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Thread: Naruto: Shippuuden Episode 3

  1. #41
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    5,532 many flashbacks. And yeah, I agree that everything felt like it was going in slow motion. There was absolutely no tension in the episode, stuff just kinda...happened. On the other hand, I saw no problems with the animation. None of it was particularly lazy animation, and the actual fight scenes were pretty fluid. I don't get it. Why are people complaining?

    Anyway, as for the content itself: I loved it regardless of pacing. The new Akatsuki guy Deidara is great, creating clay spider-bomb things and ranting about art. And Gaara, finally doing something after spending 2 episodes sitting quietly, shifting his eyes around...

    I'm not sure I like how Sakura and Tsunade's strength really isn't physical strength at all. Basically anyone with good enough chakra control can become super strong now. That kinda makes it less amazing in my opinion. I do like how she's improved, however. Both her and Naruto have definitely gotten stronger, and that's promising.

    Deidara's Art Jutsus seem to be made from that mouth on his hand, and whatever is in the bag. I wonder what the actual properties of those forms are.
    I assumed they were made out of gunpowder until I remembered that guns don't exist in the Naruto universe. Funny that they have this substance with explosive properties, but have never actually used it.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  2. #42
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Well I dunno, maybe it's just my Deidara fandom which clouds my judgement but I honestly didn't find this worse or slower than the average Naruto episode. Flashbacks galore is one of the primary staples of the show after all. :S

  3. #43
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Despite all the bad rap for only seeing old jutsus from Naruto and Sakura, I always thought the beginning part where Naruto and Kakashi threw shuriken at each other > Naruto clones to dodge > Naruto henges into windmill shuriken > Kakashi grabs shuriken > another Naruto appears behind was one of my favorite short battle sequences in the series when they first did it in the manga.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by XanBcoo
    I assumed they were made out of gunpowder until I remembered that guns don't exist in the Naruto universe. Funny that they have this substance with explosive properties, but have never actually used it.
    Just because there are no guns, doesn't mean no gunpowder. Gunpowder was around a LONG TIME before a gun was ever made. There ARE fireworks in Naruto.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by LobsterMagnet
    I'm pretty sure the symbol on his forehead is a rock since he's from the rock village.

    oops, guess my guess was wrong.

  6. #46
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I do think that right now, Sakura seems to have improved way more than Naruto. I think that, unless Naruto shows us some new shit, that unless he uses the fox, Sakura could take him in a fight. And that's not even taking into account the fact that Sakura can heal shit.

  7. #47
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Sakura had more room for improvement than the others =P

    When did they ever say Deidara is from the stone village, btw?
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  8. #48
    It's never been directly stated but there have been more then a few times where we've gotten to directly take a look at his forehead protector and you can plainly see it's the stone village symbol.

  9. #49
    I do think that right now, Sakura seems to have improved way more than Naruto. I think that, unless Naruto shows us some new shit, that unless he uses the fox, Sakura could take him in a fight. And that's not even taking into account the fact that Sakura can heal shit.
    Sakura may have improved way more than Naruto, but don't forget how utterly worthless she was before. I find it very hard to believe that she has surpassed Naruto - and based on what we have seen so far we have no way of really knowing, so all of this is speculation obviously. That said, during the 2 and a half years that Naruto was off training with Jiraiya I have to believe he is stronger than Sakura. Just my own personal bias toward Jiraiya's skills and Naruto's willpower I suppose.

    Flashbacks galore is one of the primary staples of the show after all. :S
    I've always liked Naruto flashbacks, with a few exceptions. One: anything that flashes back to filler content obviously. Two: when they flashback to something that happened 5 minutes previous. (Zabuza vs Kakashi round one)

  10. #50
    I thought they could have been a bit more creative with some of the moves they used. For instance, Naruto's Taju Kage Bunshin seemed wasted as always. I thought he was using the clones to tire out Kakashi, as he knows that the Sharingan drains him. That would show development, not just mindless charging. Its no different to what he did against Ebisu waaay back, or even Kimimaro. Bit dissapointing in that respect.

