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Thread: Claymore

  1. #181
    Benevolent Dictator
    complich8's Avatar
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    I don't think that theory holds water. He was clearly a significantly above-average specimen in terms of power and yoma ability. If not for Clare's presence and ability, everyone in the party would have been dead, including the experienced awakened-hunter of the group.

    I suspect that the reasoning was indeed something like "these people are operating too close to their limit on a regular basis" ... or perhaps "these people are finding too much out about the organization, and might end up being dangerous at some point soon." Clare's utility as an awakened-killer seems to me to be rather unexpected by all, although she wasn't particularly surprised by it. Even her regular contact in the organization said what, "every age has its heroes, just too bad that you aren't one of them..."

  2. #182
    i really like how this episode made clare seem really badass, but not in the typical anime "i'll kill you just by looking at you" way. She calmly walked thru a barrage of yoma tentacles, and got rite up there with it, but she still lacks the physical strength to actually kill it, which i think is really kool.

    As for the to onlookers, im going to say that galatea is probably number 1, or 2 in the organization....and the dude is probably her contact from the organization. And regarding the reason they were sent there....well, Miria is an experienced awakened being hunter so she was probably just there cuz its what she does. The other two were most likely sent cuz they were either getting close to thier limits and the organization feared they mite not send thier black cards, OR cuz they somehow are able to control yoma powers without having the same effect as other claymores and are a threat to the organization and to the secrecy of how it operates. As for clare, well she was there of her own accord, as we know from the last episode. It wasn't the organization that sent her, she just came cuz she wants to test her powers or whatever, and her contact simply arranged for it to happen

  3. #183
    Gooooddaaaamn..I can't watch this untill this evening ... /cry of pure agony

  4. #184
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Actually, I think Clare's contact sent her there thinking she will either run away or be killed, since he also commented that she should go there and "realize her powerlessness" in the previous episode. I really doubt that they knew about Clare's ability, otherwise she would have been placed in anti-awakened being groups by now.
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  5. #185
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Claymores have obviously been hunting Awakened Beings. Remember they are all called "voracious eaters" to the public. Miria has been on 7 hunts. She was shocked she was fighting a male of all Awakeneds, and with a team that had such weak members.

    Clare's particular aptitude for hunting Awakened Beings shouldn't come as any surprise after her comment about true despair. She's been working on this single skill probably since she became a Claymore and maybe inherited some of Teresa's skills. Her contact even confirmed the reason she wants to go on a hunt is the hope of finding Priscilla. She's been practicing this for the sole purpose of taking her head.

  6. #186
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    Yes, they hunt awakened beings, I think that has been established since the last two episodes.

    Yes, Clare wants revenge for Teresa and has trained for it, that much is obvious. But the organization probably doesnt know about her ability, well, at least before she kicked the male awakened being's ass.

    @Ryll - Im confused about the point of your post, was it to confirm the facts from the past few episodes?

    I just realized that it is quite certain that all 4 of them were sent there to die. All the comments from the awakened being (AB from now, too long) and the people in town were pointing to that conclusion. Especially the comment of the AB about Miria being too smart for her own good. They may be sent there for different reasons, but the purpose is indeed to kill them off.
    Last edited by shinta|hikari; Thu, 06-07-2007 at 05:59 AM.
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  7. #187
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Most post was addressed partially to Id3aLiStiC's last post, which seemed to only look at the current episode and forget about what had already been established in the previous ones. The later half was more to simply clarify what Clare's motivation for developing this ability was, since complich8 said it was unexpected, but I misinterpreted his post.

  8. #188
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    I just realized that it is quite certain that all 4 of them were sent there to die. All the comments from the awakened being (AB from now, too long) and the people in town were pointing to that conclusion. Especially the comment of the AB about Miria being too smart for her own good. They may be sent there for different reasons, but the purpose is indeed to kill them off.
    You shouldn't pay too much attention to what the awakened being was saying. He had been a monster for ages and thus would barely know what's going on with the Claymore organization, and even if he did, why would he tell anything truthful to the Claymores that are there to kill him, even though the odds were against them, but still.

    It is the case that far too often characters only speak the truth in anime (or any fiction) unless the audience is explicitly given the impression what is being said is lies. However, always counting on that is also dangerous, because nothing forces the authors to write their stories like that even if it's a tradition.

  9. #189
    Best episode so far.

    This was actually a surprise for once, not many animé manage to escape a DBZ turn of events when dealing with power-ups. They perfectly balanced Clares skills around the event, giving her no new strength, nor new weaknesses. She is still the same, yet she is now so much more, only because of the storyline.

    I wubbles it.

  10. #190
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    I thought the new Claymores would be killed off again in just 2 episode appearances, but looks like they're here to stay. Good stuff, and every episode just leaves me wanting more.
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  11. #191
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Great episode as always.
    Clares "upgrade" was cool, but, well, unrealistic. She can read the Yoki as much as she wants to, as long as shes too slow sheŽd get hit. But i wont complain as it was presented really greatly.

