Clare and Jeane in the forest that Raefaela is unrivaled at suppressing her yoma aura. She's "particularly adapted for missions requiring stealth," and then threatens to use her to kill Clare, Jeane, and Raki if they don't participate in the mission to the North.

    It was also alluded to when she showed up in front of Irene. She didn't sense anything until it already would have been too late. I'm pretty sure Irene is dead, but she did submit to it.

  5. #1005
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I would say that the youma Pricilla killed was so engrossed in eating guts and underestimating a 5 year old like everyone else that he didnt see it coming.
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  6. #1006
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Rubel explained to Clare and Jeane in the forest that Raefaela is unrivaled at suppressing her yoma aura. She's "particularly adapted for missions requiring stealth," and then threatens to use her to kill Clare, Jeane, and Raki if they don't participate in the mission to the North.

    It was also alluded to when she showed up in front of Irene. She didn't sense anything until it already would have been too late. I'm pretty sure Irene is dead, but she did submit to it.
    Ahhh ok. That sounds cool. Stealth claymore!

    So would Raefaela be Clare/Teresa's nightmare? Since she can suppress her yoki, I'm assuming when she fights she doesn't show any signs of yoki either so her movements would be unreadable. Then they'd have to rely solely seeing with their eyes. Unless you have to release yoki when you fight.

  7. #1007
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Its exactly like Teresa vs. Priscilla.
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  8. #1008
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    It's worse. Rafaela seems to have all the self control that Priscilla lacked. She has an incredibly cold attitude. Business only, no emotions. Clare mentioned it when Rubel showed up, she had no idea someone was even out there. Teresa had a faint sense Priscilla was around, but she was bottled up enough that Teresa couldn't sense what she was about to do.

    Unfortunately, there's no more time to explore Rafaela's skills, or look into why she has become so adept at it.

  9. #1009
    There's plenty of time, if you liked episodes 1-22 + half of 23 you should read the manga, maybe you'll learn something. You can start reading about halfway through volume 10 if you want the exact same story or volume 11 if you don't really care about the one detail they changed for the anime (though something in volume 12 will make less sense if you don't read the part they changed).

  10. #1010
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimaru
    Something else I just remembered that made no sense in this last ep, Priscilla, as a little girl, managed to kill a Yoma with an ax. If a 5 year old girl can kill Yoma by walking up to it and stabbing it with an ax why would they even need Claymore's? That scene made it seem like all the benefits one gets from making a yoma-human hybrid aren't actually necessary to kill them. All you need to kill a yoma is the strength of a 5 year old girl and some sneakiness. If 5 year old Priscilla can kill a yoma I don't see why Raki shouldn't be able kill Priscilla...
    In ep1 they explained that Claymores were most prized for their ability to sense yoki. Sending 5-6 soldiers up against one Youma would be no problem, it's finding the beast that makes everything hard. When the mayor sent for Clare in Ep1, they town's people were all like "Is it you!!" "It's you isn't it?" "You lived next to so and so, and you didn't die, it must be you!!"

    From the looks of things, I don't think we'll get to see Easley in action. But then, I have a feeling that Clare vs Priscilla will be over, or almost over in the next ep, so I don't know what they're going to do for the last one. But nevertheless, I think this show will end awesomely.

  11. #1011
    Damnit, Claymore is turning into Dragonball. The whole pacing after episode 20, it's like they went from gradually getting powerful to all out over 9000 points powerful!

    This is my favorite anime of all time! Plz don't ruin it like this! Everything up to episode 18 or 19 is a masterpiece.

    By the rate they're going, the anime might end with season 1! I know they just wanna follow the manga, but I think they're trying to cram everything into one season! Which makes the pacing seem like, everything was gradual until the last few episodes, everyone's super powerful! C'mon u don't have to follow the manga!


    The organization is so stupid. Why did they send all the Claymores to fight the North King. When they know it's all gonna be a suicide mission.

    They could of saved all those warriors lives, just let the West Lady and the North King duke it out! Because the west lady is planning a attack against the North King anyways!

    WTF, why waste all those warriors lives for!

