View Poll Results: What Filler Did You Dislike The Most?

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  • Tea Country (Oro's Lair)

    3 3.95%
  • Mizuchi (Tony the Tiger)

    27 35.53%
  • Bikouchu

    1 1.32%
  • Curry of Life

    31 40.79%
  • Ghost Damyio

    2 2.63%
  • Sea Monster

    2 2.63%
  • Star Village

    3 3.95%
  • Annoying Princess in Caravan

    3 3.95%
  • Trapmaster Gennou

    2 2.63%
  • Kurenai's Studnet

    2 2.63%
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Thread: What Filler Did You Dislike The Most?

  1. #21
    i hated tony the tiger, but i did like the last filler, it was kinda interesting.

  2. #22
    curry of life is absolutely the worst of them all. Thats where I gave up Naruto!

  3. #23
    Anoying princess in caravan sucked the most, curry of life was acceptable because I'm a huge fan of Rock Lee's Drunken . Runner up is Mizuski for sure

  4. #24
    I hated Kurenai's student one with a passion. It was so dumb I couldn't believe it.

    My favorite was the golden shower princess one, though. That was priceless.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    Thankfully I can say I didn't watch them all, but I can say even without seeing them all that those two fatass fucks were the greatest abomination to the story ever! Two of them being able to overpower and beat ANY Jounin and to succumb only to Tsunade herself!? no...fuck that.
    That's like me drawing a character with a pencil hanging out my ass and saying "in my filler this guy is going to beat itachi!!!" (not kill him, but make him scared and run away or some shit).

    Second was Raiga, another abomination. Before his appearance I thought the Seven Shinobi-gatana were elite, mysterious, (insert other adjectives here), etc. But no...they added this guy thus horribly tainting what could have been a really cool group to have in the story later...
    Well, I guess Kishi wont' be doing anything else with them since there is no way to bring that group back from being anything but shit since they let him join.

    After that point I had to stop watching all the fillers because it was reminding me how other great series were ruined, when idiot writers came along and did things to destroy either the continuity of it or just plain fuck things up...take Star Trek Voyager and Enterprize for instance.

    Thankfully, the filler is over for now. Sadly...history is known for repeating.

  6. #26
    Ahhh memories.... I wish that the the one-ep about the rich kid could have been included just so I could express how much i hate that utterly worthless POS episode. But I realize that only some arcs could be included, so I'll have to go with the second (un)favorite, the curry of crap. That arc was a let down in so many ways, mostly because a) people actually thought the fillers were over after the previous arc, so when this stuff came on a lot of people stopped watching, and b) the tainting of the good name of the seven shinobi of the mist. Who the hell is Raiga, anyway? I don't mind them adding lame filler villians, but please do not try to connect them to the manga storyline in any way. That was what really did it for me.

  7. #27
    I didn't understand the significance of the Star Village, all I was happy about was the fact that Neji and TenTen were there.
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  8. #28
    Jounin Winged Dancer's Avatar
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    I stopped watching when Tony the Tiger made his apparition and then tried to watch one of the scent-beetle episodes but gave up.

    So I voted for Mizuki. From what I can remember, it just sucked.... hard. But now I'm curious about Hinata's new jutsu. I'll guess I'll youtube those episodes and skim through 'em.

    Also, you've made me curious about the curry of life. I'll try to get those too, just to groan and roll my eyes a lot.

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  9. #29
    Awesome user with default custom title itadakimasu's Avatar
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    i really didn't watch many of the fillers. The only filler i have watched more than once was 196 because my old boss was telling me about how gai and rock lee are releasing the gates n what not, i just watched it again a couple days ago... so bad ass, i cant wait for gai to show up in the manga again so he can show us what he's got.

    worst filler : The ones with Ryga, because ... the whole 7 swordsman plot is awesome w\ zabuza and kisame but Ryga wasn't in the manga and to introduce a charactor belonging to an awesome group like that i thought was kinda geh.

  10. #30
    I'd have to say that...the Star Village was my least fav. Sheer monotony, everything purple and ugly, and annoying flying Jutsu. For some reason, I actually enjoyed the Curry of Life arc, if my memory serves me right...

  11. #31
    i would say tony the tiger.

  12. #32
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lotus
    curry of life is absolutely the worst of them all. Thats where I gave up Naruto!
    that was one of the funniest ever and it had a nice villain (wasn't it that thunder-sword guy? Ryga?)
    I remember the scene with Neji: "NEJI!?! are you alright?" - "ya....I think... i can manage it somehow" - "here eat my curry!" - "arrrgh *dead*"

    can't believe so many didn't like it, well maybe it was just my humor :P but then again... the villain really WAS good for a filler guy at that time... hmm

    the only time I laughed more was when naruto pissed down from the roof and Ino, who was standing underneath him, was like "awwww this looks so beautiful!" and stretched her hand out to catch his piss :P

  13. #33
    Family Friendly Mascot Buffalobiian's Avatar
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    Tiger arc. That one for sure. Dunno why the trapmaster one's in this, it was one of the better fillers. Actually suspenseful.(as suspenseful as fillers can get.)

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  14. #34
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    Kurenai's student was where i snapped, i wanted to watch all the fillers before moving on to shippuden but at the middle of watching a chick kill people with paint i simply gave up on that.

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