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Thread: Claymore

  1. #841
    Is the manga for Claymore finished?

  2. #842
    Still ongoing, one chapter a month.

  3. #843

  4. #844

  5. #845
    Nice Ep, I can see where this is going, Raki gonna show up, trying to stop Ricardo, and Priscilla will go berserk and slap the lion in the face.
    Time out, end of arc.

  6. #846
    Benevolent Dictator
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    I have two words to say, having watched that episode.

    ".... oh shit"

    that is all.

  7. #847
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Clare didn't look too good nearing the end. Technically speaking her limit should be higher since she's 75% human, but on the other hand, she won't get as much power out of it, so she must reach higher. I guess it's indeed up to Raki then to bring her back.

  8. #848
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    damn, this episode was in slow motion or something... I get a little frustrated with all of the Raki and Priscilla bits, even though Easley helps by being so damn unnervingly calm... I thought they could have made some of those scenes shorter

    I hope Deneve is alright... she's one of my favorites. I was almost glad that to see her get wounded and then still talking, because it at least leaves the possibility of her surviving all of this.

    Rigardo is beastly. His reaction to losing that arm was priceless.

    Clare is awakening... When I heard that deeper 'Motoh' I was full of OMFGWGH? excitement. Although it looks pretty clear that she'll fuck Rigardo up pretty good, and then have a tearful Raki begging her to 'come back' and she will...

    Honestly, I'm starting to really get sick of Raki. I didn't mind him at first, but it's been too much of the same from him for awhile now... I want to see more of the damn Claymores!

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  9. #849
    I had the same reaction in the end. but... even though Clare awakened, Rigardo should be much stronger than regular awakened beings (Miria could kill them easily enough). he was surprised i guess

  10. #850
    Don't underestimate Clare, she just reached SSJ2.
    Let's hope for some nice priscilla vs rigardo battle or something. At least i hope there will be some big clash before the season ends.

  11. #851
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    I like Inazuma's theory. Raki tries to stop Clare from awakening and so she stops. The drawback is that because she stops, she loses her current power boost and then Rigardo begins owning them. Raki will probably try to stand infront, but before he gets struck Priscilla will kill Rigardo.

    After that... It's only a matter of time before the drama between Clare, Raki, and Priscilla sets in!


    What if they go a different route though.... Like say Clare forgives Priscilla?

  12. #852
    Wow with Priscilla that close to Clare as well as Raki being around they could probably swing a total wrap up of the story and just have her and Clare fight to the death or something once they deal with Rigardo. It would suck of course, but it would be a way to end the series neatly.

  13. #853
    I wouldn't say it wraps it up neatly, since with only 4 episodes left and Rigardo still alive, there won't be enough time to deal with Easley. Maybe the final fight will be between Clare and Priscilla, and then Easley just kinda wanders off like Riful? I think there will be quite a few loose ends.

  14. #854
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    Also, with Priscilla in her somewhat mentally-incapacitated state, I don't think she'd be willing to turn into something that Clare would feel happy about fighting. Her awakened/transformed state seemed to be punctuated by a certain degree of cold, brutal clarity that just doesn't fit within the framework of her childlike current self.

    I predict Clare somehow doesn't awaken completely (maybe remembers the promise or whatever), and she and some other survivors GTFO after beating Rigardo (he's already missing an arm, and while he's cool he's definitely not epic enough to turn around and take our heroine down). I also predict they cover their tracks before the rest of the Awakened army returns, Raki gets there too late to meet up with Clare, Priscilla and Easley catch back up to Raki, and the awakened army settles down and disperses with Rigardo dead and Easley and Priscilla (two insanely-powerful beings) on their way in, thinking "oh, they'll clean up".

    Alternative prediction: Raki gets there, Clare doesn't awaken due to him showing up, Priscilla and Easley don't get there before everyone still alive limps off into the sunset. Priscilla vs Clare shouldn't get resolved in the series, as any such resolution would be pretty hollow feeling, given how little we understand Priscilla's current state. She was an interesting character, but she hasn't really had a coherent word to say since "I'm hungry, gtg" back in ep 8.

    Prediction 3: Clare fully awakens. Completely transforms. Raki shows up, and understands. Easley and Priscilla show up. Clare understands Priscilla's plight, forgives her, and they all join up, leaving plenty of room for doujin threesomes involving Priscilla, Clare and Raki. Easley makes peace with Riful, due to Clare's presence. Everyone's happy.

    Prediction 4: Clare eats Raki's guts. The end.
    Last edited by complich8; Thu, 08-30-2007 at 01:05 AM.

  15. #855
    HELL YES~ Finally! Uber Clare HAX.

  16. #856
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The only thing that really bothered me in this episode was that the two people Raki, Easley, and Priscilla met while nearly Pieta knew that Claymores had ranks, and moreover, that the lowest was present. Earlier in the series, it's made abundantly clear that the common people know nothing about Claymores, other than what they do, and what they charge, and they are headquartered in the ruined wastes of the east (where obviously no one else lives).

    Ranks, that Claymores don't call themselves Claymores (name instituted by the common people), "voracious eaters" versus Awakened Beings (something Clare didn't seem to really know having never hunted them previous), black cards, etc. These are all things we learned directly from higher ranking Claymores, or their handlers.

  17. #857
    Well the Claymores did a lot of talking in the middle of the city when there were still humans in town, so it's not far fetched that they might have heard a little bit. This was a unique occassion. It's not every day that you see 20+ Claymores talking in the middle of town about all sort of things.

    Oh well, that's what happens when the anime starts making shit content up.

  18. #858
    I really don't like how this is straying from the manga.

  19. #859
    zomg, everytime Raki showed his face i just wanted priscilla or easley to rip his guts out & strangle him... seriously i was getting sooo into it then raki shows up... haha... cant wait for nxt ep & wat was up wif her legs... just makes the wait for nxt wk all the more painful... haha

  20. #860
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    2,260 theory is that because Clare has Teressa's flesh crafted into her, she is now using Teressa's Yoki because she passed her own limit but has yet to pass Teressa's limit. So it could be that Clare's side has awakened but Teressa's hasn't?

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