  12. #1012
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace_Sky
    The organization is so stupid. Why did they send all the Claymores to fight the North King. When they know it's all gonna be a suicide mission.

    WTF, why waste all those warriors lives for!
    Miria went over this. She believes that's exactly why they were sent up there. Many of them are weak (under rank 30) or troublemakers (Miria, Deneve, Helen, Jeane, possibly Undine). They were sent up there because Easley was moving south. One way or another, he was coming. Slow him down, get rid of all the weak and irritating Claymores while they're at it.

    Riful wouldn't fight Easley unless she knew she could win. That's why she was "recruiting."

  13. #1013
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    So now it's been confirmed. Teresa WAS the strongest claymore in history.

  14. #1014
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Well, in the anime at least, since we havent read the manga yet.

    @Ryll - you're being too nice, even if he is new.
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  15. #1015
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I could believe the things that happened during the earlier almost awakenings; the yoki manipulation and the determination for the sake of protecting Raki, but this just stretches it too far. Clare goes from actively falling into the abyss of awakening right back to teetering over the edge like she was as she fought Rigardo. The first time with Raki she had to completely supress her power to regain control and she wasn't even as changed as she was this time. Yet she comes right back to herself from further beyond the limit just because she's angry at Priscilla?

    First, How can she just regain full control but still stay in her suped up fighting mode? Second, while powerful, hate isn't the kind of emotion that generally lends itself to mental discipline and self-control, which it should be taking buckets of for Clare to maintain her humanity. Third, even Galatea thinks she's awakened (no one should be better equipped to tell), yet she's telling the team to go 'save' her.
    Well, right when Priscilla transformed, she blasted Clare with a wave or yoki. To me, it's plausible that that somehow disrupted the unceasing flow of Clare's yoki. Kind of like electromagnetic interference. That's why she's still powered up, but hasn't awakened.

    As for Galatea's comment on Clare's awakening, she once said the same thing when Deneve almost awakened to heal herself and test Miria's hypothesis. I guess you can't be accurate about determining if a semi-awakened has fully awakened. Lines are too blurred.

  16. #1016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Miria went over this. She believes that's exactly why they were sent up there. Many of them are weak (under rank 30) or troublemakers (Miria, Deneve, Helen, Jeane, possibly Undine). They were sent up there because Easley was moving south. One way or another, he was coming. Slow him down, get rid of all the weak and irritating Claymores while they're at it.

    Riful wouldn't fight Easley unless she knew she could win. That's why she was "recruiting."
    Well the Organization should of known the Lady of the East and King of the North were gonna fight each other anyways, why not just let them kill each other off?

  17. #1017
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Read a few pages back. Its been explained by someone before.
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  18. #1018
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ace_Sky
    Well the Organization should of known the Lady of the East and King of the North were gonna fight each other anyways, why not just let them kill each other off?
    There is no Abyssal One in the East. The Organization is in the east. Riful is the the Western Abyssal One. Galatea and Riful went over this in episode 16. In any case, Easley is going south. He and Riful said it many times.

    I doubt Easley is stupid enough to just let the Organization sit back and watch them all fight each other. He is a former #1 after all.

    Also, remember what Rubel, Clare's handler, said about Priscilla early on in episode 9. They'd weigh the entire strength of the Organization against her before considering going after her. As Riful said, Easley defeated Priscilla when she went on her rampage and made her his woman. If the Organization can't defeat Priscilla, why would they think they can beat the winner between Easley and Riful?
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Sat, 09-15-2007 at 05:46 AM.

  19. #1019
    Jounin oyabun's Avatar
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    @ saki's house playing mahjong
    Why do you think Easley wants to eliminate all living creatures, especially humans? I mean humans are yoma's tasty food.. hmmm Maybe they will explain more in the manga about Easley's motives

  20. #1020
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    When did Easley ever say that? He just wants to go South. They explain why in the most recent of the Extra Chapters.

    Riful explained more than enough about why Awakeneds and Abyssal Ones act as they do to Jeane. People are simply food. Humans don't think about the beef they eat.

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