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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 4

  1. #41
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Can't land a full hit? They very easily could have killed Kakashi.
    That doesn't matter if they can't hit him..

  2. #42
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    The image I have burned in my mind is Sakura attacking from the sky and Kakashi barely dodging the hit. So yeah, they could've killed him - but he's still able to avoid their attacks. Kakashi did look way more tired than they did, so if they hadn't had a time limit....

    無理してここまでやってきて これからもすっと同じだろう
    それでも何かを信じたい 心の奥の声

  3. #43
    This fight was meanignless. If you really want to see who is stronger than there should have been a real fight. Remember, Sakura and Naruto were supposed to be going at Kakashi as if they were going to kill him, yet they could not land a single blow. If Kakashi had the same intention, I think this fight would have been over much sooner.

  4. #44
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Somehow I don't think if Kakashi was fighting an opponent that actually meant to kill him that he'd have allowed the spoiler trick to work.

    Anyway, I noticed nobody mentioned Kankuro. Doesn't look like he carries around his puppets anymore. Looks like giant scrolls. I wonder if he summons his puppets now the way TenTen summons her weapons.

  5. #45
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    That would seem to be a bit more practical.

    He also looks like he has new face paint. Weird.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Much better than the previous ep
    The deidara/gaara fight felt a little more dramatic in the manga though
    I also agree with you. I thought that the manga did it alot more justice by being more precise and less "fluff". Awell it is nice to see it still though....

    that is all I have to say about that....


    assertnfailure (7:40:03 PM): dude....your posts are a bunch of nonsense

  7. #47
    I'm enjoying the Gaara/Deidara fight in the anime too, but it would have been better in a 16:9 format... for example, when Gaara summons... the desert behind Sunagakure, he rises his arms but while in the manga we can see both of them and his hands, in the anime they are cut.

  8. #48
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    y must you make posts like this?

    y is there no naruto today?
    Last edited by masamuneehs; Fri, 03-09-2007 at 02:56 PM.

  9. #49
    I don't remember there not being a naruto episode next week on last week's episode. Where is it?

  10. #50
    There isn't going to be one this week. Apparantly it will be released the week after, then another break of a week. Then we get a 1 hour special, then it will probably continue as normal.

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Anyway, I noticed nobody mentioned Kankuro. Doesn't look like he carries around his puppets anymore. Looks like giant scrolls. I wonder if he summons his puppets now the way TenTen summons her weapons.

    It looks like he has a few of them, possibly three. It should be interesting to see how he uses them.

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