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Thread: Clannad TV

  1. #161
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    The whole reason she´s waking up Tomoya imo IS that she has feelings for him.

    @topic: Very "sexy" episode ^^ A pitty that Tomoya had to stop that scene
    Also, it seems that some people here are surprised about Kyou´s behaviour. I thought there´ve been enough signs in previous episodes that she really likes Tomoya.
    We're not surprised that Kyou has feelings for Tomoya, as you said, that was obvious. What's surprising is that she was ready to give her virginity to Tomoya so quickly. Kyou seems more like the prudish type, flushing when hearing about the rumored physical relationship between Nagisa and Tomoya. I admit she is a tsundere, but that's a very rapid turnaround in the storage room.

    Yes, "develop." It did not seem to me that Tomoyo considered anyone romantically. So far, she was very pointed in her goal of becoming the student council president, for a reason we will seem to find out next episode. Sure, she was flattered whenever Tomoya or Sunohara called her a girl, because in her past she was never considered that way.

    It seems that her life has been fairly hard, and no one has done anything for her before. Perhaps that is why she's become so strong. She's been trying hard to separate herself from her old life, but punks and idiots like Sunohara keep dragging her back. Finally, we have people willing to do kind things for her.
    Quote Originally Posted by MFauli
    Ah, if only Tomoya was more like Itou, he could have sooooo much fun.
    I prefer my Nagisa sane thank you very much. Though Kyou does seem a lot like Otome.

  2. #162
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    Though Kyou does seem a lot like Otome.
    Lol the image of Kyou the obsessed fuck buddy is cute but I can't see it. I think her personality would just be too oppressive to be satisfied with sharing Tomoya just to be close to him.

    I've got nothing against Nagisa but I really liked this episode with her not in it. Tomoyo and Kyou are my two favorite characters (since I judge school life anime girls based first on hair color, then hair length, and finally personality) so having time devoted to them without her interference was win. The closet scene was excellent, and the beforehand setup worked well and made it even funnier than it would have been if they'd spontaneously gotten locked in. Kyou's reaction did surprise me somewhat though, I always suspected she had feelings for Tomoya but I thought they wer more under control. She might as well have just dropped her panties from him on the spot from the way she was acting in that shed. Hopefully this tension in her will get released somehow and she'll come out with it, since between her and Ryou she probably has a better chance at him.

    That said Tomoyo x Tomoya would be a fine opposites attract pairing and is my personal preference, but we know Tomoyo can't out moe Nagisa so I suspect the current situation is only going to last until Tomoyo wins the election and Nagisa comes back to find a Theater Club waiting for her.

  3. #163
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    You know that Tomoyo was popular enough to have her own spinoff game? The adult version for KEY's adult fans as CLANNAD was always an all-ages game, unlike the others' PC versions. You are not alone in liking her more than any others. Tomoyo After

    Kyou has the whole "Tomoya can't be in love with anyone else" attitude that Otome shared. She keeps asking him if Nagisa/Tomoyo/Kotomi are romantically involved with him. If you start with that, ignoring the reason that she's actually asking for Ryou's sake, you can get to a fuck-buddy image. Disturbing? Yes. Funny? Yes.

  4. #164
    18 is out

    Well that was interesting, certainly seemed to end Ryou/Kyou's chances. I also found it interesting that Tomoya slapped away help from the tennis player. He's really got some past issues.

    The food scene was quite funny, though it cut away rather abruptly

  5. #165
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The links you forgot to post:

    Episode 18 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 18 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    I don't think it was any past issues. It was just a somewhat forcible reaction caused by the fact he still hasn't really admitted to himself he likes Nagisa and yet had been separated from her for quite a long time (a week or something), and then suddenly when he was having good time with her again there's a risk her fragile health is again in jeopardy. So, he overreacted by being overly protective. I think that scene worked in a really excellent manner like such scenes oft seem to do it in these Visual Art's / Key productions.

    Or maybe the past issue is that he wouldn't want to lose her, the person he probably feels closest to since he hardly regards his dad as a human being. But I don't know if that's really something to call an issue.

  6. #166
    Did Ryou know that Kyou liked Tomoya all along? Was that why she apologized?

  7. #167
    Yeah that's what it seems. Ryou must've known as well.

  8. #168
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    Did Ryou know that Kyou liked Tomoya all along? Was that why she apologized?
    I don't think she knew all along, but she knows now, and probably put the bits together and realised. Tomoyo also shows she started to develop feelings for Tomoya too. Scene at 20:13, where she walks past Kyou/Ryou you see a sad smile of sorts, telling herself that Tomoya likes Nagisa. It doesn't show as much since she started much later, and is more introverted than Kyou, but it's definitely there. I guess with this we're finished with any major developments with the Fujibashis. And the music was awesome, highlighted all the emotional aspects, from Kyou's reactions, Tomoya's hand swipe to Ryou's realisation. A well done episode, but they should really drop the Fuko scenes.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 02-15-2008 at 08:43 PM.

