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Thread: Naruto Shippuuden Episode 4

  1. #21
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by StillAlive
    Good episode! I especially like the music - it made the whole battle between Gaara and Deidara feel good just like masamuneehs said.
    Anyone else thought Gaara controlling the sand with his hands resembled pretty much Byakuya Kuchiki fighting style?
    More like Byakuya resembles Gaara. Gaara came first

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    More like Byakuya resembles Gaara. Gaara came first
    You're right. But it's due to this ep with Gaara waving his hands to direct the sand that made me think of Byakya/Gaara fighting parallels for the first time ever.

  3. #23
    Pretty decent episode in comparison to the last one, save for Gaara's seemingly always-changing appearance. Seriously, each framerate he looked like a different person. Whoever is drawing him needs to be fired.

    There was also the whole issue of filler flashbacks. It almost made me lol irl when Naruto had a flash back from five minutes before, when Kakashi used the techniques. Seriously, what's the point of having a flashback that everyone's already seen minutes before?

    The fight so far is decent, but a bit dragged on. Not that that's bad or anything, but it was potrayed better in the manga I think.

    Regardless, at least this episode showed me that the Naruto anime can be decent in portraying the manga. After last week's episode I was ready to drop the anime completely.

  4. #24
    I enjoyed this ep, wasn't too much going on, but it was decent. What I'm really happy about is the soundtrack. It finally changed! I got so sick of those Naruto songs and that repetitive battle music, so having new stuff is quite nice. This stuff really sets the mood better.

  5. #25
    ANBU saman's Avatar
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    i also liked this episode. the music was killer, and the way sakura and naruto beat kakashi was hilarious. i'm glad that it's out of the way now, though, so the show can focus more on gaara vs. deidara instead of shifting back and forth between the two fights.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    The thing that bugged me was how the giant shukaku arm was drawn extruding out of some small cloud of sand.....It just.....looked weird. Instead it should look like all the sand is just extending out of all the landscape and attacking deidara. And yeah.....too much of deidara and gaara standing around instead of constant motion like there should be.
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  7. #27
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    That's what Gaara DOES though. He stands there completely still...emotionless. But the sand moves for him. And you can even sometimes feel like his emotion is acted out through the sand too.

    It's part of what makes Gaara awsome.

    I do wish he'd come up with something new to do with his sand though. Like use his chakra to melt it into glass or something. And make cool chakra-infused glass weapons or spikes or shit like that.

  8. #28
    Awesome episode. I really loved the music while there was the fight between Gaara and Deidara. It made it more interesting. I cant wait to see the whole fight. It is going to be amazing, I am sure of it.

  9. #29
    Better than last week, but still kinda dull. The Gaara vs. Deidara was just the same justus over and over, but ill give deidara some more time, we know what gaara can do, but can't you think of something better than exploding birds? And the ending to Naruto and Sakura vs. Kakashi was hilarious, but way to stupid for a fight they dragged on for 2 episodes. Mods should use the spoilers scene when they warn for spoilers on here XD.

  10. #30
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    That ep was pretty tight. Enjoyed it.
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  11. #31
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Good shit! I want more though. That's a good sign I guess. I love characters that makes things explode I think. :S

  12. #32
    Student Elyne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    That's what Gaara DOES though. He stands there completely still...emotionless. But the sand moves for him. And you can even sometimes feel like his emotion is acted out through the sand too.

    It's part of what makes Gaara awsome.
    Yeah, that is was makes Gaara awesome. The only time he really uses he hands are for Desert Coffin and some other jutsu I don't remember the name of right now. Was a bit to much swining around his arms and now that he is kazekage I feel he should do even less moving(not sure how that's really possible though :P).

  13. #33
    not a bad episode, I like that music they play whenever deidara's on screen

  14. #34
    You mean the Star Wars music?

  15. #35
    Awesome user with default custom title poopdeville's Avatar
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    I liked the episode, but thought the animation was bad, especially in the Deidara/Gaara fight. The show seems to be almost completely computer generated now. It works well for the comic book look (for example, when any character speaks but remains completely motionless save mouth movement. Kakashi does this a lot.) But while the style works well for dialogue, or even most fights, it's not suited for fast fights.

    Like the part when Deidara swooped down nearly to ground level while running away from Gaara's sand. The animation looked like he was moving at 10 mph. Boring looking, even if the story is progressing well.

  16. #36
    awesome episode, i dunno my eye's must be broken or something cause i though the animation was great, specially the sand and bird chase scene (thats a first btw in chase scenes - killer sand chasing guy on bird through streets of city).

    though i must admit the animation of gaara controling the sand seemed wierd to say the least. i much prefer it when he stands with his arms folded and controls the sand.

    i'm really dying to see some new jitsu's though, it seems the animators want to keep us in suspense for a little while longer. all the jitsu's used thus far have been seen befor
    i especially want to see the results of the new bond that naruto and kyubi seem to have (refer to teaser bit of shipuden ep1).
    it seems that Garra has also come to terms with shikaku of the sand also. well at least he's no longer foaming at the mouth when he uses the sand ball shield or the arms of shikaku.

  17. #37
    DAMN the music was nice.. Rest of the ep was watchable.
    And the unending hmphing was annoying.. they should've skipped that while they were translating it.. like dattebayoo. It would be annoying to read that all the time wouldn't it. so i blame SD.

  18. #38
    I really liked this episode... It's kind of wierd to actually look forward to Naruto again!
    The music is great, and I've might be blind after allmost 100 eps of filler, but I still think the animation is great! I felt the Kakashi vs. Naruto/Sakura fight as the highlight of this ep. even though the Deidara and Gaara fight was awsome to!

  19. #39
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    I know everybody has said this, but the music is nice. I wonder if it's the same guy from before, but somehow I feel that in the "old" series (before the fillers, too) the music wasn't used this well - sweeping, omnious chords for the Akatsuki infiltration, what more can one ask? First time I've ever felt like wanting to buy a Naruto soundtrack.

    Well, the fight between Kakashi and Naruto/Sakura was a little slow - three episodes? To be expected, with that many flashbacks, but on the other hand it was rather nice to see their growth... even if they still can't land a full hit on Kakashi, they were pretty close most of the time.

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  20. #40
    Can't land a full hit? They very easily could have killed Kakashi.

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