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Thread: Naruto 342

  1. #21
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    Can learning just a new jutsu really make you that much more powerful? All Naruto learned was a new direct-attack. It's not like his fighting skills and speed and such improved as well.

    But nontheless it is still a cool jutsu and all... And with 2 members of Akatsuki already gone... I wonder how long the rest of the series will be.

  2. #22
    He created a new jutsu and learned better ways to use the kage bunshin. He also got years of experience ouf of it.

  3. #23
    Missing Nin Lefty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    He created a new jutsu and learned better ways to use the kage bunshin. He also got years of experience ouf of it.
    Probably a life times worth of experience from the begining of the training to now.

  4. #24
    He was pretty lucky that he got out of this alive. Just think about it, his speed didn't increase, would Rasen shuriken have touched Rock Lee or Sasuke? It would be better if we knew how long it takes to set this new jutsu up, and how long it takes for Naruto's speed to land. To me, he didn't really change... it's just Rasengan with more buffs. As for analyzing with Kagebunshins... he could have done that ages ago, but he was a dumbass?

  5. #25
    Man, akatsuki seems to be dropping like flies. However, don't count out Hidan yet. He is immortal after all, and Zetsu could be lurking close by. So I guess the poll was pretty accurate:

    Hidan and Kakuzu were the overwhelming favorites.

  6. #26
    Mother F*****, so much bullshit in one chapter.

    1.) Kakuzu is beaten by Naruto in 2
    2.) Shikamaru beats an akatsuki member all by
    3.) All of a Sudden Naruto is better than Kakashi because of one new move that doesn't even involve the
    3.5) I still can't get over Hidan losing to Shikamaru
    4.) Akatsuki is overated. My grandma could get in.

    To compensate for all the bullshit so far, Kishimoto owes us more Asuma x Kurenai hentai.

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by jing
    He was pretty lucky that he got out of this alive. Just think about it, his speed didn't increase, would Rasen shuriken have touched Rock Lee or Sasuke? It would be better if we knew how long it takes to set this new jutsu up, and how long it takes for Naruto's speed to land. To me, he didn't really change... it's just Rasengan with more buffs. As for analyzing with Kagebunshins... he could have done that ages ago, but he was a dumbass?
    well yes, naruto might be a dumb ass ninja 3 years ago, but after that training he had with kakashi, he already changed. before, Naruto used to attack the enemy carelessly using all of his chakra in a kage bunshin and what does he get? all those clones goes poof and he creates another then attacks. but at the start of the battle (naruto vs. kakuzu) he was using his head at that time. he was trying to know on how kakuzu attacks, and with that, he had a hint that he only needs at least 3 kage bunshin for him to land a rasen shuriken, well at first it did not hit because we might put it that he was holding it for too long or something else, but with that second attempt, he landed it on kakuzu perfectly. remember the clone was also carrying a rasen shuriken... and then 2 of his clones and himself attacked kakuzu from behind where in kakuzu thought that the one in front of him was the clone. and from that point, I could say that was only a small span of time that he created the rasengan shuriken.

  8. #28
    Jounin Idealistic's Avatar
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    this training makes the 2 1/2 years training with jiraiya completely useless.... he was still a clueless ninja after they came back.

    we can pretty much say jiraiya didn't teach naruto how to defend himself from akatsuki at all... and that was the whole point of jiraiya training naruto for 2 1/2 years.... wtf 2 1/2 years and naruto can use 4-tails of kyuubi's power but now they are trying to hold him back.

    why didn't jiraiya train naruto to learn this new jutsu?

    and how come kakashi was the only one who figured out this way of training with the kage bunshins?

  9. #29
    Naruto couldn't learn this new jutsu without the Kyuubi power.
    Kage Bunshin is a forbidden technique. Very few people know how to do it.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage
    Mother F*****, so much bullshit in one chapter.

    1.) Kakuzu is beaten by Naruto in 2
    2.) Shikamaru beats an akatsuki member all by
    3.) All of a Sudden Naruto is better than Kakashi because of one new move that doesn't even involve the
    3.5) I still can't get over Hidan losing to Shikamaru
    4.) Akatsuki is overated. My grandma could get in.

    To compensate for all the bullshit so far, Kishimoto owes us more Asuma x Kurenai hentai.
    I don't see you guys complaining in Bleach when Ichigo powers up and kicks all the strong characters. Heck, you even saw Itachi wipe-out his whole clan, and everyone just seems to accept it just fine. Also, you're missing the point of everything on what has been going on, especially the "King piece" refference.

    Kakuzu was beaten first because he was already partly weakened by Kakashi and the others. Secondly, time to test the new Resengan, so he had to go.
    Shikamaru didn't beat Hidan by himself. He was very well prepared for the fight, so he was in a huge advantage. The whole setting where the fight took place was specifically prepared to take Hidan down.

    You people over think too much. This are ninjas trained to kill, so anything can happen at any given time. It doesn't matter what rank or level the person is, the important point is that all of them have techniques that kill, so watch your backs.

