Claymore 23 out
Eclipse Claymore 23 h264
Eclipse Claymore 23 XviD
Fixed the links
Claymore 23 out
Eclipse Claymore 23 h264
Eclipse Claymore 23 XviD
Fixed the links
Last edited by Sandldan; Wed, 09-05-2007 at 02:39 PM.
Yeay! Just saw it too. I hope Rigardo dies.
@Lucifus Hehe, there are probably more people too![]()
Last edited by Koyuki; Thu, 09-06-2007 at 09:04 AM.
Agh! Damn you Sand! I downloaded Claymore 22 again! T-T I got the h64 version last time.
The 2nd link is for Claymore 22.
Your not alone....Originally Posted by Koyuki
Last edited by Lucifus; Wed, 09-05-2007 at 02:22 PM.
Gah so did i, guess it's me being too fast for them to have time to update the linksOriginally Posted by Lucifus
Damn. Quite an episode. It looks like Clare can pump out lots and lots of power by going very near her limit. Or perhaps because her limit is so high she can do that, especially if the power and limit graphs aren't linear. Because seriously Clare was already a lot more powerful than most awakened beings we have seen. And like this episode showed, even more so than Easley's liuetenant.
Ricardo was quite a mofo till the very end. He was only happy to get sliced to pieces by someone who got strong so fast.
I was suprised we've seen Rigardo finished in this ep, compared to the rather stretched eps we've seen so far.
An ep with a lot more action, the swnow storm is a bit anoying in reading the scenes, but it gives a strong "plausible" feeling, when you can't always have optimal conditions to fight.
The only thing is that Rigardo is holding so much, I know it's important for suspens, but very cliché.
I was also sad rigardo lost an arm, the fight could have been fun with him at a better potential. But again, beeing to careless is the price in real life fights.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
Wow, that was one impressive episode.
I can't even express how much I'm sick of Raki now. Interrupting at all the fun parts. >.>
I never would have thought they'd have finished off Rigardo there. Killing claymores or not that was simply one of the best "bad guys" I've ever seen. Awesome character, very cliché, but awesome all the same.
Clare.....wonder what shes gonna do next episode.![]()
This brings back into question the true effects of semi-Awakening. It's clearly something entirely separate from Awakening. Clare's potential has skyrocketed since then. No need to worry about going over any "limit," since it's already been passed. Perhaps Yoki increases like muscle/bone mass, the harder you abuse it, the bigger it gets.
Riful did say she'd leave them be, preferring to keep them semi-Awakened for now. They'll ripen just like fruit.
I also notice Priscilla recognized the "scent" of Clare's Yoki.
Yup, looks like Priscilla recognizes Teresa's Yoki. I'm assuming it was Teresa's Yoki that Clare used.
Don't tell me Raki is going to scream "CLAAARREEEE!" and then she turns back to normal again.
I'm not quite clear on things though, is Clare able to go beyond her limit so far because she's like 1/4 yoma or something? I find it hard to believe the high ranked Claymores can't do that.
Clare is beyond her limit because she no longer has one. Miria explained way back that they had already passed their limit, so they wouldn't have to worry about going over again. Miria, Jeane, Helen and Deneve could all do it as well, if they weren't as stupid or desperate as Clare is.
Clare cannot use "Teresa's Yoki." It is Clare's own. Priscilla recognized it because Clare has Teresa instead of yoma inside, and that obviously gives it a different feel. Miria and Galatea both noticed it as well. Miria when she fought Clare in the rain, and Galatea is as sensitive to yoki as Clare and Teresa, if not more so.
EDIT: This isn't like Bleach where Clare can pull out a bunch of bullshit Hollow Energy in the form of Teresa lurking inside her. Clare's yoki is growing only from training, overuse and how far she's tapping herself out to mutate her body. It's all her own yoki, from no other source.
Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 09-05-2007 at 06:49 PM.
Beyond her limit? She hasn't gone beyond her limit as long as her mind still remains that of a human (or Claymore to be specific) and is not turned into a yoma's mind. It's not like you could refer to a textbook to get a specific value for such a limit. And obviously that limit increases when the person's will grows stronger. Clare was about to awaken in the church in the first eps and she certainly wasn't back then anything compared to her present state, so you could say her limit has multiplied already.Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
Maybe he will hug her. It would be consistent with the story. Raki is a pitiful character, but in a certain sense his pitifulness is very human, kind of like Easley said earlier. It could be the strongest thing to bring Clare back.Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
I really disliked this part when I read it in the manga. It doesn't matter if she was semi-awakened. Her innate yoki and skills were so dimunitive in the first place that no one bothered to care about her. Just awakening her legs on a 1/4 yoma body, with as little yoki as Clare outspeeding a fully awakened being who was probably a high seeded Claymore who actually fought Easley once before? I like the series, but this just makes no sense what so ever. This was probably the only part in the manga/series that I really had any real gripe about.
