11:52:54 pm] [11:52:54 pm] <LoliDesu> hey man, that 'I4ve' was great... you sure do have good editors and quality checkers
[11:59:57 pm] <LoliDesu> ya'll really know how to uphold the name of 'shitzen' hah
Due to this reason, and this reason only, We'll be dropping Black Lagoon. The font coded out wrong, and we made 1 mistake. But Everyone likes to keep informing us of this mistake. So... for those people who are pissed about this happening, go to #c1anime and msg LoliDesu, and let him know he's a fag and should learn to stop being so annoying towards the people who fansub for fun, not cause they have nothing to do on a friday night.
- Vincent
Edit - his other nick is Xilo
EDIT 2: [01:13:34 am] <Xilo> Dear shinsen, i'm really sorry about what was said earlier. I know how much work goes into fansubbing, and would not want anything to happen to a series I really enjoy watching... I apologize
With This, Black Lagoon is picked back up. Please remember, we're doing this for you, negitive feed back all the time isn't what we want to hear. But for those few fans, thank you for your support.
- Vincent
Hint hint BL09 Tomm, I swearish.