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Thread: Black Lagoon

  1. #241
    Moderator Emeritus masamuneehs's Avatar
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    a fountain pourin' like an avalanche, comin' down the mountain
    man i thought 19 was good. different from most episodes, lots less action and that one dialogue scene was really long... but wow did you see alot of emotion out of Revy! That whole scene in the park, the Annie Oakley thing. I lol'd when she threatened Rock right at the end. you really get the feeling that those two are coming together as a nice couple, but somehow that it'll end in tragedy...

    this might go down as the "that's what Japanese speaking English sounds like!?!" episode of 2006. I chuckled at a couple of the lines, especially Revy's constant cursing and getting editted out. It got pretty hard to understand her when she spoke fast.

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  2. #242
    Genin High Wind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by masamuneehs
    this might go down as the "that's what Japanese speaking English sounds like!?!" episode of 2006. I chuckled at a couple of the lines, especially Revy's constant cursing and getting editted out. It got pretty hard to understand her when she spoke fast.
    Haha yeah I was thinking that. That one part where she was talking to the kids was just a jumble of syllables to me. Like you said, there wasn't as much action in this episode, but I didn't mind. I'll take some character progression over gunfights anyday(Just barely though because fight scenes are always pretty awesome in BL).

    I also thought it was kinda cute how Benny had pictures of that girl from the last arc.

    Looking forward to the next Eps.

  3. #243
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    I agree. This was certainly one of the most complex episodes so far, because of the lesser amount of action and more dialogue and character development, as wells as some emphasis in picturesque aspects. It was easy to get the feeling Revy didn't really belong there, and Rock was already having hard time deciding whether he belong there anymore, either. It's certainly a turning point for him. Interestingly enough it's also a bit hard to figure out what Revy thinks Rock should do. While it's evident she, on the surface, is pushing Rock back to his old life, thus kind of saving him, it could also be only because she's afraid of what having Rock around means to her.

    All in all, this was a very important episode for Rock and Revy. I hope it will turn out fine, and neither gets too afraid and make any stupid mistakes they would later regret, no matter how vehemently they might try to justify them.

  4. #244
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Goddamn. As usual just place Kracos thoughts into my post along with my comments.
    Revy ownz.
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  5. #245
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Man, I think the english really could have used some subs there. I had a hell of a time trying to figure out what was being said.

    Anyone know exactly WHY it was edited out whenever she swore in english?

  6. #246
    haha your guess is as good as mine to why they edited out Revy cursing in english.. I was actually wondering that too, since the editing actually made it kinda hard for me to understand her when she spoke. They probably just did it to make her seem more American, since they edit out all the cussin in the states when a show isn't on cable. Besides any other explanation, other than they just felt like it, wouldn't make much sense since they curse in the opening anyways..
    Anyways I also liked this episode. Like everyone said, character development is always good. And seeing a softer side of Revy is always a plus in my book =)

  7. #247
    Awesome user with default custom title darkmetal505's Avatar
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    Engrish is always fun to listen to.

    Do I sense a hint of jealously from Revy concerning Rock and that other girl? The samurai man looks badass. He kind of reminds me of Toguro from Yu Yu.

  8. #248
    I didn't even notice the edited out English, probably because I was mostly watching the subs with low volume. That's funny, she had no problem saying "f***ing Irish" in season 1...

  9. #249
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Nice another release :

    Episode 20 - Shinsen

  10. #250
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    O SnapZ! Already, nice. Dling, gotta watch this before I head to bed.
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  11. #251
    Another good episode...

    I really think this arc will be a turning point for Rock. Hopefully he'll start killing people soon.

  12. #252
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Christ, the second season ownz! Bring the violence!
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  13. #253
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Yes second season is awesome. I agree with Bud that Rock needs to get bloody and start killing!

  14. #254
    4 more episodes, I really hope there's a third barrage in the making or something. Mainly because we haven't had enough of the Lagoon Company this season, most of it has centered on the Russians.

    Also, I browsed quickly the raws, and it seems to me that Volume 5 ends the current arc, while the raws in Japan are in volume 6 or so.

  15. #255
    Jounin Honoko's Avatar
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    I agree. We need more time devoted to Dutch and Benny. Although all this Rock and Revy development is good too

  16. #256
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zati
    I agree with Bud that Rock needs to get bloody and start killing!
    That's an interesting question, certainly. No doubt much of why Revy became interested in Rock in the first place was how Rock wasn't a bloody criminal but an ordinary civilian. Those must have been quite rare for Revy for a long time. However, fortunately this series is so mature in many senses that it's possible they won't force that initial factor to be any necessary continuing, artificially stabile thing. After all, they are living in such a violent world that it would be good for Rock to learn how to defend himself. And who would be a better teacher than Revy...

    While I've no real idea or even opinion of whether we are going to see Rock kill people or not, such an event could be used to bring Rock and Revy closer together, for sure. It could help to seal Rock forever into the Lagoon Company, and remove any doubts he might still have of where he belongs.

  17. #257
    Yeah, a third Barrage is definately needed, this is an awesome series, but if the raws aren't that far ahead, I hope they stop and wait for more material to be published before starting anything. Which I think would be the case with this.

    I love the exchanges with Revy and Rock, it's awesome. I just want them to have sex already. It's good to see Rock get beaten up for Revy so she wouldn't feel the need to draw. It would be cool if 'Romeo' was killed by Rock, that would make my day, and then you'd get to see Rock kill someone finally.

    Just seeing these episodes puts back in your head that you don't fuck with Balalaika and Hotel Moscow.

  18. #258
    ANBU Zati's Avatar
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    Great just out! :

    Episode 21 - Shinsen

  19. #259
    Sweet downloading now, they always manage to catch me "off guard" with the black lagoon releases

  20. #260
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    HellZ Fing YeaH! More ownage. Dling. Will watch when I get back from work.
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