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Thread: Naruto: Shippuuden Episode 1-2

  1. #81
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    The first 10 minutes really got me excited. I thought that Naruto was going wide screen. But that was not to be, well at least the fillers are over and the new animation really makes the fillers look like garbage.

    I'm quite sure I'm not the only one who noticed this, but does this guy look familiar to any of you?

    I thought the "filler" parts of the anime were done rather well. Hope to see more, including the short segments with both the pre and post time jump characters. Naruto talking to Naruto is classic.

    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  2. #82
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I was also wondering who it was, and does that character have some significance later because of the placement. Or maybe they had just added one random person there to make the situation look more official, as opposed to those filler mission briefings that always just happened at Tsunade's office without extra ceremonies.

  3. #83
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Well it's not really just another random character, but I though that he really looked like a character which appeared in the series waaaaaaaay back in the first few arcs. Must be the hat.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  4. #84
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    I think you're referring to Inari.....the kid that cried too much
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  5. #85
    That guy can't be Inari... he's too tall!

  6. #86
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DB_Hunter
    On the issue of Naruto not being a Chunnin... I think its pretty simple. Tsunade will obviously watch his fight with Kakashi, and obviously Naruto will perform well. Based on this performence he will be promoted to Chunnin, because it will be so blatant that he is above Genin level... you can't honestly say that Naruto = Konohamaru now can yo, or that he is lower than the likes of Chouji, Ino, and all the other lame ass figthers...?
    That makes alot of sense. I can totally see that happening.

  7. #87
    Issue of Naruto being chunnin or genin or etc. I'm not reading the manga so i can't be sure what level he will become, however i believe its a moot point. My reasoning is, he is probably same or higher level than neji, temari, etc. If you were to say from the standpoint of can he be a mission leader, that remains to be seen. But if you were to look at it from fighting standpoint he is probably at the level of Gaara and Sasuke. BTW in the first 10 mins. When the kyubbi is talking to naruto, anyone seem to think naruto didn't want to resort to using the kyubbi's chakara. Seemed to me he wants to do it with his own power.

  8. #88
    On the issue of Naruto not being a Chunnin... I think its pretty simple. Tsunade will obviously watch his fight with Kakashi, and obviously Naruto will perform well. Based on this performence he will be promoted to Chunnin, because it will be so blatant that he is above Genin level... you can't honestly say that Naruto = Konohamaru now can yo, or that he is lower than the likes of Chouji, Ino, and all the other lame ass figthers...?
    Well, they did mention a Chuunin exam coming up. Maybe Naruto will take that exam, own everyone really quickly, and become a Chuunin? (reminiscent of Killua in Hunter Hunter taking the Hunter exam way later)

    On a side point, if Sakura is a Chuunin now maybe she will actually contribute something to battles other than just screaming "Sasuke-kuuuuuunnnnnn!"

  9. #89
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dellthx
    BTW in the first 10 mins. When the kyubbi is talking to naruto, anyone seem to think naruto didn't want to resort to using the kyubbi's chakara. Seemed to me he wants to do it with his own power.
    That scene was a bit hard to interpret. Although it didn't look to me exactly like he didn't want to use it, even though the kyuubi himself suggested Naruto is too weak otherwise. Still, I hope this series will never go to that direction. After all, that source of unlimited chakra is Naruto's own bloodline limit or the closest thing he has to any special ability... It would be foolish not to use it because it's not his own originally. It's inside him, rather permanently, so in my opinion not using it would be like Hyuuga or Uchiha not using their eyes.

  10. #90
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    One thing I always wondered about that scene between Naruto and Sasuke was, that as I understood it, most of those inner chamber scenes represented a metaphorical connection between Naruto and Kyubi. It made sense in the context of two conscious entities having an in-depth interaction that, in the real world may only be an instant in time, such as the whole conversation taking place during the single swing of Sasuke's sword. However, for Sasuke to enter this conversation as well...did he stop swinging his sword to use the sharingan on Naruto? If so, what does this exchange of events look like from Sakura's perspective? Is Sasuke talking to the kyubi internally while physically he's still swinging his sword?

