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Thread: Clannad TV

  1. #141
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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  2. #142
    Haha good episode. I liked the sausage to Sunohara's nose instinct.

    Tomoyo and Kyou rivalry of the violent high school girls is hopefully gonna continue trucking along.

  3. #143
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye, it was a great episode. The pranks continued nicely in the beginning.

    The basketball match was also nicely balanced; how the rookies couldn't quite make it against the three (natural talents, I suppose), but the senior members were about to beat them easily.

  4. #144
    Good episode. I liked how Nagisa was able to affect Tomoya on that last shot.

    It'll be interesting to see what Tomoya wants to do, if anything at all for his future.

  5. #145
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Nagisa gave me another moe overload in this episode. From her getting all flustered at the beginning having to explain Sunohara's "love" to Mei and the denial that they were about to use his room as their love nest and wondering about the scar on her cute butt. I haven't liked a KEY heroine over the other girls this much since Misuzu in AIR (though Kyou still hold a special place in my heart).

    Finally, the return of Akio and Sanae! Which reminds me...there is a very distinct similarity between Sanae and Akio and Nagisa and Tomoya. Both Akio and Tomoya like to lie and play small tricks on others, and both Nagisa and Sanae are gentle-hearted and cry too easily. Nagisa is the obvious choice for the ending for many reasons it seems.

    Kyou's rabid fangirls were also a nice touch.

    However...we still have to do complete arcs for Tomoyo and the Fujibayashi twins (specifically Kyou, as she's named in the OP). Not to mention closing up Nagisa's arc, which has been spread across the series quite nicely, and it seems like the next eps may focus on her as well. But we're up to episode 16 already, and this is only a 24 episode series. I have my doubts right now.

  6. #146
    I'm not sure if we'll actually get an arc for Tomoyo and the twins. There's only eight episodes left, and Nagisa's arc is more important. Plus, looking at the previews, it doesn't look as though the next episode is going to be part of an arc dealing with another character. While I would like them to do arcs for both, I want them to make sure they haven't shortchanged Nagisa's portion at the end.

  7. #147
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I think they'll end up leaving either Tomoyo or Kyou/Ryou's arc. 8 eps will feel too compact for three arcs, and disrupts the overall easiness this show has to it. Maybe they'll just have one episode for the character that's left out, say the President election for Tomoyo or Ryou's confession or something. Either way I'm expecting something really good.

    As for the episode, I particularly liked how they portrayed Sunohara's feelings for his sister. Finding her somewhat annoying/embarrassing when she's around, but always seeking her admiration/approval and feeling lonely when she's not around/ignoring him. A pretty accurate representation I think, and one that seems to fit Sunohara's personality entirely.

    Kyou vs Tomoyo. Both strong girls and speak in a very direct manner. Something to look forward to.

  8. #148
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Remember that they don't really need to have a separate arc for Nagisa, hers has been running concurrently with the series whole from the first episode. They may need one full episode and half of the final (with the second half being epilogue) at most. I read that this scene is where Tomoya confesses to her in the game. Here they were interrupted by Kyou, but Nagisa and Tomoya's relationship has progressed quite a bit so far. Enough that many characters believe the two have been dating since early on.

    Kyou will probably need two or three episodes to fill out her arc, but Tomoyo needs a full arc even more so, she has had next to no development.

    That would put us at 23 episodes with the last left to wrap up Nagisa. The next will be either a Tomoya or from what I believe, a Nagisa related episode. It's possible, but it seems like they should have put a lot less time in the Fuko arc to properly develop the other girls.

  9. #149
    See, I just don't think there's enough time to put in all those arcs and do it properly at the same time. They may be able to fit it in, but it wouldn't do justice to the girls involved. I don't think Tomoyo should get more than 2 episodes, because she isn't as critical a character as Nagisa/Kyou/Ryou. You also have to keep in mind, as Buf pointed out, that there will likely be an episode where Ryou confesses to Tomoya.

    Excluding next week's episode, that leaves 7 total. I'd say an episode or two at the end for Nagisa/Tomoya, plus another for Ryou. That leaves 4 or so left for Kyou and Tomoyo. I'm not sure how it'll work out. One thing that I seem to notice is that Kyou also seems to like Tomoya as well, but she is trying to keep it out of the way for the sake of her sister.

