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Thread: Sad Day in Narutoland

  1. #21
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Uhhuh... I disagree with you, and not slightly. When a person really likes some series and is looking forward to it, waiting 2 weeks for an episode can be a stretch. And everybody knows that, subbers included. They are also anime fans, for the most part, I imagine, and many easily above average, or otherwise they couldn't sub but would just consume like the bulk. So, in that sense I doubt they will be greatly offended if their slower pace won't have people wait for them for the first impressions. They know the reasons as well as everybody else.

    However, when you say you archive a series, it means you look for the best available version, assuming the series is one you imagine watching multiple times and thus justifying investing bandwidth in redownloads. And what does that tell? That you hold one particular sub in higher regards than others, and thus choose it for archiving.

    And I surely don't archive series just for the sake of filling DVD cases and an Access database. The blank media and the time used in burning are too precious for that. Unless an ebola carrying monkey bites me and thus a shinigami arrives to to take me to the netherworld, I intend to keep rewatching series from my archives just like I've done before. Naruto about 3 times, some series even 5-6 times so far.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    This is indeed sad news.... but I can hardly blame AonE. After almost 90 episodes of fillers, they were just depressed. The second part to their decision was that people just wanted the eps "for their archives", as many people have stated here. That kind of attitude does not make a fansubber happy. Basically that's like saying, "Sure, I like your episodes and they're great quality, but I'm never going to watch them... unless I get a burning desire to check some obscure scene or fact later." That's not the reason that a fansubber puts the effort into doing a sub. They do it so that people will watch the subbed episode when it's released, enjoy it, and stay faithful to that group. Even speed subbers want loyalty and word-of-mouth recognition. It seemed like the community was telling AonE that it didn't want Naruto from them anymore. Everyone wanted the speed-subs so they could rush to the forums and post their impressions. I admit that I'm guilty of the same thing, but seriously people, you should have seen this coming.
    Ya, im siding with kraco here, you're completely wrong on that one. First, depression has nothing to do with it....none of the aone staff seem emo to me. Second, archiving thier subs would show appreciation for thier work, not neglect. If they want people to watch thier subs they should've aimed for quicker releases instead of higher quality. They didn't, ergo people watching thier subs isnt a big deal to them. As for staying faithful, that has nothing to do with watching. Almost every person in this thread said they were archiving aone's subs, even though they all watched DB's releases, and thats pretty much the definition of faithful. Lasty, i for one did see this comming (as did those who are involved in the fansubbing community), and i dont really care. You make it seem like its our fault aone's not gonna continue with naruto.

    This leaves a problem, though. There is not currently a quality subber who has the guts to continue with this series even if it gets licensed. DB is a speed subber, and SD may drop it if N:S is licensed (which will probably happen soon, considering its success in the U.S.). I propose that a new group is formed to do quality subs on a decent time scale, say 1-2 weeks after each episode airs. I would be willing to help with this endeavor. Furthermore, I propose that the sole purpose of this group would be to do N:S, and that a commitment is made to do the entire series, no matter what may come. That's my feeling on the matter
    Quality subs have nothing to do with guts. DB can do quality subs if they want, but then they can't do quick releases. As for your proposal, i dont wanna call it stupid, but there really isn't any other way to describe it. Though i do appreciate the fact that you offered to help instead of just demanding that someone do it. However, fansubbers generally do what they do cuz they like anime, not cuz they like naruto. Anyone who's dedicated enough to spend time on fansubbing wont stick only to naruto. In all likelyhood, they'll want to sub other (and better) series as well (which is why there isn't already a group doing solely naruto). Still, if you want to follow through with your idea, you can try convincing the members of our very own (and now forgotten) sub group Proxy-Fansubs. But you'll have to find them a translator first.

  3. #23
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Agree with the above two posters. Being the "archive" fansubbers means I think your the best group for the series. That I plan on watching your subsyears from now on the DVDs I burn. You're also the version I show to all my friends who don't DL things themselves.

    Everything else is just "the subs I dled cause I didn't feel like waiting for the good ones".

  4. #24
    Depressed is the wrong word to use, I guess. I meant that they are probably just tired of subbing filler crap, that's all. I imagine fansubbing takes a lot of work, and they just wanted to work on a more exciting series.

    I assume most series, with the exception of really popular ones, only have one subber (especially some more obscure anime). That's not the case for Naruto. I'm just guessing that AonE realized this and decided there was no need for them anymore. AonE, on the front page, did indicate that they were disappointed that people only downloaded them for archiving:
    Quote Originally Posted by Badguy
    We have a bit of a policy to not drop anything, that’s what got us in trouble with Naruto in the first place. Ofcourse we also wanted to complete it for the fans however having people say “Oh nice we’ll download AonE for the archive” … well it’s not really rewarding. It’s nicest to see that people download and enjoy watching the shows you sub.
    Naruto was a case of too many fansubbers for one series, and one had to go. But if people still want archived episodes, then I suggest we do something about it. I know barely anything about fansubbing (enough to know I can't do it alone), so if someone wants to step up, I'm all for it.

