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This is indeed sad news.... but I can hardly blame AonE. After almost 90 episodes of fillers, they were just depressed. The second part to their decision was that people just wanted the eps "for their archives", as many people have stated here. That kind of attitude does not make a fansubber happy. Basically that's like saying, "Sure, I like your episodes and they're great quality, but I'm never going to watch them... unless I get a burning desire to check some obscure scene or fact later." That's not the reason that a fansubber puts the effort into doing a sub. They do it so that people will watch the subbed episode when it's released, enjoy it, and stay faithful to that group. Even speed subbers want loyalty and word-of-mouth recognition. It seemed like the community was telling AonE that it didn't want Naruto from them anymore. Everyone wanted the speed-subs so they could rush to the forums and post their impressions. I admit that I'm guilty of the same thing, but seriously people, you should have seen this coming.