  12. #192
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @kraco - True, the AB might very well be lying, but when he was saying all the stuff about Miria digging her own grave by being smart, he believed he was in a position of absolute dominance, and thus was just blabbering about whatever came to mind to mock and make fun of the enemy. He really didnt have a reason to lie at that point.

    I doubt the organization has changed much, at least from what we have seen. They still do crazy stuff without regard to the claymores, or the humans that get involved. The fact that the AB has been a monster for so long should also merit him some knowledge, and it seems like he knows a lot, even Miria noted so, but unfortunately there is no guarantee what he says will be the truth especially since he was cornered and was simply forced to use info as a bargaining chip unlike the earlier scenario.

    And yeah, your analysis on honesty in anime is spot on. They really should change that.

    EDIT: Clare wasnt really upgraded. She had all of that from the start, at least from what we have seen of her. I personally think its great, since it is power at a price. The price doesnt stay so high though, since Miria also mentioned that Clare lacks training, implying that if she trains she will be able to achieve a battle system similar to Teresa, reading enemy youki while being able to utilize your own.
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  13. #193
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Clare's goal is to defeat Pricillia, and has most likely been developing her yoki-reading skills to do so.

    Does anyone else remember Teresa vs >70% Pricillia fight? Teresa said even she couldn't predict movement from the mass of yoki gushing out from Pricillia. So this skill works unless you have little or overflowing yoki? Guess this might mean Clare will have to surpass Teresa's level to take on Pricillia

    Edit: Pricillia was outmatched by 10% Teresa though. Not sure whether that means Teresa's physical attributes went up, yoki-reading sharpened, or both.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 06-08-2007 at 01:18 AM.

  14. #194
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    Edit: Pricillia was outmatched by 10% Teresa though. Not sure whether that means Teresa's physical attributes went up, yoki-reading sharpened, or both.
    Priscilla was a newcomer, no matter how much of a prodigy she was. And she was emotionally quite unstable as well. Teresa was a long time pro who kept herself totally cool during the fight. I wouldn't be surprised if it was still little else but a vast difference in skills and attitude. The 10% just gave the little edge Teresa needed. But yeah, it's reasonable to assume it's an all around boost.

    Edit: Now that I think of it, didn't Miria tell Clare she should make herself able to read yoki despite using it herself to boost her attacks, or something?

  15. #195
    Tersesa was unable to read the Yoki flow of 70+% Priscilla because there was too much gushing out. She had like a sensory overload. But once she powered up 10% she was able to read the flow again, allowing her to beat Priscilla. She then powered down to take Priscilla's head causing her to suffer the sensory overload. And this allowed Priscilla to take her head instead.

    With Clare, she can only read the Yoki flow in a powered down state. When she powers up, she can't read the flow anymore. That why Miria tells her she needs to switch between power up and power down mode instantly, or better yet to read the flow in a power up state. So Clare should get better at it with more training and practice.

  16. #196
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    But wasnt powering up supposed to weaken the ability to read youki since your own youki interferes with the sensing? This is the case with Clare, and I know Miria said Clare could use it even with gold eyes with sufficient training, but it simply means she will compensate for the deficiency, not eliminate the deficiency itself.

    It doesnt make sense if lowering once youki makes it easier to read youki movements, if Teresa raising her own enabled her to read the already berserking youki of Priscilla.

    I think that Teresa going gold simply meant that she had a total boost in power, overall, and she may have given up on reading the movement of Priscilla altogether and beat her just with experience, calmness, and superior battle techniques boosted by youki.
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  17. #197
    Hm.. I always thought when Teresa went gold eyes she didnt lose the ability to sense youki energy, only that she just received a boost in power.

    Lol now it looks like im the only one left still with a C.C. sig and avatar XD, btw what anime is that on your new sig??
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  18. #198
    Quote Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
    But wasnt powering up supposed to weaken the ability to read youki since your own youki interferes with the sensing? This is the case with Clare, and I know Miria said Clare could use it even with gold eyes with sufficient training, but it simply means she will compensate for the deficiency, not eliminate the deficiency itself.

    It doesnt make sense if lowering once youki makes it easier to read youki movements, if Teresa raising her own enabled her to read the already berserking youki of Priscilla.

    I think that Teresa going gold simply meant that she had a total boost in power, overall, and she may have given up on reading the movement of Priscilla altogether and beat her just with experience, calmness, and superior battle techniques boosted by youki.
    I believe it's just Clare's ineptness that is the case. Teresa is just more keen, experienced, and skilled.

    @Bladechild: That's Konata the main character from Lucky Star, btw.

  19. #199
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    What I mean is that going golden eyes is not supposed to boost your ability to sense youki, but all your other skills should in fact be increased.

    @TheBladeChild - Yep its Konata from lucky star. Im just waiting for the final episodes of geass and Ill be back to C.C. again. Its not like Im having an affair or anything
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  20. #200
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind

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