  5. #25
    I dont know about Super5, but I watch Aone's episodes right when they come out. I'd rather have Dattebyo stop fansubing all-together and have to wait the extra weeks for Aone's subs. They're worth it! (Though I dont know if this is saying much, because I read the manga in the meantime).

  6. #26
    I'll be honest and say that i haven't watched one of the AonE subs since the fillers started but I don't think many people wanted to watch the fillers once let alone twice. I always appreciated the little touches that AonE added to their subs. For instance, translating the signs and store fronts in the towns into English. Also, the way that the subtitles would change colors depending on if the person speaking was on the screen or not. I really wish they would reconsider this but I guess they've made up their mind. I appreciate the hard work they've put into the series, including the almost endless pit of fillers, and wish them the best of luck with the new series they are picking up.

  7. #27
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Meh, I switched to DB for my archiving purposes when it seemed like AonE just wasn't doing it anymore.

    I have no regrets about it. They do just as good a job as far as I'm concerned.

    Yeah, there's an error from time to time. It's like once every couple of months. That's better than almost everyone does, and they do it in less than a day.

    It really just comes down to wether or not you feel like putting up with DB being jerks all the time.

    I do.

  8. #28
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super5
    I assume most series, with the exception of really popular ones, only have one subber (especially some more obscure anime). That's not the case for Naruto. I'm just guessing that AonE realized this and decided there was no need for them anymore. AonE, on the front page, did indicate that they were disappointed that people only downloaded them for archiving
    Uh... idiots? If they wanted people to watch their release primarily, then how about RELEASING FASTER? Of course I understand why they have been slower than they used to be, I'd personally never be able to sub the piece of crap Naruto filler; but to be 30 eps behind and still bring a point like that up is incredibly silly. If anything it's a freakin' honor to be "archived" because it means that AonE's episodes are the ones that wins the race in the end, since they are the ones which doesn't end up being deleted. And the same thing goes for the fact that people actually spend time downloading their versions even though they've seen the episodes already.

    I lol'd
    Last edited by Terracosmo; Mon, 03-12-2007 at 10:20 PM.

  9. #29
    If I could change my name
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    I agree with Assassin on the many points he brought up and took down . This wasn't surprising at all. I figured they would do what they did. There are so many other better series' that could use some quality subbing that we all know AONE do. Naruto is one series, and frankly at this point a average one (Yes I have not watched the fillers I am rating it on the actual series).

    On the Fan-subbing there is a line that exists between Quality and speed, So groups grasp it alot more then others, I'll pick a example from what is going on right now. There are/were/is two groups subbing "Code Geaus" your-mom and GG.

    your-mom is fast, however look at on of their subs and you will see the difference speed makes. Mis-translations, timing errors, encodes, and sometimes even the quality goes from alright to "WTF is this crap"

    GG makes very good quality subs, however they take longer, and you see why when you watch it as most errors are so few that sometimes they don't exist. However it takes them sometimes 3 RCs to get it right. They know that quality is something they can tell their friends and say I made that.

    To the fan/watcher/adict speed and quality sometimes aren't factors in deciding, Hell I've seen people watch the RAW of the next EP because they can't wait to know what happens. Frankly alot of newer fans to fansubbing care less about storyline and other jazz and focus on the action. This is where a speed sub is great. They get to sort of understand what is happing and they enjoy watching it feeling complete. The other side that want to know the storyline and jazz care to wait out for a quality sub so that they can enjoy the EP their way.

    On a fan-sub group side it can be a race to release faster then the other, or it can be a popularity contest, or even it can be a sense of ownership and pride. You always have to remember fan-subs groups sub because they like what they are doing. and when you for any reason start to lose one of those 3 it can be dishearting.

    Again these are far from general statements people can be different.

    On final thing before I press submit. The subbing world has become different over the years as the people that watch them have grown, however that also means the age group of most new watchers is around the 8-14 mark. Before it was the age group of 16-22. With fans becoming younger "quality" isn't something that enters their mind at all when they press download.Us older ones can tell the difference but again even then it depends.
    image fail!

  10. #30
    ya, there are alot of younger fans nowadays...hell im 21, and i dont really care about quality. As long as there aren't blatant spelling and grammar mistakes, i am happy. i dont care if the translation isn't spot on. A literal translation of every word isn't what im looking for since the same japanese sentence can be translated 4 different ways and still convey the same meaning. As long as the subber doesn't get lazy or overly zealous (ie: translating "nani" as "WTF!!!"), i dont care about the translation.

