DB Bleach 115
Grab it!
DB Bleach 115
Grab it!
thanks doc
This ep was great, absolutely great, it felt so damn manga-ish, also the pacing is perfect.
I liked how they animated the rukia-ichigo-hollow scene at the beginning, was really really good.
The humor was back aswell, and ofcourse the ART, its back to normal , which is great ofcourse.
My only gripe is, that nobody should remember Rukia, they forgot about her, when she returned to soul society ( the normal people ), other than that, this ep was very nice, the next ep is going to be killer though ( and the ep after that one, and the one after that one... etc.. )
shinigami cup was also pretty funny.
edit: what a nice 1000th post i made :P
That last scene was my favorite, just like it was in the manga. If there are more than 10 we're all doomed...cut to Aizen...Hey look I've got 20 super Hollows! And an awesome metrosexual haircut to boot!
Next few eps will be sweeter than a Carribian Sugar Plantation.
I liked the hot lesbian action in the preview and the vice-captain's imagination on what the dog captain's gigai might look like.
For once I'd like to see Kon do a motor boat on that vice-captain or inoue
i was getting pretty irritated in the first half of the episode. Motivating speeches aren't my cup of tea, but I guess Ichigo needed a firm talking to... Ikkaku was pretty funny when he was threatening to beat everyone up. Matsumoto's stopping guys from jumping on her gave me a chuckle too, but otherwise the humor wasn't all that great.
yay for crummy drawings!
It was really good to get the explanation about the ranks of Hollows. I'd always wondered who the talking Hollows from the early episodes were. And of course the last scene was just awesome.
Next episode looks like we'll be getting some more Arrancar in town. And, naturally, more fan service.
Humans are different from animals. We must die for a reason. Now is the time for us to regulate ourselves and reclaim our dignity. The one who holds endless potential and displays his strength and kindness to the world. Only mankind has God, a power that allows us to go above and beyond what we are now, a God that we call "possibility".
Well, what was actually said was that Aizen would need 10 of the rank 3 menos to destroy soul society. But I think the 20 in the throne room were both rank 2's and 3s. Much like Yami is one of those rank 2's and Urlq(I can't spell his name, I'll just call him U*)is a rank 3.Originally Posted by Yukimura
Of course, they also confirmed that U*, as a rank 3 menos, is stronger than a captain BEFORE he became an Arrancar. Which means he's a massive badass now.
Other than that, the episode was mostly just funny. I especially though Ichigo's family evesdropping in the hall was hystertical.
Yeah I think that Ulquiorra is a Vasto Lorde Because the figure in the dark that was used to describe the Vasto Lorde was his size and the mask was the same. And he did beat Uruhara's shikai move with his bare hand.