  11. #31
    Moderator Raven's Avatar
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    Not many people have died during the course of this series - the last few chapters seemed to have made up for it a bit...
    I think I know precisely what I mean
    when I say it's a schpadoinkle day

  12. #32
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    I would like to see more good guys die though. It seems like all the ones fighting on the side of good never die except the sidelines characters. Honestly, who was emotionally devastated by the deaths of Hayate, the old grandma during the Gaara arc or Asuma? I personally didn't care enough for any of them. I don't "feel" their deaths as I should do when something as grave (pun) as that happens. *insert the 8241842nd obligatory "Chouji should have died" rant thingy here*

    Evil characters on the other hand almost appear completely expendable except in Akatsuki, where it instead feels weird when they get owned due to all the build-up that organization has had throughout the years of the series. I think that most of us have problems getting over that the akatsuki members are killed at all, especially by the "leaf kiddies". This can also be attributed to the bigass hype that Akatsuki has received in the series. Everybody's been like "yeah they're invincible can't be killed etc". Kishi has in a sense written himself into a corner. But in the end, who gives a shit. People have to die, even the ones who you think of as invincible apparently..

  13. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Terracosmo
    Honestly, who was emotionally devastated by the death of Hayate,
    I was...

  14. #34
    Sexfiend Terracosmo's Avatar
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    Outside you, inside you, does it matter?
    Well I guess he was pretty cool but my point is he didn't receive much development or screentime before passing away :S

  15. #35
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Geez...can't you guys just let the man do his work?
    You should all know by now that playing the safe route with his well-developed characters is part of Kishimoto's style. If you don't follow the story for his style, then what do you follow it for?

    Kishimoto tries to create arcs that revolve around specific themes...
    With the wave country arc, it was about "bonds" and "the importance of having a precious person"
    With Lee vs Sasuke, it was "hard work vs genius"
    With Naruto vs Gaara, it was "fighting for others vs fighting for yourself"
    With both the 3rd and now with Asuma, it was "the young will always surpass the old"
    (I think having Asuma be the one to carry over this theme by dying was even more powerful, since his father died carrying that theme back in the war between konoha and sand)

    That's his style, and if he hadn't been enforcing such rhetoric in the first place, then I'd be compelled to complain as well, but to me this totally justifies Naruto beating Kakuzu. To kill off a character or not is at his own discretion, because he's the one who has to devise the next scenario, and he chooses which characters will play a role in it. I'm fine with that.

    The only things I ever have issues with are plot elements that seem to serve no purpose, such as oro losing his arms to the 3rd only to get them back later, or this big deal about the roots organization (and Yamato being Sai's secret mentor) completely neglected...although I still expect some sort of coup happening soon.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  16. #36
    ANBU Captain
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    I can recall a time when a lot of people were complaining because a well thought out plan would be ruined for the sake of character development. This is the first plan that was seen all the way through with no bs. I'm glad hidan is dead it will give him less moves in naruto shippuden accel. Be happy! Now hidan wont be one of those cheap ass characters. lol

  17. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    I don't see you guys complaining in Bleach when Ichigo powers up and kicks all the strong characters. Heck, you even saw Itachi wipe-out his whole clan, and everyone just seems to accept it just fine. Also, you're missing the point of everything on what has been going on, especially the "King piece" refference.

    Kakuzu was beaten first because he was already partly weakened by Kakashi and the others. Secondly, time to test the new Resengan, so he had to go.
    Shikamaru didn't beat Hidan by himself. He was very well prepared for the fight, so he was in a huge advantage. The whole setting where the fight took place was specifically prepared to take Hidan down.

    You people over think too much. This are ninjas trained to kill, so anything can happen at any given time. It doesn't matter what rank or level the person is, the important point is that all of them have techniques that kill, so watch your backs.
    As for bleach, most of those instances Ichigo powered up because of his either inner hollow stregnth or hidden reserves that noone knew about. The hollow is alot like Naruto tapping into the Kyuubi's power, no complaints there. Whenever he uses his hidden reserves, he doesnt even really win his fights (Byakuya breaks his sword and he ties with Kenpachi). That is also like how when Naruto used the resangan on Kabuto, kind of like instinct. But here Naruto came up with a simple plan and fooled a really old/experienced Akatsuki member that fought the 1st Hokage. Eh, its kind of hard for me to accept.

    As for Itachi, he had been building up his skills, its not like he suddenly became uber duber powerfull overnight (unless you count him attaining his mangyekou, but even Kakashi admits he's pretty powerful w/o it).

    But I do see what kishimoto is trying to say with the "king" piece, I just think they're a bit short experience compared to Kakashi, Gai, Jiraiya, etc.

  18. #38
    During the part where Kurenai and Shikamaru talk, and Shika says "I will take care of your baby" or something like that. I thought he volunteered to be the baby daddy O_o

  19. #39
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Technically, Naruto now has more years of training experience than even Kakashi has.
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  20. #40
    Awesome user with default custom title NeoCybercoin's Avatar
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    Well Kakashi also has the Kage Bunshin ya know.

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