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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 5

  1. #61
    Yea I think if Naruto went through another period of fillers it would die... its fanbase would have just moved on.

    I do hope though that the double episode's they show are good, and not like one half being full of flash backs.

    Edit: This may be totally random, but what happened to Ton Ton?

  2. #62
    Shizune pawned it to help pay off Tsunade's debts. Is Ton Ton a female or male?

  3. #63
    I think they are doing just fine with the anime right now. Its keeping me interested. It's dragging on a little bit but nothing to whine about.

    Looking forward to the two double episodes.

  4. #64
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Yes, apathy is a better choice than constructive criticism.

    I see the double-episodes as being twice as painfully slow and twice as frustrating. At least they give you an extra week to forget about an already forgettable episode.

  5. #65
    anyone getting any luck on naruto shippuden 006?

    User warned for asking about upcoming releases
    Last edited by Assertn; Tue, 03-27-2007 at 04:33 PM.

  6. #66
    Do you mean looking into the future with our crystal balls? If so then no, mine's in the shop getting a new Flux Capacitor.

  7. #67
    i mean, i see it on dattebayo, but no one has it. Here in college, we can't use bittorrent.

  8. #68
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    See, Yuki? He's got a lot better crystal ball than you do! You should take better care of your Flux Capacitors in the future.

    And lilphatboi88, you ever stopped to think why nobody has it, eh?

  9. #69
    Quote Originally Posted by lilphatboi88
    i mean, i see it on dattebayo, but no one has it. Here in college, we can't use bittorrent.
    its a fake sub. notice the [YHBT]. (you have been trolled)

  10. #70
    Oh that thing...I did dl that, it was mentioned in Open Disscussion. For [YHBT] Naruto Ship 6 DB just took out everything that wasn't in the manga from the first 3-4 episodes and cut and pasted it togeather into an 'episode'. It worked fairly well for the most part, though I think they may have put a few things out of order, possibly due to the way the anime originally presented the information.

  11. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by redcat
    its a fake sub. notice the [YHBT]. (you have been trolled)
    I see, I only checked the front page of dattebayo and it did not have any [YHBT] or [DB] on it.

  12. #72
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    first off, it's a good idea to look at the file name before jumping to conclusions. Your webrowser should have a little status bar where the actual name of the file pops up when you put your mouse over it (and you can enable that bar very easily in your browser options)

    For example: Is the file DB has up on their site under the name "Naruto Shippuden episode 6"

    So, most people would just jump on that, DL the lame troll episode, and be very disappointed. Well, how can you check that what you're getting is real? How about comparing that file name to the actual releases? Is the file for the REAL Shippuden Episode 5.

    Now, how are these two different? Well, there's only one difference. The fakesub is called nns006 (NotNarutoShippuden6), while the real one is just ns005 (NarutoShippuden5). This is pretty basic internet know-how. I highly recommend you only download stuff that you're sure is a good file or that comes from a trusted source.

    DB's site and IRC channel, being filled with assholes, is not a source to be trusted. I'd highly recommend going elsewhere to look for news on their releases.

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  13. #73
    I didn't dl it. I just made a simple mistake. Just went to their front page and took a look at it and went to my college's network to see if anyhone has dl it. No one did so I was curious and the first place I came to was here.

  14. #74
    oh that crappy troll thing
    i ended up downloading that at the time because everyone seemed to be confused at the translation of the shippuuden 006 airing

    but yea as confirmed above its a troll.

    personally for new torrents i always end up either getting them off here torrentspy

  15. #75
    Student Gnompf's Avatar
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    When do the naruto shippuuden 006 coming out ?
    I have been into the dark to long

  16. #76
    It comes out Thursday the 29th, as was previosly mentioned above I believe.

  17. #77
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    Mistranslation on Dattebayos part.
    Double episode is March 29.
    Then no episode next week again.
    And another double episode April 12
    In other words...
    6-7 @ March 29
    8-9 @ April 12


  18. #78
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Next person to ask about episode 6 gets a temp-ban
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #79
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Guess im the only one that think the episodes are getting too stretched... i mean, each ep is hardly 50% canon, and this fight has been forever... maybe it`s because i started reading post time manga once filler started...

    Off-topc: anyone knows if the new intro and ending have full versions songs?
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  20. #80
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Yes, apathy is a better choice than constructive criticism.
    I got news for ya. Criticism is only constructive if someone who actually has something to do with making the show can see it.

    Since nobody who makes naruto will ever see your post, your "constructive criticism" is just complaining.

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