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Thread: Clannad TV

  1. #21
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Kyou and Ryou. The twins are both 3rd years like Okazaki, Kyou's just in a different class. Plus her sexy long hair makes her look older. That book throw is lethal, it even curved.

  2. #22
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Just like Air and Kanon, Clannad gave me an impressive first impression. It also seems like this series will be more.... "normal" when compared to the other two, due to the large cast.

  3. #23
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It's somehow very fitting this series that continues Kanon's legacy, in a sense at least (don't ask me what sense), also is released on fridays:

    Episode 2 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 2 xvid - SS-Eclipse

  4. #24
    I really don't like all the focus on Furukawa. Too boring and bland, and cliche. But she's the main one for a reason I guess. Her name's first in the intro, and she's getting so much screen time.

  5. #25
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Give the series some time; I'm pretty sure it'll focus on the other characters eventually. Plus, I don't think that the focus on Furukawa is not boring, although it is kinda cliche. It fits quite well with what's going on in the story, especially since we're being introduced to the series and characters.

    Speaking of which, this series is quite different from Air and Kanon. Two episodes in and the main character is already kinda.... tragic (maybe another word would be better) and not much emphasis on magic or fantasy or such. I was expecting the same kind of formula that Kyoto A. used for Air and Kanon, so this is quite a pleasant surprise to me.

  6. #26
    Well the show's not boring, but I meant she herself is. Her type of personlitys kinda annoying.

  7. #27
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    She's supposed to be one the simplest definitions of a moe character. The idea is that her personality generates a feeling of wanting to protect her. I find her helpless to the point of being annoying. That's why the definition of moe has gotten so complicated, not every personality type appeals to everyone the same way.

    I do like the way they're progressing the story better than Kanon so far. We all kind of know that Tomoya is going to end up, or at least be closest to, Furukawa at the end of the series. Kanon did everything in separate arcs, where most of the characters barely were even involved with one another. Mai and Sayuri didn't know or talk to anyone else, Shiori's only connection was being the sister of Nayuki's best friend, etc. Yuuichi ignored every other girl while the arc focused on one of them. It's a little more like the way AIR was told.

    It's still the introduction, but here, Tomoya is still going abound his normal business, gets attacked by Kyou every day, is witness to the fights with Tomoyo daily, and meets other girls around the school. Yet, each episode, the progress the story with Furukawa just a little bit. If they keep it up even when the major character arcs begin, I think it will come off a lot more realistic.

    Realistic, even despite the Hit Counter.

    I loved the part where he told his entire class that Kyou was Bi.

  8. #28
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryllharu
    I loved the part where he told his entire class that Kyou was Bi.
    That was masterful script writing. Also, the part where he played with the absent minded girl crafting the star. That was really good script writing, and also as a detail something that binds this very strongly to the same manner of atmosphere Kanon had. And I like it a lot. The chatacters (or lets say girls at least) each have some traits that are very concentrated and pure (I suppose partly for moe purposes but also for the plot), and it makes this clear yet allows easily sufficient complexity. We don't know yet the extent of the depth this story will have but Kanon and Air had enough of it so it's safe to say this will as well, despite all the moe service.

    Furukawa doesn't annoy me. At least not yet. While her character might be quite a cliche, at least she has interesting background elements like the wacko family.

  9. #29
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Clannad's formula is indeed differente from Air and Kanon (at least what we've seen), but is in no way bad. Personally I found 90% if Air boring, and loved Kanon.
    Two eps and even with the slow pace Im liking the series a lot. Furukawa, while a bit annoying sometimes, is a character that can grow on me.
    The girl with the star and the knife reminded me of Ayu with her 'ugu-like-sound'.
    Bi Kyou was awesome.

  10. #30
    I just noticed, Kyou's got a nice jiggle in the intro while she's bouncing that basketball.

  11. #31
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I also found AIR a tad boring, but that was mainly because of the delivery. The new Kanon was a masterpiece. This one, if it doesnt follow the Kanon footsteps too closely, has potential to be a masterpiece.

    I like the injury issue of the main character. It gives him a lot of depth, and the way they revealed it was for me, just amazing. I hope they go shuffle on this one though. Im rooting for hit counter girl. Too bad its not gonna happen.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  12. #32
    That juggle would make even the most seasoned fighting game afficionado shit their pants.

    Anyway, I don't really see much connection between this and Kanon and have little desire to compare the two. I see the similarities of course but they are two different shows and I can't compare and contrast the two without feeling like I'm cheating Clannad since it has barely started telling a story yet. I also find it somewhat funny that other than animus's every post since the ep2 link has mentioned Air and/or Kanon in some capacity. Do you think this show was doomed to live completely in their shadows from the start?

