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Thread: Black Lagoon

  1. #361
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    OVA Episode 05 - TastyMelon

    [TastyMelon] Black Lagoon OVA - Roberta's Blood Trail - 05 - BD: 1080p | 720p | 480p
    Last edited by Marik; Thu, 08-04-2011 at 10:14 AM.

  2. #362
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    I'd appreciate if you gave us a heads up when Tasty Melon's batch release is out Marik

  3. #363
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Archangel View Post
    So what was the significance of that last part? Who was Roberta meeting with? Family? Also lolcripple
    It looked to me like they were meeting the major's family. Though I'm not sure what the relevance or benefit of that would be. How exactly would that help Roberta heal?

    Quite a decent arc all in all. Rock got a little over his head with his plans, but it was refreshing to see him do, or try to do, something grander. He can't really develop without trying anything. Revy also received a bit of development on the side, even if she didn't receive it too well. She had remained quite unchanging from the beginning, aside from the jolt of Rock joining the company, so it was long overdue. Not that I'd expect her to really change significantly because of this.

  4. #364
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Tastymelon's subs are out since last week
    watched it today and I have to admit that I barely understood what was happening there, so much time has passed
    since I watched ep4.

    Its been so long that I can't remember the important stuff in the slightest

    So Rock wants the US to invade Roanapur and kill "el Presidente"
    Chang and the others of course don't want that to happen

    so what I don't get (maybe because I can't remember it)

    1. isn't Balalaika yearning for a war with the US?
    2. why did they let Roberta escape and did not finish her off when they had the chance?
    Rock says they want to hide Roanapur from the "public eye" (wtf?) and thats why they let Yankees go directly to the drug-production facilities? HUUUH? I don't get Roberta's role in all this...
    3. Since the US army is already there so arn't they doing their anti-drug campaign"-thing already, doesn't that mean they know about whats happening in this town?

    really, I don't get what happened there...
    makes no sense to me. is someone able to sum up what happened?

    edit: ok the ending of ep2 answered some stuff

    1. SOCOM tries to get to the opium fields and get that General Sun Yan "whatever" guy to court, but when they were about to move out -> Robertas Mercenaries and herself attacked them
    2. Chang can't do shit without the drugs and wants the US military to go away
    3. However, If Roberta kills SOCOM, the US will be he can't kill them in Roanapur
    4. Balalaika covers their retreat

    so far so good, but now I don't get the conclusion

    so basically they let SOCOM go to the opium fields...and does that mean they want Roberta to kill them there? Would that have changed anything? I don't think so.

    5. Rock wants SOCOM to be successfull which is why he came up with his plan to kill Roberta, or to turn her back to normal, so far so good.
    6. SOCOM was able to capture that Opium-General
    7. months later: Nothing changed because Eda's CIA group was able to cover everything up(?)
    8. Rock sinks into depression again, because he can't do shit to help anyone.

    point 7. did Chang pay her/them to do all that? So she or rather the CIA is the "Leviathan" Rock was looking for in ep4?
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Fri, 08-12-2011 at 07:33 PM.

  5. #365
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I believe Rock's only aims were to reduce the amount of drugs in Roanapur and to make Roberta go home with the brat. However, thinking eliminating one big boss would stop the drugs from flowing was quite overoptimistic. He did manage to save Roberta, though, with his gamble. It seemed to me a part of the game was some internal power struggle within the American agencies, though (CIA, NSA?).

  6. #366
    It wasn't much Archangel's Avatar
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    It seemed to me that Rocks purpose was simply to play his hobby, saving women out of the blue. He succeded this time though so i guess practice makes perfect

  7. #367
    RIP SOUL'd OUT :( Marik's Avatar
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    Roberta's Blood Trail OVA: Batches

    Happy New Year!

    All episodes have been v2ed because I modified the styling and stuff.

    Changes made: removed kfx and credits, changed to American English,
    added margins, and made previews consistent with following episodes,
    among other things.
    [TastyMelon] Black Lagoon OVA - Roberta's Blood Trail - BD 1080p: Torrent
    [TastyMelon] Black Lagoon OVA - Roberta's Blood Trail - BD 720p: Torrent
    [TastyMelon] Black Lagoon OVA - Roberta's Blood Trail - BD 480p: Torrent

    Last edited by Marik; Tue, 02-07-2012 at 02:45 AM. Reason: DDLs went bye bye.

  8. #368
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    So, I just now got around to watching the last OVA, on account of constantly forgetting about it due to the release schedule.

    Was weird having a big climactic battle with Revy sidelined.

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