    "Finally, the return of Akio and Sanae! Which reminds me...there is a very distinct similarity between Sanae and Akio and Nagisa and Tomoya. Both Akio and Tomoya like to lie and play small tricks on others, and both Nagisa and Sanae are gentle-hearted and cry too easily. Nagisa is the obvious choice for the ending for many reasons it seems."

    I noticed that as well. But not only do Akio/Tomoya play tricks, but they support their counterparts well. They provide an emotional balance, and care very much for the other.
    Last edited by narutosharingan; Sat, 02-02-2008 at 01:54 AM.

  10. #150
    It might be possible to mix Tomoyo and Kyou into the same arc and wrap it up in around 5 or 6 episodes.

  11. #151
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. That seems more than likely since we already saw their initial confrontation. It's likely that was a sign of things to come. It could be better that way, as well, seeing how both are quite strong characters and prone to conflict (even if Tomoyo might want to try to leave that kind of behavior behind, but obviously she can't).

  12. #152
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Ah, that is true. I did forget that Clannad has been going for the blended approach rather than the separated arcs that Kanon went with (AIR is a bit of a middle ground). It does flow better, and they were already hinting at the Ryou/Kyou confession back in the beginning of Kotomi's arc.

    They have set up Tomoyo (who I foolishly only now realized was younger than the others, as she always had an air of maturity) and Ryou for a clash. She was really pissed off to see Tomoya talking to her.

    It's very likely they will intertwine the two, leaving the final one or two episodes to Nagisa. As much as I want to say they wasted time on Fuko's arc, it had a lot of necessary build up to finish all these other arcs very fast.

  13. #153
    I also wonder if there will be any focus on Nagisa's physical weakness anymore.

    One thing I did want to mention was that I absolutely loved the music in the last episode, and also in general for the anime. It's well done and soothing

  14. #154
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Set up Tomoyo, younger than the others:

    Episode 17 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 17 xvid - SS-Eclipse

  15. #155
    Yay Tomoyo.

    And it kinda seems like they're doing multiple stories with segments each episode.
    Last edited by animus; Fri, 02-08-2008 at 10:19 AM.

  16. #156
    I didn't expect Kyou to cave in so fast. She was already in omgpleasefuckmenow mode right after the door closed.

  17. #157
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Board of Command
    I didn't expect Kyou to cave in so fast. She was already in omgpleasefuckmenow mode right after the door closed.
    I guess that kinda proves she's got some hidden feelings for Tomoya. I LMAO when Tomoya started undoing his underw- er the charm. I like this integrated approach for this, especially since Kyou and Tomoyo probably don't have too much of a backstory to work on, having them interact keeps the pace going.

  18. #158
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I might be hated for this by a few people, but Fuko's appearances are really starting to ruin the mood now. The writers who adapted the game must have really been Fuko fans.

    Kyou did give in a little too fast. She obviously has feelings for Tomoya. My guess is she and Ryou both developed feelings for him, but Ryou told Kyou first, so Kyou decided to back off and help her sister. Kyou was really starting to get into the whole mood of the equipment room cliche. That said, my god I love her thigh-high socks...

    I also didn't expect Tomoyo to get so serious about getting Tomoya to school on time. She'll might even develop feelings for him too, now that he's taken the blame.

    But I still miss Nagisa. There wasn't any weeping in this episode...

  19. #159
    Honestly, the episode felt sad without Nagisa. Hopefully she's back next week.

  20. #160
    Linerunner MFauli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I also didn't expect Tomoyo to get so serious about getting Tomoya to school on time. She'll might even develop feelings for him too, now that he's taken the blame.
    The whole reason she´s waking up Tomoya imo IS that she has feelings for him.

    @topic: Very "sexy" episode ^^ A pitty that Tomoya had to stop that scene
    Also, it seems that some people here are surprised about Kyou´s behaviour. I thought there´ve been enough signs in previous episodes that she really likes Tomoya.

    Ah, if only Tomoya was more like Itou, he could have sooooo much fun.

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