I feel bad not gushing all over my panties with the rest of you, but they way this turned out wasn't really as exciting as it was in the manga, leave it to Raki to fuck things up. The randomness of the relative speeds the Claymores/AB's move at got even more pronounced this time around, though Clare bowling for buildings was actually pretty fund to watch.
Anyway does anyone recognize the symbol at 22:44, I think it's Galatea but I'm not sure and want confirmation.
Last edited by Yukimura; Wed, 09-05-2007 at 08:34 PM.
It is most certainly Galatea.
Raki definitely just seemed incredibly out of place. No one really seemed to care he was there, and Helen having to deal with him only made the battle less believable.
I prefer the rendition of this battle in the manga, but sadly, quibbling about it now won't change anything. With the exception of Raki utterly breaking the tension, it was pretty good. The anime and manga are completely separate now, and it's not entirely a bad thing. Keeps me surprised anyway, wondering how they intend to end this.
Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 09-05-2007 at 08:57 PM.
That semi-awakening is probably my worst fear for this series. Ive always liked it since it was consistent with the premise that Clare is freaking weak as a claymore, and she has won so far with such a handicap, overcoming it with luck, techiniques, and going over her limit to surprise her enemies (take note, though it did gain Clare an advantage, this battle didnt end with Rigardo being surprised, just simply beaten by speed). The leg awakening is stupid, since even if she does awaken them, she is not supposed to be able to overcome Rigardo's speed, since he is probably a stronger claymore before he awakened.
But, since I like this show, I just rationalized it to Clare's awakened form being built for speed. Her legs look like cheetah's legs, and those are the fastest land animals on earth, so this assumption makes sense. If her other parameters are heavily lacking compared to her speed in their awakened form, I think its forgivable that the 47th claymore (based on youki) beat some legend (who is strong in all aspects, except regenration) in terms of speed.
I guess we need an explanation on why the semi-awakened state is much stronger than the fully awakened one....
Would it be because Clare so good at controlling yoki, that she's able to have a 100% efficiency in directing it in her legs and arms?
When Rigardo, a lot more powerful, tends to disperse great amounts of powers in the air? (super angry screams with very flashy red energy field around) and other losses.
There's also the Teresa hypothesis.
Do you think Clare awakens only what's left of Teresa in her? Since Teresa has been stated the strongest #1 ever, that would be more plausible for Clare to be so strong in semi-awakened state.
All the things I really like to do are either illegal, immoral, or fattening. And then: Golf.
I figured that Clare's training with Irene developed the skill she needed to fully Awaken limbs as she has done here, and her watching Jeane's fully Awakened body but stable mind allows her to actually do it and control it without the rest of her body awakening. Clare is still using only the skills she's obtained through training.
As I said before in one of my last posts, I think Riful had the right idea. Semi-Awakened are like ripening fruit. The no longer have to worry about going over any limit (they've already gone past it), so by pushing themselves to the limits of the yoki output, they can push more out of it. Like strength training. The longer Riful waits, the stronger her little pupils will become.
Clare isn't all that great at controlling yoki. The reason they allowed Clare to have Teresa's parts seemed to be to retain her particularly unique ability to sense Yoki. But now they also have Galatea, who not only has the Teresa/Clare precision of sensing, but is also very skilled at controlling her own yoki. Clare noticed that and used it to save Jeane, but admitted she didn't think she'd be able to do it again.
If that was true then Clare (and other semi-awakened ones) would have awakened her whole body at once. It's better to have lots of power and little skill than little power and little skill.Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Well, it's not like a chain reaction like it usually is. A normal Claymore passes the yoki output limit and then goes berserk all at once. Priscilla, Ophelia, Katia, we've seen it often enough. semi-Awakeneds go beyond that cap, as Deneve did to heal herself and Clare did in the fight with Duff, but given enough willpower, they can beat it back time and time again.
The mental strain to retain Awakened parts must be immense. Jeane barely did it at all, and Irene and Clare have been doing it for some time with the Flash Sword. Even if they can, I really don't think they'd take the risk.
This episode was so fucking dumb, how could all those Claymores (even the still semi-healthy ones like Miria) not be helping Clare defeat Rigardo. It's so fucking dumb and uncharacteristic from the rest of the series.