    The episode was very interesting though, it was slow and seemingly aimless but they kept dropping little interesting tif bits here and ther that were really nicely done. Each random encounter between Tomoya and one of the other girls from the OP was intriguing and entertaining but the things that went on in between (including the Nagisa scenes to some extent) felt more dull and unengaging.

    I find myself really enjoying his interactions with the other girls right as they occur, but his interactions with Nagisa convey much more substance and insight into his character, and they do a great job of presenting things subtly so you don't really put it all together until you've thought on it for a little while.
    Last edited by Yukimura; Sat, 10-13-2007 at 03:51 AM.

  13. #33
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I also find it somewhat funny that other than animus's every post since the ep2 link has mentioned Air and/or Kanon in some capacity. Do you think this show doomed to live completely in their shadows from the start?
    Definitively not. I only mentioned those because of the technical similarities and the production values. I don't honestly remember Air well enough to speak much about it, but just the depth of Kanon and this series's main characters do make a similarity, along with the depths of the girls he interacts with (even if it is one-dimensional depth for some of the girls). Thus, I said there's similar atmosphere.

    It's a kind of similar thing for example considering Type-Moon series. There's certain definite similarity there but it doesn't mean one is automatically in the shadow of the other.

  14. #34
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    I think the comparisons cannot be helped (due to the similar art style and studio, setting, and story type), but that just means that it is good in its own right, since it isnt being bashed even if it does come after Kanon. Other than the above mentioned things, I think Clannad has the potential to set the bar higher on its own.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  15. #35
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    I haven't seen Kanon or Air, so I guess Clannad will be a fresh start for me. Two episodes in and they've introduced all the girls from the OP. I wonder if Tomoya's gonna space out and get hit by that book throw one day...

  16. #36
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The trajectories of flying books are hard to predict for they flap their pages like so many wings:

    Episode 3 h264 - SS-Eclipse
    Episode 3 xvid - SS-Eclipse

    - - - - - - -

    Edit: I'm beginning to really like this show, just like Kanon 2006. The high production values really show and they alone set this apart from most stuff airing. The careful script writing could be said to be a part of production values but nonetheless I'll have to mention it separately. Like the scenes in the bakery shop and with the electrician. You just don't see stuff like that in any regular series.

    It's strange how this feels so different compared to those other high-school series airing now.
    Last edited by Kraco; Fri, 10-19-2007 at 07:32 AM.

  17. #37
    Ugh, the series is good and all. But I really can't stand Furukawa's personality being the main female lead. It's aggravating that it's used so often, and the other girls get maybe 30 seconds at most of screen time per episode. And in that 30 seconds they're way more interesting than all the time Furukawa gets. Like that girl who makes stars and her hand hurts, Ibuki I think, all of Sunohara's scenes,

  18. #38
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I hope they will get more screen time eventually. With 24 episodes (in total) there should still be time for each of them. I think somebody already mentioned it, but also in Kanon it seemed the show concentrated on each girl in arcs. If that's the format here as well, we might get some sort of a conclusion with Furukawa (temporal until the end of the series, perhaps) and then move on to someone else. Or they might coalesce them at some point, like with the theater club if they don't follow the Kanon format.

  19. #39
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    I mentioned that in Kanon, they focused on each girl completely separately, with Yuuichi often taking a lot of time out of his normal life (and ignoring any interaction with every other girl in the process). It fits the game well, but it's not realistic in a school life situation.

    I much prefer this format, where the obvious ending relationship with Furukawa is kindled slowly, and the rest of the girls are scattered around. I'm sure they'll dive into one after another. I'm eager to see what's in store for Kyou and Tomoyo's. They dominate the episodes consistently.

    I still love the side characters. Akio and Sanae are just fantastic. But it's Sunohara who really shines. I almost think Tomoyo enjoys the utterly feeble attempts to defeat her, and the hologram/cyborg scene was priceless.

    Kyou is hands down my favorite. The lace ribbon in her hair, boar for a pet, the lethal dictionaries, and of course, the jumping spin kick to the face.

  20. #40
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
    I wonder if Tomoya's gonna space out and get hit by that book throw one day...
    Looks like my guess was a couple of centimeters off, but it did hit. Kyou's blush and glance at Tomoya before kicking Sunohara a second time, is it pure embarrassment or something to do with Tomoya?

    THE HOLOGRAM KICKED ME!! that was gold.

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