Faster than DB
Faster than DB
This sig was made by KitKat.
That's because SD is ballin'. Can't wait to watch this one.![]()
DB's is out
FINALLY, the Naruto/Sakura vs Kakashi battle is over. I hope they leave the focus on Gaara's battle now.
The translation in the SD version seems to make more sense to me.Originally Posted by eat_toast
Anyways... This episode was ok I guess.... Not much happened.
Next episode seems to be semi-filler to me? Naruto cleaning up toilets?
Yea that's what i want to know.Originally Posted by eat_toast
It's pretty much the same shit, just get whatever comes out first... I've you're worried about what's better than the other, just wait for AonE.
this was a good episode...hmph.![]()
the naruto/sakura vs. kakashi fight ending was pretty weak. i was hoping that they would try to make kakashi use his sharingan and large scale attacks to wear him down. he looked pretty winded after using the three attacks in a row like that. naruto didn't really show anything new. so how is tsunade going to judge where he is at in terms of before and after the training? i guess he did show the major trait that a chuunin should have, assessing the situation and forming a plan to complete the objective of the mission (at least that's what it looked like they based shikamaru's promotion on).
obviously the gaara vs. deidara fight was the highlight of the episode. the homing missles were pretty badass. it doesn't look like either ninja is using much strategy, basically using direct attacks. gaara's strength and power is undeniable, but it looks like deidara's speed and experience is going to require him to use some planning if he wants to win.
uh...ok. It could be that, or the commentary during the previews could have nothing to do with the actual episode, you know, like how it usually is.Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
Anyway, it was a pretty decent up. the garaa/diedara fight didn't really get me all hyped up or anything. i think it was cuz of the repitition of it all. it was the same 2 attacks for like 15 min. diedara throws a bomb, garaa chases him with the sand. rise and repeat. I did like the kakashi/naruto/sakura fight. The anime team did a nice job of extending it and makign kakahis use some jutsu's. I had completely forgotten how that fight ended, so it was nice to watch it again.
Can't wait for the rest of Deidara vs Gaara to be animated. Gaara's face was weird for a while.
@ Mr. Roboto
The reason why the training fight was so dry was because it was essentially filler. Remember the initial shuriken exchange at the beginning? In the manga, it jumps from that to the end of the fight. The stuff with Kakashi's copy jutsu was not included.
Much better than the previous ep
The deidara/gaara fight felt a little more dramatic in the manga though
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Woo! Kakashi hates spoilers just as much as I do!
That made my day.
Gaara vs. Dei did look odd, but I think that's because it used the same animation they used for Oro vs. 3rd and Naruto vs. Sasuke 2. Who seems to be their go-to guy for fights that are all fast moves.
Gaara rules, and yeah, he's way more powerful, but he didn't do anything new. Just bigger, badder versions of his same old stuff.
GREAT episode.
And i really want to shut up all the idiots over at the Narutofan-board who wrote that this episode is crap. If this is crap, then i like crap.
Except from an odd animation of Gaara in the very beginning, everythign was great.
When i compare this to the uber-lame Bleach-anime at the moment,....haha ^^
That made me wanna fake spoil this episode for my friends who haven't watched it yet.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
I'm going to tell them Naruto/Sakura accidently killed Kakashi by going all out. That is why he's not with them when they find Sasuke in that teaser from Ep. 1.
the mere fact that you visit narutofan implies that you like crap. And how's bleach uber-lame rite now? have you seen 117?
uh, this is the diedra vs garaa fight.Can't wait for the rest of Deidara vs Gaara to be animated
agreed. it might have been the music. didn't really feel like fighting music. doesn't get the blood pumping.The deidara/gaara fight felt a little more dramatic in the manga though
Ya, there weren't any new jutsu's but sand shooting like 300 feet into the air is pretty fucking badass. and the huge 'cloud' of sand rite at the rules, and yeah, he's way more powerful, but he didn't do anything new. Just bigger, badder versions of his same old stuff.
I don't care what anyone says, that shit was epic.
Everything about the episode aside from the flashbacks, the standing around, and the expositionary dialog, was great. I know it sounds like I'm setting myself up for a joke here, but I'm completely serious. I loved the feel of this episode. The setting of a "Kage-level battle" in the sky, combined with the amazing music made this episode feel quite dramatic. It's good to see Gaara back, doing his same old stuff, just 10 times more powerful. I love how he can control Shukakku's limbs at will now. I'm also starting to really love Deidara.
Other than that, yeah, the flaws were obvious. The stupid filler material, flashbacks to 5 minutes earlier, and the lazy repeat animation in Naruto and Sakura's test was pretty crappy. Why do they have to draw everything out so much??
And was anyone else bothered from 12:20 to 12:35. OMG DRAMATIC STARE DOWN!
That wasn't Norio Matsumoto. His characters don't just stand around, they shift their weight, they move and they shuffle. If he had any part in the animation of this episode, it would have been Gaara's sand. Matsumoto does very fluid and kinesthetic animation, so you usually see his work in explosions, water (or sand, I guess), and fighting. I don't think he did any of the fighting in this one though, looking at the choppy fights between Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto. But yeah, maybe the sand.Originally Posted by DarthEnder
<@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs
i also think this was an improvement over last week's. I actually liked the strategy Naruto came up with. "Know thy enemy" indeed. And since it was just a battle for messing around, it made sense for Kakashi to fall prey to it.
I really thought the Gaara/Deidara fight had some great moments. The Shukaku arm and then the Shell were enough to keep me interested. I didn't think the content of the fight was all that exciting (decently well drawn though), but certainly got me thinking.
Deidara seems to have too many flaws. His jutsu takes time to create and he's reliant on whatever the hell modelling clay is in those bags (it's got to be made of his chakra and some moldable RDX slurry). Manage to cut a hole in those things and he's in trouble...
However, I'm sure Terra's new object of obsession has some other tricks up his sleeve, and he's a very smart fighter. Like Sasori said (I can't wait to see him go, he looks like action-jackson), Deidara is "slow", which to me means patient. And that's exactly what he needs to be now that he's lost the element of surprise and is up against a guy who is essentially invincible in close-quarters combat. Going with the long range explosives was a good move. This, Sasori, and the absolutely undeniable foreshadowing of Gaara getting beaten (or at least in need of rescue) in the OP all point to the Kazekage's defeat.
those were my big gripes as well... i hate repetitive stuff... especially in the middle of a fight. and the weakest part about the Gaara/Deidara fight were the strange silent staredowns. Devoid of emotion means lack of tension, and some of Deidara's comments aside, the lack of dialogue between the two fighters was somewhat disappointing. I know Gaara's not a big talker, but, give us a grunt or an angry look or something!Originally Posted by XanBcoo
oh, and might i just say that the best constant thing so far has been the music. it's fucking awesome. almost all the new tracks i hear are sweet and have a much more serious, dramatic bite to them than the old tracks. i think the battles in this episode would have been pretty weak without the awesome new music. Hats off to Harper, or whoever has been busy over in those studios coming up with the tunes.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Originally Posted by darkmetal505
oh i didn't know that was filler. i guess they didn't want to give anything away like new moves and techniques.
Good episode! I especially like the music - it made the whole battle between Gaara and Deidara feel good just like masamuneehs said.
Anyone else thought Gaara controlling the sand with his hands resembled pretty much Byakuya Kuchiki fighting style?
Oh wait - why did they repetitively show a owl and a mouse and made them look like a part of Naruto's plan to get the bells and then - nothing? I'm puzzled...
Last edited by StillAlive; Fri, 03-02-2007 at 08:11 AM.