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Thread: Game: Which had the best Metal Gear Solid Bosses?

  1. #1

    Game: Which had the best Metal Gear Solid Bosses?

    Which boss was the best out of all the Metal Gear Solids that are cannon to the main story line (Metal Gear Solid 1 - 3, Portable Ops). This is all opinion, just pick any boss or bosses, why you liked the battle or why it was memorable. This may include any you hated.

    Here are the groups:

    Metal Gear Solid

    Revolver Ocelot
    Sniper Wolf (ice field battle)
    Tank (Vulcan Raven as pilot)
    Vulcan Raven
    Psycho Mantis
    Cyborg Ninja
    Hind D (Liquid Snake in Helicopter)
    Metal Gear Rex
    Liquid Snake (Hand-2-Hand)

    Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

    Vamp (main battle not bridge)
    Harrier (Fighter Jet)
    Metal Gear Ray (all 20 of them if you played extreme -__-)
    Solidus Snake

    Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

    The Fear
    Revolver Ocelot
    The Pain
    The End
    The Sorrow
    The Fury
    Shagohod (with Volgin at controls)
    The Boss (The Joy)

    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops

    Null (Perfect Soldier, either battle)
    Metal Gear Raxa (Ursula at the helm)
    Cunningham (on platform)

    For me, all which were played on the EXTREME setting:

    Hardest Battles: 21 Metal Gear Rays, Harrier, The End (omg this took forever)
    Funnest Battles: Vulcan Raven, Cyborg Ninja, The Fury (looked cool), Revolver Ocelot (mgs3)
    Sexy Characters: The Boss, Metal Gear Rex, Null, The Sorrow, Revolver Ocelot (young)

  2. #2
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    For me the list probably goes something like this

    Most Innovative/Enjoyable Battles
    The End, Three Area Sniping Battle
    Psycho Mantis, 4th Wall Breaking Battle

    Most Emotional Battles
    Sniper Wolf,"Love in the Battlefield" Battle
    The Joy, Flower Field Battle (Mostly because of the following scene that won't progress until you push the button...)

    Most Tedious Battle
    The Sorrow, River of Too Many Ghosts Battle (I'm a little knife happy when I see exposed patrol guard neck.)

  3. #3
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    i love this franchise. Bonuses for mentioning the pre-Solid games? (like i can remember the bosses from that far back...)

    Fave of MGS 1
    I'll tell you, the first time I fought that Hind-D helicopter I thought I was going to cream my jeans. And the entire sequence of the Rex, Liquid, and the getaway may just be one of the best video game experiences of all time. But if I have to pick just one, just one, it goes to the hand to hand fight with Liquid, simply because of the plot going on and the fact that that sibling rivalry set the bar for all Metal Gears to come.

    Fave of MGS 2
    The not so good game... Seriously did not like Raiden. The Metal Gear Ray fight was fun, but the best fight is probably the one when you get the sword and fight Solidus on the roof of the library.

    Fave of MGS 3
    The End. No question.

    Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".

  4. #4
    ANBU Shuurai's Avatar
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    Definitely the Sniper Wolf battle with the Grey Fox battle a close second. The battle itself against Sniper Wolf isn't hard even on the hardest difficulty, but the storyline along with the music is magnificent and brings a tear to my eyes every time.


    To be honest I wasn't that pleased with any of the boss battles in this game so i'm going to include a semi-boss battle which is. Snake and Raiden Vs the Tengu Soldiers, I loved this battle not only was Raiden fully clothed but I was fighting along side Snake while wielding a ninjato blade and also having to cope with GW going crazy. It's a shame it doesn't last longer


    The Boss, beautiful setting, amazing music and only 10 minutes to defeat her. Of course the time limit is only a problem on your first playthrough she is easy defeated in less than 5, however the ease of this battle doesn't change the fact that it's visually stunning and alot of fun to CQC your master.

    An honourable mention goes to The End's battle as well, it's truly unique and has several movies for the different outcomes, you can also skip the battle by killing him earlier or even by putting the time forward on your console. Lots of originality much like the Psycho Mantis battle.

    This sig was made by KitKat.

  5. #5
    I will have to say Olga from Metal Gear Solid 2, Mainly because that is the first and only boss I ever faced in the game before my PS2 was sould out from under me. Yes, I know it was early in the game but I was never good with the sneaking type of game, I am the more shoot everyone in the head type of person and make your self known.

  6. #6
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I love the main battle with vamp

    Alos the ray fight and solidus kick ass

  7. #7
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The most memorable fight for me was The End in MGS 3. It's the most unique fight in all of the ones I've experienced. Took me quite some time the first time to figure out how to win in this sniper vs sniper fight, but I enjoyed having to find places to hide and to play the game of hide and seek.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  8. #8
    Most OMG I AM SO GOING TO DIE OH WAIT NO I AM NOT battle - MGS2 facing off with the Rays. Slight dissappointment that they rated their power so innefective that they had to throw ten at me, and I'm Raiden. I expected an epic batlle with maybe one or two. Seems they have a weakness to stinger missles in the face.

    Most "Why won't you die, you bastard" - Volgin. He just wouldn't give up. You'd figure he would but HE JUST WOULDN'T.

    Most Beautiful - The Boss in the field of flowers. That scene is amazing, the title theme is a nice touch, and anyone who didn't feel sad at the end has no soul.
    Last edited by eat_toast; Sun, 02-25-2007 at 02:28 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by eat_toast
    Most OMG I AM SO GOING TO DIE OH WAIT NO I AM NOT battle - MGS2 facing off with the Rays. Slight dissappointment that they rated their power so innefective that they had to throw ten at me, and I'm Raiden. I expected an epic batlle with maybe one or two. Seems they have a weakness to stinger missles in the face.

    Most "Why won't you die, you bastard" - Volgin. He just wouldn't give up. You'd figure he would but HE JUST WOULDN'T.

    Most Beautiful - The Boss in the field of flowers. That scene is amazing, the theme is a nice touch, and anyone who didn't feel sad at the end has no soul.
    I'll admit, I got teary eyed. Then Ocelot at the end made me laugh.

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