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Thread: Clannad TV

  1. #121
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Well, I have to say, episode 12's preview pretty much told us everything about this episode besides how Kotomi's parents died. But there's one thing that I find interesting. Has Kotomi been portraying herself has she has to the outside on purpose, or is it the result of those long days of studying and no communicating? The latter makes sense, but it could also be that she's acting all formal in hope that she's a "good girl" and that she can redeem for her actions.

    I liked this episode, good ol' Clannad feel is back after the new year break.

  2. #122
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    She had no friends even as a kid when her parents were still alive so I assume it's not all an act or a trait of personality developed later. No doubt she changed dramatically as well, though, anybody probably would.

    She also said she intends to continue her parents work and apparently they were well known around the world for whatever research they did so all the studying is of course explained by that, even if it is quite a decision made by a little girl.

    One thing I wonder is who took care of her. Surely she didn't live all by herself right from the beginning. She wasn't very old when the accident happened. There had to be someone.

  3. #123
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    She wasn't very old when the accident happened. There had to be someone.
    My guess: the "bad" guy.

  4. #124
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Well, it could be, but that would then assume she would have spent considerable time in his company, and the way she treats him now certainly doesn't suggest anything like that happened. It also needs to be remembered somebody had to take care of all the expenses, and a tiny girl couldn't pay all the bills and such things. Naturally the bad guy could have kept paying some maid to keep the house running and taken care of any money issues but that's somewhat unlikely. He was just a collegue of her parents, according to his own words. Maybe she was living at some relative's house until she got old enough to move back to her empty home.

  5. #125
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    The only other person to come to mind would be that teacher. She kept Kotomi's story a secret because of privacy issues. Sure, teachers are supposed to do that, but I got the feeling she was treating it a little differently. Also, the teachers at school allow her to skip classes and all. Attendance is a must where I live, whether you're a genius or not. If a teacher was looking after her then she would probably help her in some way so she can continue her parents' research.

    The teacher seems kinda random though, I'm more willing to go with that colleague or a relative. Also, they stopped the flashback when Kotomi started burning the paper. I thought she ended up setting the whole toy room alight or something, and Tomoya came to protect her, while the old man turned up to put it out. Or was that a dream?

  6. #126
    It was Tomoyas dream but seeing as it's likely his memory it did happen after she burned the paper. There's one thing though the "bad" guy wants to apologize for what they did to her so it's quite possible that he paid for all her expenses as a way to redeem himself. Second of all her parents were well know so it wouldn't be a stretch to say they left her with a lot of money only thing is that she'd be to young to handle the money. If he were a mere college of her parents he wouldn't still be trying to apologize or anything considering how long it's been since they died. Guessing there's something more to it that keeps him there, besides he's the most logical explanation besides relatives to have taken measures to look out for her.

  7. #127
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. But the thing is that if a child is orphaned, I don't think it's enough to be the colleague of the kid's parents to become the legal guardian. I'm not actually sure how the laws go but I imagine if some relatively close relative is willing to take the kid, then that's the natural way but otherwise the system will look for foster parents suitable and willing to adopt. And seeing how she didn't even want to see the geezer, I doubt he would have been selected.

  8. #128
    Ohh that's also assuming things work the same there as in the normal world. It's anime they don't have to come up with a logical explanation to how she managed unless it's something plot related or gets taken up by someone. For all we know she might have lived all by herself without anyone taking care of her, which isn't logical at all yet logical seeing as she's 18 at most and if she lived with relatives it's quite possible she moved once she turned 18 but somehow I don't quite see it since it seems that she stayed in that house ever since they died. The preview stated something about her always waiting for Tomoya after all if that's true it should mean she did stay there, if there were relatives that lived there then the garden and such wouldn't be in such bad shape. I don't really see the guy as a foster parent just a potential trying to help out from the shadows type of person.

    Edit: Woho for wiki though they could be wrong of course

    "A gentleman without a given name, and previously known as "Man in Black clothes" in Clannad anime. Kotomi refers him as a bad guy, due to her misunderstanding and her hidden tragedy. He is actually Kotomi's guardian"

    Edit 2: Yeah I know everyone or almost everyone here watch the SS-Eclipse version which includes me. Either way figured I might as well post it up anyway.

    Episode 14 by Sprocket TWH
    Last edited by fireheart; Fri, 01-18-2008 at 11:09 AM.

  9. #129
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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  10. #130
    Well that was a heart-warming ending. The godfather, still without a name, presents a very nice present.

  11. #131
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, I can't say I was quite as moved as I was with the Fuuko arc, but it was a happy and warm ending. Kotomi is cute. Was there a time jump at the end of the episode? Maybe only a month or two...?

    Is it a Sunohara arc next? I do notice that Nagisa is going to weep, again, and that's just a moe overload every time.

  12. #132
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. I wasn't as moved either, but it did surely fulfill its purpose and complete the arc nicely. The stranger wasn't indeed a total stranger after all (if being a godfather means much in Japan, I don't know). The theory of everything always sounded a bit cheesy to me, because I doubt they were talking about the superstring theory there, so I can't say I'm sorry this arc ended. I'm much more interested in the next one. Perhaps it will reveal something new or new details about Tomoya as well (something more relevant than that he knew a girl in the past).

  13. #133
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Tears are more precious than the price of water and salt, yet the poorest of men can afford the words that will stop the tears.

    Episode 15 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 15 xvid - SS-Eclipse

  14. #134
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    This episode was hilarious, especially the last minutes. TomoyoXTomoya action is not bad either.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #135
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah. It was good to see Tomoya back at his old habit of trying to fool every person he deals with. Or at least every other.

  16. #136
    Haha, good episode. Tomoya's going back into his stride of things. And it's always good seeing more Tomoyo.

  17. #137
    Well that was more like it. More Tomoya fun, which is always entertaining.

  18. #138
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    haha, gay Sunohara, that was the best.

    Next week should be good too, but what makes Tomoyo ask Tomoya I wonder?

    Rather a Sunohara arc, this looks to be Tomoya's arc, or just a few random episodes.

  19. #139
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I think this was just a warm-up. Don't forget we got Sunohara's little sister introduced right at the end of the ep. I doubt they would have brough her in now if Sunohara wasn't going to get his deal sorted out soon.

    And Tomoya is in every arc obviously. I deem it likely Nagisa's arc, probably at the end of the series, will also be Tomoya's own arc. They are the official pair, aren't they?

  20. #140
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    This definitely looks like a Sunohara arc to me. It'll probably be a short one, since we have 3 (or 4) girls to still give full arcs to.

    But that aside, Sunohara deserves special praise for his role in this series. Unlike the last two KEY series, instead of being completely worthless comedy relief, or a largely passive protagonist, Sunohara fills both roles and more. In addition to being excellent comedy relief (Tomoyo's punching bag, east target for Tomoya, acts like a fool all on his own, etc), Sunohara adds a lot to the series.

    His very vocal reaction to Nagisa being pushed around through sympathy, the effort he goes through to try to get some that shows he really is considerate of others, and he always has Tomoya's back on things without asking too many questions.

    I would not hesitate to say that Sunohara is probably the best supporting character in at least a decade of anime. Not only is he a good supporter of the main character, he has his own storyline, and he performs nearly all the comedy relief in the series by himself.

    Shameless fangirlism for Sunohara aside, I loved how just as Sunohara would have gotten the sense that something was a little off in his conversation with Nagisa, she drove him off by declaring Tomoya to be her boyfriend, firmly giving her the idea that he was gay for Tomoya. Tomoya's plans are perhaps a little too devious.

    Yay for Yukari Tamura. Her voice fits characters of Mei's image perfectly.

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