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Thread: Naruto 345

  1. #81
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Hmmm... Very interesting... Can't wait to see what happens if it's Sasuke or not.

    I don't think Oro is dead yet.... How can they just kill him off like that without showing a real battle.... It would be a pathetic way to see a main villain die.

  2. #82
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    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    It would be a pathetic way to see a main villain die.
    I don't really see Oro as a main Villain any more. I mean how does he stand against the current Villains?.

    Hell I don't think even Naruto cares that Oro exists, he only cares about getting Sasuke back regardless of his company
    image fail!

  3. #83
    well they did show the 'battle' when it showed sasuke being swallowed by that crap in oro's little soul transfer justsu world

  4. #84
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knives122
    I'm thinking that based off those conclusions that Orochimaru is now dead and we will never see him again....good ridance I say, we can finally be done with the pedophile jokes.
    HAH! The jokes wont die for some time. If anything, people ill just say some STD did him in.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  5. #85
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I wonder if the mental transfer is anything like Naruto conversing with the Kyubbi. If so, it has been shown that Sasuke certainly has the capacity to suppress larger powers.

  6. #86
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Hopefully this will stop the stupid 'Orochimaru is the 8-tailed jinchuuriki' theory... I just hope they don't now say Sasuke is a jinchuuriki because Oro is inside of him or something

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    No. He doesn't have multiple sclerosis
    Careful now....Id3aLiStiC is on the look out for people being "smart" with others...and that kinda constitutes as NONSENSE! NONSENSE I SAY!!! Not a bad chapter....still not sure what to think though. Love this manga!!! -dg-

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure

    In every host body that oro takes over, one visual characteristic is always visually predominant....his eyes!

    Sasuke doesn't have the oro eyes....therefore oro can't be controlling his body.
    I'm thinking thats more of a willful thing. Remember back during the fight with Sandaime, he peeled off "his" face to show the true face of his current hosts body, and she had fairly normal eyes. I mean, I could be completely wrong and showing her normal eyes was the willful act. But when he took over the last guy, he couldn't completely disguise his face to resemble his own because it was mostly bandaged for a long time(or rather, didn't waste the time to.). So he could have just made the image of his original eyes since that was the only area really exposed.

    It could be more of a fail-safe, so that Kabuto and the Sound-Nin can realize it's actually Orochimaru, and not the attempted Vessel just walking freely after defeating Orochimaru.

    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    Hell I don't think even Naruto cares that Oro exists, he only cares about getting Sasuke back regardless of his company
    I agree. I think the only reason Naruto even bothers to fight Orochimaru is simply because he has forcibly stood in Naruto's way. If he could bring Sasuke back without even engaging Orochimaru in another face-off, he would most likely take the option to ignore Orochimaru. That's not to say he doesn't hate him and wouldn't kill him given the chance, just that securing Sasuke from Orochimaru is his primary objective rather than defeat him.
    Last edited by Skaw; Sat, 03-10-2007 at 06:03 AM.

  9. #89
    Of course there are a million things that could be done in the next chapter, but its probably either Sasuke has survived, or Sasuke and Orochi are struggling for power inside his body.

    Sasuke is too much of an established character to kill off now.

  10. #90
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Oh oh I know!! Sasuke is going to fight off Oro out of his body and then Kabuto gladly sacrifices himself for Oro to take over his body!!!!!!

    Sasuke is then weak from all his genjutsu stuff and then runs away.

    lol.. I don't know..

    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    Careful now....Id3aLiStiC is on the look out for people being "smart" with others...and that kinda constitutes as NONSENSE! NONSENSE I SAY!!! Not a bad chapter....still not sure what to think though. Love this manga!!! -dg-
    I love you too. =)

  11. #91
    another fact that sasuke can't have died is what kabuto said...''is the ritual over already?'' normaly it would take longer to achieve the transfer to another body but as we know sasuke is neither weak nor stupid ninja to be taken over so quickly and without a fight(i mean more than killing the snake appearance of orochimaru)at least that's what i am thinking

  12. #92
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The itachi flashback had some weird moments in it....
    Like the one with the two arms coming out of the mid-section of an akatsuki cloak and then there's blood splattering and stuff.

