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Thread: King of Hell

  1. #1

    King of Hell

    Does anyone read this Manhwa? and if you don't you bloody hell should go and get it right now. It's been scanlated upto volume 9. It's got sword fighting, envoys to the next world, demons, what more do you need?

    Quote Originally Posted by ANN
    Majeh, the once greatest warrior on earth, acts as an envoy to the next world after his death, for the King of Hell. When a rift opens between the worlds and a bunch of evil demons escape into the real world Majeh is given the mission to find and destroy all the escaped demons. But in the shadows of hell intrigues are plotted.

  2. #2
    I love this manga. Majeh can act like a child on outside but can has more then enough power to back him up.

    Great manga, must read.

    "Life is hilariously cruel" by Bender

  3. #3
    Yeah, this is a great read... It has all the shounen characteristics that make the manga a fun read, and it adds more violence and darkness than the usual shounen, separating itself from the pack. I'm up to date with the scans, up to volume 9. But man do this group suck, I had to play a bit with the files so that I could bother reading the volumes.

  4. #4
    Yeah, the scans aren't that good, but it's better than not reading it at all. I love all the comedic lines and things they put in for Majeh and the other characters, makes me laugh a little.

    I like the little plan they put together so that they could find out the truth from the Sa Goks. They have a nice little group mixed in here now with both good and evil sect members.

    Volume 10 is looking good.

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