    I totally dig the very concept, but sometimes drawing on it for so long, you start to blur these details.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  11. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    That scene was a bit hard to interpret. Although it didn't look to me exactly like he didn't want to use it, even though the kyuubi himself suggested Naruto is too weak otherwise. Still, I hope this series will never go to that direction. After all, that source of unlimited chakra is Naruto's own bloodline limit or the closest thing he has to any special ability... It would be foolish not to use it because it's not his own originally. It's inside him, rather permanently, so in my opinion not using it would be like Hyuuga or Uchiha not using their eyes.
    One thing I always thought, was that the more and more Naruto uses the Nine Tail's power, the more and more it becomes likely for the Nine Tails to take over.

    I mean, based on what was said in the first episode alone, we now know what was locked inside Gaara is the same type of creature Naruto has inside him. And look what happened when Gaara lost himself in the the power. It was at the point where he wasn't even the one controlling it anymore, and it was more or less using him as an avatar so to speak.

    I can see why Naruto wouldn't want to use the Nine Tail's power. Maybe he knows about losing himself to the demon? Or, maybe he just wants to use his own power, and not rely on anyone else but himself.

  12. #92
    [QUOTE=AssertnFailure]One thing I always wondered about that scene between Naruto and Sasuke was, that as I understood it, most of those inner chamber scenes represented a metaphorical connection between Naruto and Kyubi...what does this exchange of events look like from Sakura's perspective? Is Sasuke talking to the kyubi internally while physically he's still swinging his sword?QUOTE]

    If you look back at when Itachi used the Mangekyou/Mangekyuu? Sharingan on Kakashi, the exchange felt to Kakashi like hours when in fact it was instantaneous. I realize that Sasuke does not currently possess the Mangekyou, but the fact that time dilation like this has occurred before only makes that explanation all the more plausible. If it is in fact a single instant, then from Sakura's point of view it should look as if Sasuke is swinging his sword uninterrupted.

    Traditionally, telepathic contact in movies and other shows appears to take a great deal of effort and takes place at the same speed as if both parties were having a conversation, but one fictional example doesn't invalidate another. Telepathy doesn't exist (as far as we know), so if the animators want it to be instantaneous, then I say why not.

    @Psyke, I saw that and immediately wondered what Inari was doing in Tsunade's office, although they probably just needed a place-holder character and used an amalgam of old character designs.

  13. #93
    Quote Originally Posted by Vegechan
    One thing I always thought, was that the more and more Naruto uses the Nine Tail's power, the more and more it becomes likely for the Nine Tails to take over.

    I mean, based on what was said in the first episode alone, we now know what was locked inside Gaara is the same type of creature Naruto has inside him. And look what happened when Gaara lost himself in the the power. It was at the point where he wasn't even the one controlling it anymore, and it was more or less using him as an avatar so to speak.

    I can see why Naruto wouldn't want to use the Nine Tail's power. Maybe he knows about losing himself to the demon? Or, maybe he just wants to use his own power, and not rely on anyone else but himself.
    Actually, from the first part of the episode I thought Naruto was able to control the Kyuubi. He was talking with it and wasn't scared at all. The Kyuubi said "let's show them our power" which I assume meant Naruto is able to fully harness the Kyuubi chakra inside himself.

  14. #94
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    I dont think that would happen, the first time naruto went kyuubi, he went berserk, and attacked haku in a mad rage ( his power was obviously more feral then the other times he used the kyuubi after that, even running on hands and feet).
    Kyuubi is supposed to be a NINE-tailed beast, while when naruto fought sasuke he developed only 1 tail, this to me means naruto was only using a 9th of kyuubi's power.

    Now this leads me to believe that kyuubi was tricking naruto, there is no way in hell that naruto's mind and body would be able to handle 100 % of kyuubi's power, especially since it's a dark and sinister power.
    And naruto's body was already "breaking up" at the climax of that fight.
    I can just picture naruto breaking the seal and blowing up afterwards or something..... kyuubi would definitly take over.