  9. #169
    It's pretty disappointing. I'd much rather have him end up with Kyou.

  10. #170
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    At this point, I think my allegiance fell out of the Kyou camp (she didn't even try to betray her sister, not really anyway), and into the Tomoyo one.

    Tomoyo would make an excellent housewife, and you know she'd be super protective of her family. She'd be a mother all pedo's would be afraid of.

  11. #171
    Must agree with Ryl. Tomoyo has skyrocketed on my anime girls who I'd marry list. At the end of this ep she was pretty much perfect. She's proven herself highly motivated and determined to support the man she chooses, willing and able to perform housework quite admirably, and strong and capable enough in the event she needs to be. Plus she's hot and has a sexy can't really ask for more.

    I still like Kyou of course, and think she'd be slightly better than Nagisa as a partner, but it would depend a lot on one's needs. With Nagisa you'd have to do everything for her as she's so weak and incapable, with Kyou she would bitch and complain about everything you did, but she would be able to do useful stuff around the house and engage you in interesting conversation (plus she puts out).

    I suspect next ep they'll explain that with Tomoyo on the council she won't have time to show up and mess around anymore and thus toss her on the back burner, but Kyou and Ryou might yet have a chance to really from this latest defeat and take another (doomed) shot at Tomoya.

  12. #172
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    She'd be a mother all pedo's would be afraid of.
    Well, dont know about that. One could say Nagisa´s dad a pedophile, looking at the "looks" of her mother, lol


    Im rather shocked how easily they all gave up on Tomoya. Nagisa and he hadnt seen for several days, so what about it, when they sit together this day? Really, there was no reason for giving up at this point.
    Also, stupid Tomoya, Kyou and Tomoyo are super hot, and you choose Nagis, who´s only "cute". :-/

    Damn, i really want an alternative ending where Tomoyo changes into an Itou-like guy, would be much more enjoyable ^^

  13. #173
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I will admit, Nagisa's helplessly weeping moe character archetype usually infuriates me, but for some reason Nagisa works where all the others do not.

    As for Sanae, she looks like a young college-age older sister, apparently is often mistaken for just that, and is very pleased with that. I wouldn't say Akio is a would-be pedo so much as say, Konata-papa from Lucky Star who very purposely married a loli. First, Akio is too badass, and second, he's more of the "young wife" type rather than a pedo.


    With the seemingly abrupt resolution of the Twins and Tomoyo's romantic arc, we are left with a lot of episodes. There hasn't really been anything done with Nagisa in terms of the theater club, although the romantic arc has already been fulfilled.

    It came to my attention that there is an After section of the Clannad game that appears only in the Nagisa arc, taking place many years later (as mentioned before, Tomoyo has her own best-selling direct sequel adult-oriented game). We may see a time jump in the final episodes, though I would not be able to say what that would contain.

  14. #174
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Not to mention he's young as well. If you compare him to Tomoya's dad and Kotomi's godfather, the difference in age/appearance is quite large. The only person that comes to mind who's about Akio's age is Fuko's sister's fiance. In that sense, I think both couples are young, not just Sanae.

    In the last episode, they introduced all the family business and stuff. I guess we'll be having a Tomoya arc for now. If there is indeed a time skip, which I also think is likely, Fuko will probably be out of hospital. It was something I was looking forward to, but after they've made all those "Fuko is here" moments, any emotional impact will probably be gone.

  15. #175
    I have to agree, they really ruined Fuko by continuing to put her in there. If they had allowed her to come back at the end, like buf said, it would've made a very heartwarming ending; but it won't have the same "emotional impact" now that we continue to see her every episode.

    I DO hope they get the Theatre club up and running...I'd feel this would be wasted if they didn't, considering this is what they were aiming for in the first place.

  16. #176
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    No Clannad this week. Replaced by women's soccer.

  17. #177
    I never knew Japanese people were so fond of women's soccer.

  18. #178
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I never knew Japanese people were so fond of women's soccer.

    I never knew ANYONE is fond of women´s soccer >_<

  19. #179
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Clannad episode 19- five more to go

    SS-Eclipse H264
    SS-Eclipse XVID

    edit: Rather interesting episode. Sunohara took the stage again as the No.1 comic relief. So Nagisa did something that lost Sanae her job, and probably causing Akio to open up a bakery as well. Since she can't remember it, I'm thinking Nagisa hit her head in some sort of accident perhaps. Mysterious robot/girl scene is back, and judging from her hair/eye colour, it resembles Nagisa with long hair, or even Sanae.
    Last edited by Buffalobiian; Fri, 02-29-2008 at 07:01 PM.

  20. #180
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Im still curious about Tomoya´s dad. Im near crying when i see how cold Tomoya treats him, and then i wonder, wth he did to his son to provoke such behavior. :-(

    A bit disappointing of how completely killed off the competition between the girls now is, though. It´s clear since last episode, that Nagisa is the one and only. I hope Sunohara gets one of the remaining, though, ...him getting Tomoyo would be great

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