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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 5

  1. #81
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I got news for ya. Criticism is only constructive if someone who actually has something to do with making the show can see it.

    Since nobody who makes naruto will ever see your post, your "constructive criticism" is just complaining.
    I disagree, I think someone at Studio Pierrot is reading these forums. A few times already I've seen questions asked or suggestions made and they were answered or implemented the very next episode. More than a coincidence if you ask me.

    I'd like to check out DB's summary episode of episodes 1-5 without the filler material. Might be worth watching.

  2. #82
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I disagree, I think someone at Studio Pierrot is reading these forums. A few times already I've seen questions asked or suggestions made and they were answered or implemented the very next episode. More than a coincidence if you ask me.

    I'd like to check out DB's summary episode of episodes 1-5 without the filler material. Might be worth watching.
    Please tell me you're joking..

    That's quite impossible. Even if they were reading here, they could not add any of our suggestions into the next episode because episodes are completed weeks/months before they're aired. It's not like they make one episode per week.

    EDIT: For the person who neg repped this post saying "Clearly he's joking," I would like to know what's clear about it because it looks to me that he is clearly being serious.
    Last edited by mage; Thu, 03-29-2007 at 12:49 PM.

  3. #83
    Would be rather odd I'd say, besides, Naruto has been going downhill, so they should stop paying attention to these forums :>

    This post has not received any reputation. You currently have -84 reputation points.
    How the hell did I get -84 rep :? its like the first time I thought about clicking the grey thingy..

    And I hardly say bad things :>

  4. #84
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    I disagree, I think someone at Studio Pierrot is reading these forums. A few times already I've seen questions asked or suggestions made and they were answered or implemented the very next episode. More than a coincidence if you ask me.

    I'd like to check out DB's summary episode of episodes 1-5 without the filler material. Might be worth watching.
    ahahhahahahha you my friend are quite the retard
    they dont make 1 ep a week, as qbert said, they are created months before they are aired

  5. #85
    i would assume each episode takes at least a month and that several are being made at the same time

  6. #86
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Actually I was being serious, so whoever neg-repped q-bert, you were wrong!

    With the quality of these episodes, I wouldn't doubt they were made in a day by a class of middle-school art students. What's that demotivational poster say: "You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor."

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