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Thread: Naruto 343

  1. #1

    Naruto 343

    LQ Scanlation

    Naruto 343 (Sendspace)
    Last edited by Tsukasa; Fri, 02-23-2007 at 09:17 AM.

  2. #2
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Wow funny with Naruto and Sakura feeding time and Sasuke attacks Orochimaru? Kickass. Can't wait for next week.

  3. #3
    I love how people in the first couple of spots feel the need to explain what happened in the chapter to ruin it for those of us who have quick moving eyes....=( Well I liked the chapter and whatever may have happened in it! Great ending. I would have never guessed it had someone not mentioned it before! Awell! -dg-

  4. #4
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    I didn't expect the betrayal to come this early. However, Oro seems to be somewhat prepared for it.

  5. #5
    Don't see why Sasuke would bother using the cursed seal against Orchimaru seeing as it's always been sort of like a drug dealers way of power.

    "Hey, man I got this cursed seal man, it's like this, all the cool ninja's are doing it so you wanna take a hit?"

    I mean if the cursed seal was a legitimate power-up wouldn't orochimaru use it on himself? I always thought that Sasuke would finish Oro without using the sort of ghetto power-up he gave in to convince him to come in the first place.

  6. #6
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    Don't see why Sasuke would bother using the cursed seal against Orchimaru seeing as it's always been sort of like a drug dealers way of power.

    "Hey, man I got this cursed seal man, it's like this, all the cool ninja's are doing it so you wanna take a hit?"

    I mean if the cursed seal was a legitimate power-up wouldn't orochimaru use it on himself? I always thought that Sasuke would finish Oro without using the sort of ghetto power-up he gave in to convince him to come in the first place.
    Oro has only givin the cursed seal mark to people he wants to transfer his body to. Besides the sound 4 but they where is body guards and had weaker seals. Don't say he is gonna use the cursed mark against sasuke because anko was able to fight oro even if the mark was burning the whole time.

    Also Oro didnt recognize the elemental blade because it was so strong, which would me sasuke is stronger then Oro has thought. Which could mean sasuke been doing a little training on his own with Oro not knowing.

  7. #7
    not over yet Death BOO Z's Avatar
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    well, if he hadn't used it, you wouldn't know he meant buisness...
    I thought the door chopping thing was kinda lame (what was it supposed to mean? that Sasuke knows his way with a sword? perhaps it could have been nice if we saw traces of elements chackra in it) but i bet it'll look good on anime form, also, if it brings us close to getting it over with, i'm willing to stand it without too much complaints.

    on the other side, Kishi proves that he still can't write Naruto off screen without messing it out. honestly, I fucking hate Sai. and Kakashi still said that he could kill Kazoku without anyone's help - way to go, wow. so all Naruto saved was Kakashi's week from staying in bed? on the other side, Sakura seemed like she had something in mind, either it was Naruto (in the positive horney way) or Naruto (in the violent way, of throwing off the chair he was sitting on).

    oh, yea, Kabuto knew Sasuke was going to attack orochimaru, and i'm hoping that after Sasuke takes out Orochimaru, Kabuto will tell him where to find Itachi...

  8. #8
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by iMUSTbeTHEdevil
    I love how people in the first couple of spots feel the need to explain what happened in the chapter to ruin it for those of us who have quick moving eyes....=( Well I liked the chapter and whatever may have happened in it! Great ending. I would have never guessed it had someone not mentioned it before! Awell! -dg-
    I was thinking the same thing......

    FMA: You could say oro's training is just as much as a drug as the curse seal itself. Sasuke took it all from oro, with the intention of using it on him later.

    The last scene with Kabuto makes me wonder if he's in on this too....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  9. #9
    I dont get why sasuke would use the cursed seal on the guy who gave it to him. I would think that oro has some kind of fail safe device in the seal to keep sasuke in check.

  10. #10
    Where does it ever state that the cursed seal given to the sound 4 is weaker then the one that Sauske has? I always thought that the cursed seal level I and II was a sort of thing that adapted to what ever the strength of the user is.

  11. #11
    ANBU Captain
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    Quote Originally Posted by Teki
    I dont get why sasuke would use the cursed seal on the guy who gave it to him. I would think that oro has some kind of fail safe device in the seal to keep sasuke in check.
    I agree, if the cursed seals give the user more power whats stopping them from using it on Oro. He must have some sort of plan to stop him from killing him. I bet that plan requires Oro to waste too much chakra but leaves sasuke paralyzed long enough for him and Kabuto to make an escape. Then maybe sasuke might run into Itachi.

  12. #12
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    Where does it ever state that the cursed seal given to the sound 4 is weaker then the one that Sauske has? I always thought that the cursed seal level I and II was a sort of thing that adapted to what ever the strength of the user is.
    Leaf ninja stats say it. check on sasuke onko and kimi. says there seals type and that they are about equal. I think sasuke and anko's seal is heaven and kimis is gaia seal. well i looked it up here the spot.

  13. #13
    What's up with people taking information from unofficial Naruto websites and wikipedia and treating them as canon?

  14. #14
    oro said this was a new element recomposition so did sasuke become even crazier that he can make up new nature elements?

  15. #15
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    For people wondering why Sasuke used the cursed seal: Sasuke is an avenger and he will use any type of quick power boost regardless of what it does to his body in order to be strong enough to kill Itachi. And of course, to kill Orochimaru, even in his weakened state, Sasuke must use all of his power (short of level 2, apparantly) in order to guarantee the kill. Or perhaps, his new element recombination requires the seal to be used.

    Looks like Sasuke is still one step ahead of Naruto, though, too. Sasuke can control two elements and do an element recombination (whatever that means), while Naruto has only just learned how to control one element. If Kakashi thinks Naruto is possibly now above himself, then Sasuke must be way up there. The last time we saw so many ninjas killed by one person was Yondaime in Kakashi gaiden.
    Last edited by mage; Fri, 02-23-2007 at 03:01 PM.

  16. #16
    at the very least, sasuke knows chakra shape manipulation and element manipulation simultaneously (i'm guesing the sword is composed of lightning chakra) like naruto. in addition, Oro wasnt the one who taught it to him..possibly implying Sasuke taught himself. We just dont know if he can use it to the extent that Naruto uses it.

    Looks like Sasuke must use the seal in order to do that jutsu. I would think Oro is to Sasuke what Yamato is to Naruto in terms of controlling the seal. He made it, he can break it; and there goes Sasuke's ability to use that chidori sword.

  17. #17
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Also...what IS the thing he stabbed oro with? It looks like a sword, but he has his sword in his other hand. Is it pure chakra?

    I'm hoping the whole...oro bed-ridden thing is the continuing side effects of the 3rd's jutsu.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  18. #18
    i would like to know too if it is pure chakra...and the range of this technique....well about using the cursed seal,so what as we know sasuke is an avenger so he doesn't care where the power comes from as long as he can gain that power...but i was surprized to see sasuke betraying oro(although he didn't actually say ''hey naruto and sakura i am going to give my body to oro so he can kill itachi'' he just wanted his knowledge)

  19. #19
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    Just another 2 cents about Sasuke using the cursed seal-- on Naruto's side, the emphasis recently has been on Naruto using his own power without necessarily relying on the kyuubi (at least in talk-- recall those conversations way back when with Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato). Whereas we see Sasuke still depending on his cursed seal instead of "his own power." So whenever Naruto vs. Sasuke III(?) happens, I'd predict an emphasis on that dependence vs. independence thing and seeing Naruto come out as the winner.

  20. #20
    They just want Naruto to use his own power more because the seal is weakening and they don't want it to break.

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