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Thread: Black Lagoon

  1. #121
    Black Lagoon Ep 11&12 by Your-Mom
    Black Lagoon 11

    Black Lagoon 12

  2. #122
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Your-Moms been doing some of my favorite anime latly. Nice. Downloading em both.Oh ya, and ep 10 ruled.
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  3. #123
    Thanks Death 13a, been waiting and waiting.

  4. #124
    Episode 10 talk.
    Well, that was a good conclusion to their fight, having the fist fight all out, it was predictable that it was going to be a double KO, but Roberta was still conscious which I didn't like, and Revy just fell asleep, which is her way of doing things anyway.

    I like how Rock went over there to try and stop them, they're like "Get the fuck outta this!"

    I think I might wait for Shinsen, I don't like when a group comes in and does like the last episode and that's it, unless there has been a BIG gap, between the last release and the now, but I don't think there has been, and Shinsen have put in the effort and gone all the way.

  5. #125
    Sigh, Your-Mom should just change it's name to Quick-Shitty subs (good raw though). I can barely unerstand most of the dialouge from ep 11 b/c it has been edited by a monkey. I don't know much about encoding, but I know that the better groups I've seen won't have subtitles non-existant if you jump to a point where they're already supposed to have appeared. I am too tired to watch 12 so I'll bitch about that one later.

    However I do respect them for at least putting the Kareoke in (it's available via simple google search, though I have no idea how anyone figured it out)

  6. #126
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    I don't know much about encoding, but I know that the better groups I've seen won't have subtitles non-existant if you jump to a point where they're already supposed to have appeared. I am too tired to watch 12 so I'll bitch about that one later.
    I dunno... me it always does that when its the VLC embedded sub engine. but yea... they have tags... some phrases dissappear in half a second... but the raw was HD...

  7. #127
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Shinsen's Episode 11

  8. #128
    Ep 11 had a movie feeling to it mainly due to the extensive amount of travelling the team did.

  9. #129
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Anyone know how long until the 2nd season of BL starts?

  10. #130
    Black Lagoon #12 by Shinsen

    Now to just wait for season 2

  11. #131
    Genin seanos's Avatar
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    Haha, an excellent episode.
    I have feeling we'll be seeing the 'Enemy of the State' again ... could turn into something interesting.
    Some great scenes in this episode - begining of the car chase & second-last scene from where Revy 'revealed' the document.
    Looking forward to S2 now...

  12. #132
    I laughed so hard during chase and "yes it is"lady speaches. It sure is one of the best of no major plot anime ever.

  13. #133
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    The Chinese Knife weilder was great, as stereotypical as possible, rivaling even Jam Kuradoberi.

    Revy, as always, fun to watch. I really liked the reference to her childhood in New York right at the end. A good question for the next season.

    Great way to end this season, leaving it open enough and leaving me satisfied.

  14. #134
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Aye. The blade master was indeed an excellent character. Just hearing her talking was joyful - even though I don't know Japanese, it was evident what manner of Japanese she was talking... And the tricks with the sword were quite exuberant.

    But it looks like Rock wasn't quite as much as home among the pirates as he thought he was. Or rather it seems he earlier accepted his new life and way, but now realised he doesn't actually posses all the practical means required by that life. Still, noticing that fact hopefully means he can make himself a better practical pirate...

  15. #135
    Chuunin TruthofMistake's Avatar
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    Mmm, I finally got around to watching 12 and man was it kickass. This is probably one of my all time favorite shows now. I can't wait for the next season its going to be soo good >.<.

  16. #136
    Hunter Nin Aeon's Avatar
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    I'm now going to further comment on how awesome the knife girl was. Seeing her take out multiple cars at once was great. Black Lagoon does a great job of showing female characters in power.

    (Aeon's Top 5 Anime ATM)One Piece,Shakugan no Shana Second,Gundam 00,Naruto,Bleach

  17. #137
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    They're in power because all the women are psychos you don't want to mess with.
    Let's have a quick review:

    -Revy: I think all I need to refer to is, "buu, buu, buu." (ref. eps 6).
    -Sister Eda: Nun who can out-draw Revy by the looks of it.
    -Shenhua: Cutting the heads off thee-four people from a moving vehicle.
    -Roberta: The T2 female clone. Little else to be said
    and lastly my favorite,
    -Balalaika: It takes a lot for a person to lead a Russian style Mafia, from casually torturing and later executing people who cross her, detonating bombs on the street, but still to be mildly disgusted at editing pornography because she forgot to make someone else do it, that takes class.

  18. #138
    Drifter dragonrage's Avatar
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    if you find out tell me.....
    Is it just finished catching up with Black Lagoon. Is is me or did Revy get hotter and even more badass.

    And it is in people she has a thing for Rock. Nice match.

    Can't wait to see what season two looks like..

    The "yes it is" lady looks awsome too by the way. I just enjoy the driver. Kinda reminds me of my Uncle, boy did he ever love drinking and drving fast. Those are some memories that will stay with me forever. I am glad that he gave up drinking now though.

    Gotta love the irsh. Stone pissing drunk and they are cool Excepting Deadfire, he is just gay.
    ---------------------------- "THE DROPOUT CREW"--------------------------------
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  19. #139
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dragonrage
    And it is in people she has a thing for Rock. Nice match.

    Can't wait to see what season two looks like..
    That could be one of the most interesting pairs in the anime history. I hope the second season will develop things that way.

  20. #140
    I have a question... Is S2 confirmed? when was this announced?

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