    Other than that, music was good. Didn't like how they weaved two importent story threads like they did. I am looking forward to the Gaara fight though... I hope he kicks Deidara's ass, cos acts like a fool.

    Finally, what's all this 'one-tails' thing about Shukaku? Are all the demons supposed to have tails? Do the tails signify the strength of the demon?

  11. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    Finally, what's all this 'one-tails' thing about Shukaku? Are all the demons supposed to have tails? Do the tails signify the strength of the demon?
    Well, I think at some point they said kyuubi was the strongest of the demons, though I could be wrong. If kyuubi is the strongest, having nine tails, it would only make sense logically that the one tailed demon is the weakest.

  12. #52
    So how does the strength of the demon affect the strength of the Jinchuruuki? I mean is Gaara say at this point naturally stronger than Naruto (minus Shukaku and Kyuubi)?

  13. #53
    It's hard to say at this point in terms of sheer strength, but Gaara is no doubt a far better ninja.

    The demons are from Japanese legend. There are 9 of them with tails numbers. Kyuubi is considered the strongest.

  14. #54
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I wonder if there are 9 tailed beasts then.

    And then, isn't there also 9 members of Atatsuke?

    I guess they all want to become...tailed beast carriers.

  15. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    So how does the strength of the demon affect the strength of the Jinchuruuki? I mean is Gaara say at this point naturally stronger than Naruto (minus Shukaku and Kyuubi)?
    I would say that Gaara has more talent than Naruto (However - I believe Naruto has alot more talent than most give him credit for), though Gaara may have just had better training, he seemed to have much better techniques than Naruto. (or maybe he just knew how to channel the power of his demon better than Naruto)


    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    I wonder if there are 9 tailed beasts then.

    And then, isn't there also 9 members of Atatsuke?

    I guess they all want to become...tailed beast carriers.
    That's an interesting idea. One problem with it: didn't there used to be 10 Akatsuki members, then Orochimaru left the organization? Or maybe he left when Itachi joined.

    Also, it seems to me that Akatsuki are the strongest force that there is. Why would they need the demons to increase their power further? I think there must be some other reason for them wanting the power.

  16. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho
    That's an interesting idea. One problem with it: didn't there used to be 10 Akatsuki members, then Orochimaru left the organization?
    Maybe the other 9 Akatsuki didn't want Orochimaru to get hold of one of these demons so he left the group blubbering and offended like:
    "No you won't become Hokage Oro."
    - "Ok. Then I'm going to destroy the village, meanie!"

    Btw I didn't mentioned in my previous post that Sakura saying "I found you" to Kakashi was pretty cool - reminds of one of the first Bleach episodes

  17. #57
    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho

    Also, it seems to me that Akatsuki are the strongest force that there is. Why would they need the demons to increase their power further?
    Those who have power just want more. That would be a really interesting, but are their 9 demons in the Naruto world? if their are why haven't we heard of the others?

    But yes Gaara is a better ninja than Naruto but Kyuubi is far more powerful than shukaku.

  18. #58
    Quote Originally Posted by StillAlive
    Maybe the other 9 Akatsuki didn't want Orochimaru to get hold of one of these demons so he left the group blubbering and offended like:
    "No you won't become Hokage Oro."
    - "Ok. Then I'm going to destroy the village, meanie!"
    I know this was mostly meant as a joke, but the reason Orochimaru left the group was because he realized he could not get Itachi. At least that's what I remember him saying to Kabuto. I don't remember the episode.

  19. #59
    So what he joined Akatsuki to get Itachi? In that case what was the leader of Akatsuki (whoever that is) doing letting someone like Oro join his group?

  20. #60
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narasho
    Also, it seems to me that Akatsuki are the strongest force that there is. Why would they need the demons to increase their power further? I think there must be some other reason for them wanting the power.
    While they are certainly the most powerful force we've seen, they aren't nessecarily the most powerful ninjas in the world. Who knows what else the naruto world has that hasn't been introduced yet? Ninja's from beyond the 5 countries, demon ninjas, ninja pirates, superpowerful badguys that aren't even ninjas.

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