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Thread: Bleach 117

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Man I been waiting for this episode. I wonder if the conversation during the preview ( on the last episode ) was a hint to something .


  3. #3
    Finally Sode no Shirayuki!! Best Zanpakutoh ever, and it looked excellent. The quantity of bounto flashbacks makes me think they really want that stuff integrated into the story and aren't going to just let it die, but at least the charachters haven't appeared for a while.

    The Picture book was awesome, Soi Fong abusing her ninja army to make Yorouichi porn FTW!

  4. #4
    Genin knifecrew's Avatar
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    Way to leave us in the middle of a fight.

    P.S. Rukia's zanpakuto = excellent.
    I do my killin' after breakfast.

  5. #5
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Hmm, so Rukia is powerful enough to be an officer(does that mean vice captain/captain?) but wasn't eh...

    Yeah, Rukia was awsome this episode, but baldy was the shiznit! I hope he's got some new power to back that up!

    Seriously though, Rukia one-shotted one of the Arrancar? That was pretty anti-climactic.

  6. #6
    The episode was good. I'm really glad we finally got to see Rukia's powers, and it looks like there are going to be some more good episodes coming up.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Hmm, so Rukia is powerful enough to be an officer(does that mean vice captain/captain?) but wasn't eh...

    Yeah, Rukia was awsome this episode, but baldy was the shiznit! I hope he's got some new power to back that up!

    Seriously though, Rukia one-shotted one of the Arrancar? That was pretty anti-climactic.
    Well, the arrancar did say that D-roy was a failure in comparison to the rest of them, so she took out a weakling amongst the arrancar. I think they clearly showed the difference in the power of Grimjow and D-roy already just by his entrance.

    Baldy is crazy, can't wait to see him fight all out. After how the episode ended, he has to kick some arse, he's in kenpachi's division!

  8. #8
    ANBU Captain Harima Kenji's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    This episode made me do what I haven't done in a while; watched the ep 2 times in a row... It was just só sweet
    The fights were awesome, and Ikkaku is as crazy as ever.
    I can't wait to see the coming episodes..the way they ended this one is just too much for me :'(

    Rukia's power makes me wonder..does she have a Bankai? (no I don't want an answer from you guys, I'll see it when it comes..)
    And Chappy... hilarious-pyon.

  9. #9
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    The only bad point of this episode I attribute it to Dattebayo.
    Why... oh why can't they use the spanish terms?

    Arrancar Dieciseis (16) - D-roy
    Arrancar Trece (13)... - The one that didn't give his name (but we know from last episode... EDUARDO not Edorad)
    Arrancar Sexto (6) - Grimmjow
    etc etc...

    DeathEater... I mean DarthEnder (seriously... I always read your name like that and then... oh wait): Rukia is powerful enough for a seated officer... like Ikkaku and Yumichika, not like a vicecaptain

    Rukia's Zanpakuto is awesome.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    The only bad point of this episode I attribute it to Dattebayo.
    Why... oh why can't they use the spanish terms?

    Arrancar Dieciseis (16) - D-roy
    Arrancar Trece (13)... - The one that didn't give his name (but we know from last episode... EDUARDO not Edorad)
    Arrancar Sexto (6) - Grimmjow
    etc etc...

    DeathEater... I mean DarthEnder (seriously... I always read your name like that and then... oh wait): Rukia is powerful enough for a seated officer... like Ikkaku and Yumichika, not like a vicecaptain

    Rukia's Zanpakuto is awesome.
    Yeah, I found it dumb for them not to leave the spanish terms. They might as well say "I'm Tear-Off Sixteen, and I'm from Hollow World."

  11. #11
    -I want Chad to kick those Arrancar arses
    -Renji's shikai owned
    -Rukia's oneshot awesome ( Hey I can fly dumbass Yeah great ... You'll never get me with your ground attacks ! *Shoot Ice-Patriot Sol-Air missile Rukia Winz) Thaaat was quick...
    -Would like to see Rukia's replacement pill into Ichigo's body instead of Kon.

    Honnestly feels good, no filler, no dolls ... Just Bleach

  12. #12
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    It was sweet indeed to finally see Rukia kick some ass as a real shinigami with a zanpakutou. And when that the muthafucka arrancar chose to appear to pester Rukia and Ichigo, in the coming episodes we might see some real fighting. This first arrancar was, after all, pretty weak. Although it's also true Rukia surprised the dude quite thoroughly.

    Also, Ichigo is getting more and more tsundere treatment, it seems to me. Although he's perhaps not the most typical guy recipient of such handling. There's enough punk left in him from the early episodes.

