nice wallpaper, this episode was pretty good for me. Becoming very interested in this atm, even more so than bleach. I do think that clare will eventually become like teresa in some apects etc. Will be watching this to see how the story progresses![]()
nice wallpaper, this episode was pretty good for me. Becoming very interested in this atm, even more so than bleach. I do think that clare will eventually become like teresa in some apects etc. Will be watching this to see how the story progresses![]()
I dont remember if anyone has mentioned this, but is it me or do some of the insert songs sound like Disney music???
"Be sure to take this piece of $#!t(meant sheet)" - My dynamics professor(heavy japanese accent)
Sig and Avatar by Lucifus
Current Games: League of Legends(Fuck, its got me hooked again -_-)
Spoiler Removed. Keep anything manga related in the General Manga boards.
Last edited by Assassin; Tue, 06-12-2007 at 04:01 PM.
Originally Posted by Wake90
:::: Possible spoiler alert :::::
Please also edit the title
wtf i just figured everyones up to date when i posted. OK maybe i should start back at volume 1 for god sakes. yep cLaRe sWiNGGS that swords pretty well. screw it all, havent gotten attached here at least
Your reasoning makes utterly no sense. How is spoiling from the manga on the anime version thread of the series have any correlation to people being caught up to the manga?
Indeed. The assumption these forums are based on is, in fact, that NOBODY has read the manga. We're following the anime, and only the anime. If you go and read the manga, that's great, but keep it to yourself or keep it to the manga sections of the forum.
anyone know if there is a claymore release this week?
there's claymore 11 raws out, so ... probably.
That episode felt rushed to me for some reason. :/
All in all, good and full of lots of answers.![]()
It at least seemed to comfirm what some guessed here: That they were really sent there to die. And they were singled out, even Clare, possibly, even though she kind of pushed herself into the squad.
Still, it's reasonable to assume the awakened just happened to stick to that one location and the organization had noticed that and used the place as a waste disposal plant. I don't think the awakened male actually was in any cooperation with the organization and as such any information he might have would have been suspicious by default. If the organization doesn't trust claymores that have been close to awakening, I doubt they would trust actual fully awakened ones at all.
Raki certainly was happy Clare returned.
Good episode, shame there wasnt any action :P but it did answer alot of the ? marks over some topics for me![]()
Well, the organization doesn't go out of its way to hunt awakened beings, unless requested by other people. So I don't think they've got like a moral anti-awakened stance or anything.
It'd probably look bad if more people realized that the dreaded "voracious eater" is, in fact, an ex-claymore though.
I have to wonder how much more important Raki's role as Clare's cook is going to be, what with her being ... err ... hungry now.
Hehe. Nice episode. Claymore is really getting better, one of the best series this spring. Claires ability to read yoki didn't come as a surprise, as she has a part of Teresa inside of her. Just wonder if she has more of Teresa skills/personality.
Good episode I reckon. Even the "just talk" episodes beat most other anime around. Just have to wait another week now.
And the expression on that claymore's face in the preview........almost undeniably Ophelia
Yeah I actually did some research on the person Miria stopped to actually talk about when she drew the symbols of the top 5 just incase any of them get orders to kill them(conspiracy talk is fun) :
That symbol is definately this one:
Who is also the crazy person bloodlust person:
Which makes it seem like Clare may be fucked(and judging from the preview Clare may have to watch her back after all(like I said last week))
Also I noticed that this person's symbol:
Lookes like this one:
which is actualy pretty cool if it's true, which pretty much looks like that's the case.
R.I.P Captain America.
You can confirm that the tall Claymore that could sense them from the forest was Galatea. I believe the shady guy mentioned her name in ep 10 while talking to her.
Opheilia seems like a pretty crazy bitch from the way Miria got all flustered just thinking about her, and I can't even guess what numbers 3, 2, & 1 are like. And of course since Miria singles out Ophelia she's going to have to come up against Claire at some point...why wait?
From ep 11's preview.
^^Notice the symbol^^
Last edited by Yukimura; Sun, 06-17-2007 at 11:46 PM.
Well Galatea can sense Yoki from nearly a mile away, enough to tell the specific moods of her subjects, so I imagine up close she can learn a lot more about exactly what they are doing. She can probably do the same trick as Teresa and Clare.
She's clearly ranked 3rd for a reason. If she's ranked 3rd and is as or more capable than Teresa at reading Yoki, then god knows how strong Alicia and Beth are.
I wonder if/when we'll see Galatea again. She seems awesome. That, and it's rare to see a Claymore with long hair so far.
Edit: Ryllharu already said it
I doubt Galatea is better at reading yoki then Teresa was, b/c if that were so Galatea would be #1 right?
R.I.P Captain America.