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Thread: Naruto: Shippuuden Episode 1-2

  1. #241
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    Nowhere does it say the sound village lies in "the land of sound," and just as ryougazell pointed out (in a creepy knows-too-much-about-the-fillers kinda way), the fillers specifically declared that the sound village lies in the country of rice in the first arc after the sasuke chase.
    Ouch. That kinda hurt.
    I thought they mentioned it during the Chuunin Exams... but if they didn't then it was indeed the 2nd filler arc (1st was Ibiki's brother...) which confirmed it. And yes... its filler... but I think it became canon? or no? whatever...

    Ep3 will be out in a few hours... I hope they mantain the ending omake a-la-bleach... but no more secret words please.

  2. #242
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Are these so called Databooks even official? Like did Kishimoto make it or is it just made by a fan?

  3. #243
    If you'd ask me, i think these databooks are made by some supporter of Kishimoto or his subordinate.

    Also, how does oro being a criminal exclude him from a title like kage? "Criminal" is a very relative concept, because you could also consider the mizukage as a "criminal" from konoha's perspective, as they are opposing forces.
    1st. I dont consider mizukage as a criminal. let us put it this way, during the World War II. Japan and USA fought right? and Japan was considered as an enemy by the US... but they werent considered as a criminal. And the one who lead Japan at that time was thier prime minister (correct me if im wrong becoz im not sure how they call thier leader thier and im sure that its not a president.) So if the prime minister was the leader, then it would be in a same relation to the Mizukage. and I dont think the Mizukage has done a crime in Konoha. only that their country are not in good relations.

    secondly, "Orochimaru, founder and leader of Otogakure, is also referred to as Otokage (音影, literally "Sound Shadow"?) by some fans, but this is not an official title" that is from wikipedia... and if you read more it is also stated thier that their village is from the Rice Country.

    so basically my conclusion is Otokage is not an official name, Orochimaru could be refered to as the "Rice Shadow" also since he is creating that village in that country and it will still be unofficial. but since it is not officially recognized by the five great country.. then Otokage would be just okay...

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
    Are these so called Databooks even official? Like did Kishimoto make it or is it just made by a fan?
    What really hurt me the most was that Maito Gai's official name is "Might Guy". :(

  5. #245
    is something missing from the manga? What happened to Kakashi gaiden?

  6. #246
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    "Country of Sound - Hidden Village of Sound - Orochimaru
    The country and hidden village of sound is created and lead by Orochimaru. It's a relatively small country, but it's forces can't be considered weak. Orochimaru is a legendary Sannin, he's extremely powerful. Orochimaru killed the third Hokage and almost suceeded in destroying Konoha. He is also after Sasuke for his Sharingan. We've seen serveral sound ninjas in the Chuunin exam, including Kabuto disguised as a Konoha ninja."

    Guide to the Rice Field Country aka The Sound Country
    "The current proper name of the country is unknown, citizens refer to it as the "Rice Field Country" while Sound ninja refer to it as the "Sound Country." The difference arising because of "Rice Field's" filler origin"

    "The recently formed Hidden Sound Village, located in the Sound Country. Ruled and created by Orochimaru, a very powerful and talented Missing-Nin from the Hidden Leaf Village."

    "The Land of Sound (音の国, Oto no Kuni?) is a geographical feature in the Naruto anime and manga series. It was likely named after the Otogakure, which Orochimaru founded, and both refer to what could be considered as one political entity."
    "Otogakure (音隠れの里, Otogakure no Sato?, literally "Village Hidden in Sound") was founded by Orochimaru as a part of the Land of Sound, and is run by him."

    Is that enough "googling" fansites for you assertn? why would i even state something i didn't read about. Sheez.

  7. #247
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Wow, they'res alot of stupidity in this thread.

    1. The databooks ARE official, no matter how many people with 5 posts show up and argue they aren't.

    2. Kishimoto has never stated anywhere what the Sound Village's country is called. darkshadow's "research" is an example of one site making shit up and the other sites copying it to have the "information". The first time the Sound's country is named is in filler, at which point it became official because Kishimoto has never produced anything that has stated otherwise.

    3. Only the five biggest nations have Kages. The Leaf, the Sand, the Stone, the Cloud and the Mist. These are in the countries of Fire, Wind, Earth, Thunder and Water. You'll notices none of those villages are named the same as their countries.

    4. There are however, many other countries, some of which have ninja villages, some don't. For example Wave Country has no ninja village. And then villages like Waterfall and Rain and Grass are all located in their own countries, none of which have been named. That doesn't mean that the Waterfall Village is in the Waterfall country and the Rain Village is in the Rain Country, it just means their countries weren't stated yet.

    The same was true of the Sound Village up until they named the country Rice during the filler.

    And no, Hoshikage was not a real kage. Not because it was in filler, because, guess what, no matter how much they suck fillers are still official once they come out. Hosikage was not a real kage because even in that filler arc they stated that the hoshikage was not recognized by the other countries as a kage.

    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage
    i think you should re watch the chunin exam episodes, all villages were represented ALL.
    I realize this has since been explained already, even with your own screenshot, but the villages in the chuunin exam consist of only 2 of the 5 main villages(leaf and sand) and 4 lesser villages(waterfall, rain, grass and sound). That picture also does a good job of showing how all the lesser villages that participated are ones that border konoha. It still shows all the other 3 main countries though. The Earth country north of the rain and grass villages. And the thunder country northeast of Konoha. And then the water country is the big island out in the ocean.
    Last edited by DarthEnderX; Fri, 02-23-2007 at 06:35 AM.

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