    I think I understand the part with the hand though....
    Itachi cuts off oro's hand, which is the same hand you later see in skeletal form with the ring sitting next to oro's jar collection.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  13. #93
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    honestly, I don't really care about this Oro-Sasuke ordeal, we probably won't be seeing them (Sasuke, as far as i'm concerned) for a while. Maybe Kabuto will tell the good folks about this, and then we could say he's lying about the victor (if he says Oro won, we could figure Sasuke wants Naruto as a bait for Itachi, if he says Sasuke won, we might decide Oro wishs to take Naruto out while posing as Sasuke).
    the best thing that could happen next chapter will be flashbacks of Zetsu, Aoba or of the leader.

  14. #94
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    The itachi flashback had some weird moments in it....
    Like the one with the two arms coming out of the mid-section of an akatsuki cloak and then there's blood splattering and stuff.
    i thought the hands were orochimaru making a handseal to unbind himself from Itachi's paralysis jutsu (as if he thought Itachi was finished fucking with him) only for Itachi to cut off Oro's left hand.

    Cutting off Oro's hand was Itachi's way of saying bluntly "I'm stronger than you" and now I dont think we can really question it anymore. The scene also indirectly served as Oro's getting the boot from Akatsuki because Itachi [intentionally] cut off Oro's ring hand.

    long story short, i think this is the specific event that "traumatized" Orochimaru and gave him the inferiority complex [that's been discussed oh so many times].

  15. #95
    Man, what a relatively boring chapter.

    I'm still standing by my theory that Oro is actually a tailed beast; that his bodies are merely shells that he controls, unlike how the Kyuubi and other beasts are sealed inside a body and don't entirely control it. I mean, seriously... the eighth beast in the story is an eight headed snake. Oro is the only character that resembles a snake and does snake jutsus (well, Anko can do some, but that doesn't count much.)

    My guess is that Itachi had to try to kill Orochimaru because he's one of the tailed beasts.

    To top that off, I mean, if you think about it, Sasuke with the 8-tails in him and Naruto with the 9-tails would be the ultimate battle.

    (*waits for another neg rep for saying "that idiotic theory" again*)

  16. #96

    Oro and Sasuke are Both in there!!!!

    If you notice the other 2 souls that Orotook over are still there. Sasuke isnt strong enough to kill Oro in the real world. AS Oro said "you are a whelp who jutsu arent strong enough to kill me". However Oro xfered early: so theory is, Sasuke and Oro are definately in sasuske's body. Saving Sasuske will be a matter of Naruto helping Suske inside and the other 2 souls gank Orochimaru inside Sasuske... or should i say Oro's new body. This would make the path of saving sasukke still a possiblity without losing Orochimaru( main antagonist , and by far most dynamic character )

    If not Oro was supressed somehow in Sasuke's body( but not gone either ) and will be required during the fights with Akatsuki who willbecome main antagonists(s)

  17. #97
    I really hope that Orochimaru is still alive. He is one of the best bad guys in this manga he is sick and twisted and has too much background to die this way.

    We all know that Kishimoto is in love with Sasuke so that he has made him in 2 years stronger than a shannin but even with his obsession he couldnt have killed orochimaru so pathetically. Sasuke even used that lvl2 cursed seal which makes him more and more dependable on orochimaru and weakens him so I just cant understand any other outcome than orochimaru being alive inside Sasuke (Kishimoto can use the plot device that he isnt controlling Sasuke at the moment ,just a cheap way to make some sense).
    The path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom

  18. #98
    ANBU Captain fahoumh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edort4
    Sasuke even used that lvl2 cursed seal which makes him more and more dependable on orochimaru and weakens him
    ...or it could be viewed as a symbol of irony that Oro would be killed by his own jutsu.

  19. #99
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Maybe oro will become sasuke's "demon" and will be able to share his power with sasuke via the cursed seal, much like kyubi and naruto's seal.

    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #100
    ANBU Captain
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    its a secret
    I bet that oro will just be in the back of sasuke's mind waiting until he fights itachi. Right when sasuke kills his brother in cursed seal 2 oro will steal the body but the cursed seal form wil be ripped from the body leaving regular sasuke untainted by the cursed seal.

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