  11. #31
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    On final thing before I press submit. The subbing world has become different over the years as the people that watch them have grown, however that also means the age group of most new watchers is around the 8-14 mark. Before it was the age group of 16-22. With fans becoming younger "quality" isn't something that enters their mind at all when they press download.Us older ones can tell the difference but again even then it depends.
    This is very true. The thing that really makes this the case? Youtube.

    Alot of my friends have kids. Those kids all watch Naruto/One Piece/Bleach(hell one even watches Death Note).

    But while I download them every week using torrents, they just watch them all on youtube.

    The end result being that even though they came bearly operate their computers, they are just as caught up as I am, watching the same subs I am.

    So what you have, is this huge new audience of fansubbers, for whome quality is a completely moot point. Because no matter how good your sub is, it still looks like shit when it's played on youtube. And that's all those kids ever see until they watch it years later on Cartoon Network.

  12. #32
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    hahaha i know exactly what you guys are talking about. However, this doesn't only apply to teens and pre-teens. A lot of my college friends watch their anime on Youtube (they don't care for quality at all...).

    I, however, usually wait till i can get my hands on the absolute best sub/rip out there (which involves downloading the same ep from diff. subbers and determining which, IMO, is the best). I am a quality whore and have archived AonE's naruto since it started. I am very sad to see them stopping, but i guess this wasn't totally unforseen. Anyway, i wish them good luck on all their future endeavors.

    someoone plz help me customize opera. This is the initial post

    This is how it looks when i wanted to edit it
    Last edited by Danad_corps; Fri, 03-23-2007 at 02:53 PM.
    i saved a unicorn

  13. #33
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    What do you mean by "customize Opera"?

    Something like this?:

    Or this?:

    For the first one, Go to Tools/Appearance..
    From there you will be able to Search for more skins, change the interface, add or remove icons of place... etc... (Just read what you see on the screen for the love of god.)

    For the second one, are you sure you possess the latest Released version of Opera? ( 9.10 )
    Did you change anything in the View tool?

    View/Images / Show images
    View/Style / Author Mode (uncheck anything else is not Author mode)
    View/Encoding / Automatic Selection (once again, uncheck anything else but Automatic Selection)

    If it didn't solve your problem, Uninstall Opera Completely!
    Delete all folder Opera related, delete all registry about Opera.
    Then, Reinstall Opera.
    It should work... if not.. then Opera hate you.
    Last edited by BioAlien; Fri, 03-23-2007 at 09:42 PM.

  14. #34
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    BioAlien lol i figured it out. The fit to width button was checked. Even though this solved the problem for this page, it turns out that it screws up other pages. is now extremely wide (about 1 and 2/3 screen lengths). Know how to fix that? btw, i think we should move this to pm's so as to not disturb anyone else and to not screw up this topic

    As for AonE, i just hope that they delve into the genre that Mushishi fell into. I personally would love to see a Fansub of Baoh (no english group has done this movie yet but I remember it was kick-ass when i saw it on VHS).

    This is the wrong forum to ask about opera tech support.
    Last edited by Assertn; Sun, 03-25-2007 at 02:58 AM.
    i saved a unicorn

  15. #35
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    Can' t help you on that one.
    I personally avoid website that are not "compatible" with opera.
    You could go on the Support page of Opera and ask for help(Or read if someone else asked for that same problem). There you will get all the help you need.

    Let's go back on topic now~

    Breaking News! Due to numerous requests and death threats addressed to Dattebayo Fansubs, LLC headquarters in Gnaa, Nigeria, we have decided to release Naruto Shippuuden 006 from hostage situation for our fans to enjoy. We promise we will never do another 75k download for Pitagora Switch stunt, as that show has clearly failed it and will be promptly removed from our lineup at our earliest convenience. Thanks to all the fans for showing us the light.

    Lets hope so, that kid show is boring, only the Rube Goldberg machines thing are "good" to watch, the rest is crap.. Also, this release of naruto is a YTHB, since it has not aired yet. (it air the 29 of march)
    Last edited by BioAlien; Sun, 03-25-2007 at 07:10 AM.

  16. #36
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    Well this is certainly a sad day, and well it is fairly bad news for my archiving collection since i will have to finish ( if i ever do) with someone else's sub. I certainly can't say that this is unexpected considering all the bull that we have seen from the show, I could only imagine how hard it was to sub it.

    Well thank you for all your hard work, and good luck with your future projects, I will definitely be keeping an eye out for them....

    Thank you for all the memories and everything else.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
    ________Deblas, IfingHateTonTon, RyougaZell, dragonrage.________

    ________ we may fuck up alot but we always pull thru.

  17. #37
    This is really sad. However, I'm sure that their reasons are legit and sound enough... so there.

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