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Thread: Naruto 345

  1. #101
    i don't know why but i feel oro isn't going to live to your expectations...if sasuke won then he is just sasuke why does it always have to be something else.....and if oro is sasuke then naruto is going to go crazy and put out nine tails in kubyyn mode....then oro is killed end of story(for oro probably)....but i am also curious to see who won...that genjutsu techique must be something to scare oro...hmmm i guess i have to wait for the manga to be released

  2. #102
    we're all comming up with crazy theories cuz your explanation is too simplistic for a shonen manga. nothing ever just ends.....ever. atleast not without a big battle, and heartwarming speeches and such. besides, oro should have died like twice already, but he always manages to survive somehow, so its unlikely that he met his end in such an anticlimatic way, with no harm at all to sasuke.

  3. #103
    Quote Originally Posted by Assassin
    we're all comming up with crazy theories cuz your explanation is too simplistic for a shonen manga. nothing ever just ends.....ever. atleast not without a big battle, and heartwarming speeches and such. besides, oro should have died like twice already, but he always manages to survive somehow, so its unlikely that he met his end in such an anticlimatic way, with no harm at all to sasuke.
    I have to agree with him. I mean something big will come of this. And frankly either way it is apparent that Itachi has wronged both Oro and Sasuke. Maybe Sasuke a lil more than Oro. But both have beef with him so either way....Itachi needs to look out! -dg-

    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  4. #104
    well while that is true for the nothing just ends....i would like not to see oro again...don't get me wrong he is one of the cooler villains i've ever seen but he has lived long enough(for my criteria)...i would like to see more of akatsuki and itachi action...

  5. #105
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by nests
    Alright my dreams finally come true
    how did somebody post spoiler pictures before nests?

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