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Thread: Black Lagoon

  1. #301
    Another good episode, I thought it finished rather well, and like Kraco said, you couldn't really finished this with anything much different, also this way it leaves things open for a third series, hopefully after the manga has gone far enough and they can do another 12 episodes. As there is plenty of stuff they can go through, especially the big one that I would want to see is with Eda (including the Church of Violence maybe) and the FBI.

    I liked the little chat between Eda and Revy at the end, concerning her relationship with Rock.

  2. #302
    Student vladimier's Avatar
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    Just watched Black Lagoon and...

    WOW..I knew the details of the basic story and had seen the artwork but I had no idea how f^%$ing good it was going to be! I delayed watching it so I could catch up on some of my other anime and so it could gather a few episodes in case I got into the mood to see more than one at a time which is my usual mode. I will never get bored of wholesale violence, as long as the action is good and people are dying im not bored of a series, the story goes a long ways as well but something has to be said for death by the dozen. Besides that the loner/vigilante code always works for me, I have been a fan of pirates since I could read. There are a mix of pirate and mercenary attitudes in the story, both great mindsets for any story. I know most of you have seen this series already but if you havent you gotta watch it!!


    Good Job at using the search feature...

    Thread merged, user warned, and I need some coffee- MOD
    Last edited by Deadfire; Fri, 02-09-2007 at 11:09 AM.

    In the end this world is naught but a dream. Evil and ambition scatter into the darkness. All that remains is a dubious rumor among the townfolk.

  3. #303
    Quote Originally Posted by kAi
    Another good episode, I thought it finished rather well, and like Kraco said, you couldn't really finished this with anything much different, also this way it leaves things open for a third series, hopefully after the manga has gone far enough and they can do another 12 episodes. As there is plenty of stuff they can go through, especially the big one that I would want to see is with Eda (including the Church of Violence maybe) and the FBI.

    I liked the little chat between Eda and Revy at the end, concerning her relationship with Rock.
    Downloaded the raw for volume 5, and it ends exactly where season 2 ends. The manga is currently in volume 6, so I don't think we'll get a continuation any time soon. Though, I hope it gets a continuation eventually.

    Edit: It's also apparently a bi-monthly manga, so it'll be a while before we get enough content.
    Last edited by Munsu; Fri, 03-30-2007 at 05:57 AM.

  4. #304
    I just downloaded the KAA version of this series... Browsed the first episode a bit, and I think it's worth it to replace the Shinsen version. It even has karaoke, and of course uses a dvd source.

  5. #305
    I've been meaning to finish the Second Barrage. But after watching I believe the first 3 or so episodes, about those creepy blood-crazed twin children I got kinda bored and weirded out. It just didn't have the feel of the first series. Does it get any better down the line? Or is it just filled with Rev dual-pistoling 30 men with assault rifles over and over in various episodes?

  6. #306
    You're asking the wrong question in the wrong place... Everyone here thought the whole series was awesome, so for us there's no "it gets better", it was always good.

  7. #307
    Awesome user with default custom title KrayZ33's Avatar
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    Wow... great series, there wasn't a single boring episode. the OP and ED were the best i've seen so far (well i think these deserve credits too)

    btw are there some news about a third season by now?
    and did the manga end too? ive only seen 6 volumes(via google) and if i m correct, the anime ended after the 5th, didn't it?

    i would love to see a "badass" rock 8[
    Last edited by KrayZ33; Wed, 10-24-2007 at 12:09 PM.

  8. #308
    Third anime series confirmed for production for Black Lagoon:
    Announcement made on cover of first Black Lagoon novel adaptation


    The wraparound jacket band on Gen Urobuchi's novel adaptation of Rei Hiroe's Black Lagoon adventure manga has confirmed that a third anime project has been green-lit for production. The story revolves around a typical Japanese businessman who gets caught up in the escapades of modern-day pirate mercenaries off the Asian shores. Geneon Entertainment released part of the Black Lagoon anime in North America, but Funimation has since agreed to take over distribution of the anime. Funimation has confirmed that it will reissue the first anime series and start the DVD release of the Black Lagoon: The Second Barrage series on August 19.

  9. #309
    Banned darkshadow's Avatar
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    nice stuff, i was hoping for this after second barrage.

  10. #310
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Third season? This is joyous news indeed!

    Maybe we will finally see something concrete between Rock and Revy

  11. #311
    Oh snaps!!!! That's freakin awesome. Okay. I so need to finish this series now.
    "Leaving hell is not the same as entering it." - Tierce Japhrimel

  12. #312
    It's like having a Second season of Cowboy Bebop, it's 10/10 on my awesomeness scale.

  13. #313
    Still, what's this third season gonna be? Is it gonna re-enter the manga story (that at least to my knowledge hasn't gotten that far at all since the animes spinoff with fillereps around ep 15 or so)? Or is it just gonna be a bullshit story going totally off from the manga trail and into something new?

  14. #314
    This is awesome but slightly annoying at the same time. Third Season is awesome, soon to be available second season DVDRips also awesome. However now I'll have to wait for third season DVDRips as well Maybe by the time they come around Blu-Ray burning will be affordable and I can burn the whole thing on one disk.

  15. #315
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Each season of Black Lagoon was only 12 episodes, so there's actually a fair amount of the season filled up by whatever current arc the scans are on. It's considerably longer than most of the arcs that have preceded it. I don't know how far it goes but it is at least twice as long as the Calamity Jane arc (the Indian girl persued by half of Roanapur, protected only by Black Lagoon and the swindling Eda) that appeared in Second Barrage.

    That's at least six episodes right there, half of the season. Plenty of canon material.

    Though I would not mind one of the omakes out of the manga volumes to appear in an episode (maybe a dream sequence after a night of really hard drinking). The one where they regress the ages of the characters (Rock & Eda as high school age, Balalaika in elementary, Revy as junior high age, etc.) was pretty funny.

    ...and Shinji, to my knowledge, there haven't been any filler episodes outside of the one visit to the Church of Violence and the market that left Revy and Rock in a police car together, sharing a light. The arcs have just been presented out of order.
    Last edited by Ryllharu; Wed, 07-16-2008 at 07:29 PM. Reason: painfully bad mispellings

  16. #316
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Those were fillers? I thought they were good eps...

  17. #317
    This is awesome news, can't wait for this to start back up. Might have to re-watch the series.

  18. #318
    Pit Lord shinta|hikari's Avatar
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    @Kraco - Those were some of my favorite episodes. If they keep the quality of this "filler" material up, then I would not mind at all.
    <img src= border=0 alt= />

  19. #319
    Third season, awesome news! Black Lagoon is really great, the story, setting, characters, I just love it all.

    I might have to download the manga.

  20. #320
    Awesome user with default custom title The Heretic Azazel's Avatar
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    Great news. I think this is the best shoot 'em up anime ever made. Also the first two seasons didn't have enough Eda,
    "They call it 'The American Dream' because you have to be asleep to believe it" - George Carlin

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