  15. #95
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Would you say, that when Naruto hit the next level of the transformation vs Sasuke in the chase arc, that he had control of the demon power? He still said stuff like bringing Sasuke back (although with much more verocity, ie. "even if I have to break your legs"), and he still had the consciousness to be able to summon up a rasengan too. I think ever since his first metaphorical confrontation with kyubi back in the chuunin exams, Naruto has had more of an awareness about his actions while under that power.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #96
    I thought that it was cool the first ten minutes. I wonder if Kakashi could use his Sharingan and see into Naruto's mind like that!?! That would be cool. I wonder if that Uchiha Madara is going to show up in a story line? I still want to see more about the 4th! But hopefully the Naruto God's will bless us! -dg-

  17. #97
    Well, if "KG" gets aired, we'll get a bit more insight on the 4th. Anyway, the Kyubi has a lot of potential, but it's one of those double edged swords.

    It gives Naruto a massive increase in strength, speed, defense, jutsu speed, etc but at the cost of going berserk, constantly causing damage to his body, and the potential to literally oblierate even his comrades. We've all seen how destructive 1 tail (out of the 9 total) the Kyubi is. Imagine that but add on 9x more the strength and you get the Kyubi pretty much. If Naruto loses full control of the Kyubi, it'll be like what happens to Gaara. The Kyubi comes out, but this time, it'll be all over for Konoha unless there's a Konoha shinobi who can use the same sealing technique as the Fourth and the Third.

  18. #98
    I can't see why everyone is linking 1 tail of Kyuubi to = 1/9th of this power... although I see the logic in this this has not been confirmed in the anime so far.

    Yes I did think it was interesting when Kyuubi said to Naruto 'lets show them our power'. Perhaps he meant a combination of his (Kyuubi's) chakra with Nartuo's newly learnt powerful techniques?

    Although Naruto did not want to use Kyuubi's power, did he not begin to put his hand out to touch him, just before Sasuke entered? Maybe he was about to accept his power, or maybe he was going to do what Sasuke did anyway... which was to disperse the Kyuubi chakra.

  19. #99
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkshadow
    Now this leads me to believe that kyuubi was tricking naruto, there is no way in hell that naruto's mind and body would be able to handle 100 % of kyuubi's power, especially since it's a dark and sinister power.
    And naruto's body was already "breaking up" at the climax of that fight.
    I can just picture naruto breaking the seal and blowing up afterwards or something..... kyuubi would definitly take over.
    I agree totally with this. Clearly Kyuubi was trying to trick Naruto into freeing him (if it was even possible) just before Sasuke showed up. I don't think Naruto accepting 100% of Kyuubi's power would be beneficial for anyone...Anyway, I think Assertn is also right in that Naruto definitely has some mastery and understanding of Kyuubi's power (shown in his fight against Sasuke), but he can only handle a certain amount given his current level of skill. When Naruto was totally conscious in his Kyuubi-mode against Sasuke, he was able to harness more of the red chakra and become stronger. He was obviously semi-coherent (able to talk to Sasuke and form a Rasengan), but even then he become more ferocious and fox-like.
    I can't see why everyone is linking 1 tail of Kyuubi to = 1/9th of this power...
    Yeah...I don't get this either. There seems to be different incarnations of Kyuubi's power in every instance. He either goes berserk (like the first time against Haku), harnesses the power for his own use (like when summoning Gamabunta or in his fight against Neji - actually, couldn't we see 9 tails of Chakra in that fight too??), or physically manifest ears and a tail - perhaps "becoming" Kyuubi. Maybe it's that last one that people are referring to...

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  20. #100
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    Even if Naruto were to damage himself in a fight using Kyuubi's chakra, it wouldnt matter, as the past episodes have proven, the power of Kyuubi gives Naruto instant healing, I believe even when he's not in Kyuubi mode, At the very beginning when they left Konoha and they got attacked by those 2 Ninja that used poison Kunai or something. Naruto got hit and kakashi was worried the poison would kill him. After the antidote and everything, kakashi saw his wound and noticed it was already healing quite fast.

    Fight with Haku, all his wounds healed. Fight with Neji, I think there too. The fight with Gaara as well and most noticable in the Sasuke fight before Sasuke ran away. Instant healing. So even if Naruto does go berserk, it wouldnt matter if he was damaged. :/

    Well... Kyuubi can supposedly cause tidal waves and mountains to crumble from one wag/whip of his tail... so I am assuming, Kyuubi's real power has not even been seen yet. From the looks of it, Naruto seems to be more in control the more he uses Kyuubi's chakra, that's just my take on it though. :/

    Also, since it's titled "Naruto: Shippuuden," does that mean it's not licensed, or is it licensed?

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