    Well, Rukia shikai was very nice, but I don't believe we will be seeing bankai any time soon. It shouldn't really be very commonplace, and, although I could be wrong, I never thought Rukia was as extraordinary as Ichigo. Of course she has had far more time to be a shinigami, but if she really was that strong, I think the very beginning of the show would have been different.

  13. #13
    If I could change my name
    to Saberfire... I would
    Deadfire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    It was sweet indeed to finally see Rukia kick some ass as a real shinigami with a zanpakutou. And when that the muthafucka arrancar chose to appear to pester Rukia and Ichigo, in the coming episodes we might see some real fighting.

    Well, Rukia shikai was very nice, but I don't believe we will be seeing bankai any time soon. It shouldn't really be very commonplace, and, although I could be wrong, I never thought Rukia was as extraordinary as Ichigo. Of course she has had far more time to be a shinigami, but if she really was that strong, I think the very beginning of the show would have been different.
    Agreed on both parts, Rukia kicked some major ass with her shikai. I wonder however did she really have it from the beginning? or get it later (flashback to the first EP when she fought that weak hollow)

    Another thing to what would Rukia's bankai be like? It shikai is freezing a circle, Bankai must be something like freezing a area the size of a mile
    image fail!

  14. #14
    Yeah Rukia owns.

    I seriously hope that they explain how she ever lost to a regular hollow in the first episode. It makes no sense.

  15. #15
    It'll be useless to explain it, and you'll simply get a shitty explanation. Just consider it that she got caught off guard somehow, especially with Ichigo meddling. And if you consider that this was probably the first time she has ever talked with a human being, especially in her Shinigami form, she might've not had her head in the game. Just think of it like that and move on.

  16. #16
    Graphics Whore Phoenix20578's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deadfire
    Another thing to what would Rukia's bankai be like? It shikai is freezing a circle, Bankai must be something like freezing a area the size of a mile
    Well, I dont think that was the complete power of Rukia's shikai. The attack was called the First Dance: White Moon. To me, that suggests that her shikai has other attacks also, but the first one was the only one she needed at the time. Her shikai's other powers and attacks might be able to do more than just freeze a circle.

    For all you awesome people, it's just Phoenix. The numbers are just the amount of times people misspell it.

  17. #17
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    With many shinigami the shikai and bankai have something in common, like with Hitsugaya, Renji, and Byakuya. With Ichigo, there's practically nothing in common between the shikai and bankai. I wonder if it somehow related to the nature of the zanpaktou. Rukia's seems to be quite similar to Hitsugaya's, and elemental one, and it's quite likely her bankai would also somehow be related to ice. Renji's is just as obvious, though not elemental, as well as Byakuya's, at least to an extent, as it seems to rely on numerous copies and such.

    So, in that sense, it would be safe to assume Rukia's bankai would also be quite freezing. Well, I don't expect we will see her bankai in the series ever. Unless something surprising happens, like her becoming a vaizard to make Ichigo feel less lonely, or something...

  18. #18
    Great episode! I loved seeing Rukia's shikai finally and the fact that she is strong enough to be a ranked officer - now we are getting to see her fight on a new level. I hope Ikkaku kicks ass next ep - he was completely crazy. Same goes for Hitsugaya: "It looks like I hit the jackpot." - "No. You are probably the biggest looser of all."

    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix20578
    Well, I dont think that was the complete power of Rukia's shikai. The attack was called the First Dance: White Moon. To me, that suggests that her shikai has other attacks also, but the first one was the only one she needed at the time. Her shikai's other powers and attacks might be able to do more than just freeze a circle.
    I dare say you're right because Rukia' s First Dance thing is rather a trap than a direct attack I'd say. Once the enemy knows how this technique works he could just simply avoid getting harmed by not stepping into the circle or not getting above. So Rukia better has direct hit attack - something like "Second Dance - Icebeam Of Pure Awesomeness"...
    That's of course only true as long as she cannot:
    -create a really huge circle and freeze things within it selectively or
    - create the circle anywhere she likes and not only where she's standing

  19. #19
    i'd like to see rukia and kimimaro in a dancing contest.

    hitsugaya's comeback was great. it seems like a lot of people under estimate him because of his size. it looks like chad is turning into a wuss. he just ran off because ichigo said he would take care of the guy, that was pretty lame. the rest of the episode was great. it looks like we are going to have some good fights coming up.

  20. #20
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, Rukia's body double is annoying my shit already.

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