I trust you told her you don't need a life if you can watch Naruto?Originally Posted by darkmetal505
I trust you told her you don't need a life if you can watch Naruto?Originally Posted by darkmetal505
The entire episode was amazing to me, the extremely good animation was SHOCKING at first. I felt like crying or screaming the entire time. Err, what are they going to do when the anime actually gets to that part? Maybe it will be a lot more detailed or something. I hope it is. If not, that sort of seems like a waste.
They better not skip it though.
great episode, really loved it and it was nice to see Naruto series back to how it use to be.Also liked how they ended it in a really good cliff hanger and as usual, Naruto series has multiple things going on so have to wait till next episodes to see how the test goes and whats going on in the sand village. I personally didn't mind the keyword things..was obvious to me those were place probably when commercial breaks were starting and they were little funny although yes distracting from the main story but what do you expect, they are giving a service to the viewers (Japanese) w/ those giving a keyword to win prizes.
cool episode either way.
Just seems they probably gave a lot away in the beginning with the first few mins..guessing that's whats going to happen later. >.< teasers.
Great to see Naruto back to its high quality level. Despite all that has been said, it was a bit nostalgic seeing it all again. Man infact last time I watched Naruto doing the things Konohamaru was doing I was still in my Uni days chilling...
On another note, excuse my ignorance but what does Shippuuden mean? Is this some special arc that is not part of the normal anime?
Edit: Sorry for that. just found out the answer in the other thread...
Finally, after about a year and a half of fillers, Naruto is back to its awesomeness!! I enjoyed the entire episode and the animation was superb. You can just see the difference from the fillers animation to this one. I have to admit I was surprised by the beginning; didn't think they would show Sasuke so early (whereas us manga readers had to wait like an unmentionable number of chapters just to see him). I can finally look forward to watching Naruto again. Amen!![]()
Last edited by masamuneehs; Fri, 02-16-2007 at 08:35 PM.
This fantastic Sousuke sig was made by the one and only Lucifus! Thanks man!
I finally got the opportunity to watch it and I was pleasantly reminded of why I first started watching Naruto. It was refreshing to watch a real episode of Naruto after being turned to abandon the series for two years by those revolting fillers.
As an anime-only watcher I was pretty confused by the first ten minutes, but thats not to say it detracted from the overall feel of awesome. I took it more as a "This is how incredible this series will get, so just pretend fillers never happened and keep watching" kind of thing.
My only complaint is that, like many other people on these forums, I felt that the "Keyword" segments really broke up the pacing of the episode. Other than that, I'm glad to have Naruto back and I'm eagerly awaiting the next episode.
The keyword might be "Shippuuden"
Shippuuden... Hurricane Chronicles?
Either this is going to be mainly Sand Village centred (Wind Country) or we're going to have another load of bloody Rasengans...
Concerning the keyword segments, I think those were for a contest or something. We have things like that all the time "Watch this show, look for the special words, send in a post marked letter with all the keywords to this address to enter the contest." Most of them seemed to happen right before commerical breaks, so it fits.
Finally something awesome again on this series.
All the episode was great for me, even the stupid keyword sections (the first one was based on a manga poster btw, I don't believe this is a spoiler btw)
Konohamaru's section at the beginning was good, it was nice to see something well planned, unlike several 80+ previous eps.
Akatsuki! w00t!
Too much to discuss... like Bleach once again.
I hope they keep the Shinigami Gold... errr... the section at the end.
it's about time. i thought the opening was confusing since i don't read the manga but i guess it's safe to assume that they find sasuke. the animation in this episode was way better than the filler crap, hopefully they can keep it up. the akatsuki guy reminded me of vampire hunter d in the way that they have the mouth in the palm of their hand that they have to feed. it looks like it's going to be three on one for gaara unless kankuro or temari can make it back to the sand village in time to help. i was always a bit curious as to what would happen with naruto and becoming a chuunin. i guess i thought they would just magically have him be a chuunin when he came back. i know someone mentioned that it was odd that shikamaru is still a chuunin while others have moved past him. shika is probably just too lazy to move up a rank. or it's possible that the skills required to become a juunin are skills that shika lacks and the others excel at. naruto is going to be like billy madison going through all these exams and crap.
uh...is that what i think it is?
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
Yes, AFOriginally Posted by AssertnFailure
Your using a mac, thats what it looks like :P
Anyways, I guess this is what I get for posting this many pages in, but what ever one has said so far. The keyword thing I didn't mind as my eyes were still glossed over at rest of the ep. It was so awesome to see it in fine shape again. Seriously this was so needed to bring me back to naruto (even like no action ever really happened...yet)
On the note of future EPs it will be bad ass to see garaa fight again.I'm sure this is going to happen as I know the 400 other odd ninja aren't main characters :P
image fail!
My favorite part of this episode was when Naruto realized how goddamn annoying he was!
i saved a unicorn
What's with the Konohamaru hate? IIRC that was in the manga. It's not filler crap. It's playing homage to Team 7 and also adding to the "nostalgia."
Why hasn't anyone complained that they replayed 30 seconds verbatim of what happened before Sakura's keyword interruption? That's worse than all the flashbacks they threw in. This "1 hour special" was full of filler crap. 30 seconds replayed, lots of flashbacks, keyword nonsense. Without all that filler and the unnecesary teaser at the beginning, this would've been a good regular 30 minute episode.
I also didn't care for all the computer animation. It sticks out like a sore thumb.
After a year and half I can finally start getting a weekly dosage of Naruto again. That in itself is quite nostalgic.
Everyone has said what needs to be said, for or otherwise to certain aspects of the Shippuden, but all in all we all agree that it was an awesome welcome back. So I dont have much to add on... Other than, Definitely the DB version's translation is more accurate than the SD translation. I watched both and in listening and following along I found that DB's translation was pretty much correct. However SD's version had quite a number of totally incorrect translations. Eg when Iruka is talking about how its being quite a long time since Naruto went off to train with Jiraiya (which is what he says), however in SD's version, they translate the "it has been quite some time" as "He was really serious too", and what Tsunade said afterwards is somewhat incorrectly translated.
But dont get me wrong, I still am glad that they at least subbed it and put it out to be dled. I'd rather have that, than have nothing at all.
Still not as bad as DB's mistranslation of the akatsuki's conversationOriginally Posted by ShinobiNiNaritai
10/4/04 - 8/20/07
I must be the only anime-only person who wasn't at all confused by the beginning.
Pretty much as soon as they started the scene after the opening credits I realized the beginning scene was a flashforward.
On the issue of Naruto not being a Chunnin... I think its pretty simple. Tsunade will obviously watch his fight with Kakashi, and obviously Naruto will perform well. Based on this performence he will be promoted to Chunnin, because it will be so blatant that he is above Genin level... you can't honestly say that Naruto = Konohamaru now can yo, or that he is lower than the likes of Chouji, Ino, and all the other lame ass figthers...?
Holy shut, I never thought I'd see the day again when I'd download a torrent with over 20 k users. Naruto is BACK BABY!!!!