View Poll Results: Bleach Manga Discussion Threads

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  • Bleach chapter spoilers and chapter discussions should have different threads.

    11 39.29%
  • Bleach chapter spoilers and chapter discussions in the same thread.

    17 60.71%
Results 1 to 14 of 14

Thread: Manga Spoiler and Discussion

  1. #1

    Manga Spoiler and Discussion

    Just wondering what you guys preffer so we can change a bit how we go about discussing manga chapters.

    Vote for the choice you think works best.

    I wish to make a decision in the next few days, so vote as soon as possible. Feel free to post any comments or arguments you may have on the matter.

  2. #2
    I think they shud be in the same thread, because , once you see spoiler pics ud want to discuss just need that the title mentions that this thread is full of spoilers so that ppl who dont want to be spoiled dont go in.....

  3. #3
    That doesn't mean you can't discuss the spoilers, of course you can... But the discussion in that thread will be focused on those spoilers, but once the whole chapter is out then another thread is created for discussion of the chapter itself.

    And that's the point, I don't want the titles to mention that the thread might contain spoilers if it's a thread to discuss a chapter. I don't want to keep changing thread titles just because a chapter just got released and I have to go and remove "Spoilers" from the thread title.

    For example:

    First thread: "Bleach 262 Spoilers" - Discuss what we see in the spoiler pics and speculate on what might happen on the chapter

    *Finally, Chapter 262 is released*

    Second thread: "Bleach 262" - Discuss the chapter itself.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I think they should have seperate threads.

    As it is right now there is spoiler pics with warnings. But what does that matter if all the posts after it is filled with discussions about those spoilers. If someone is going in there he might not click the link but he will still get spoiled by what people said. Has happened to me several times. Lucky for me i usuly want to be spoiled. But let's say a person dont know where to get the chapter. Then he must enter the thread just to get the chapter and scroll threw all the posts until he find link to download it. And he could get spoiled even though he dont want too.

    If we have seperate threads you can't get spoiled unless you want to. Unless someone is dumb enough to enter the thread by mistake. Then they deserv it.

    So i go for seperate threads option. (Also it will be easier for the mods this way).

  5. #5
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Just post the spoilers with the thread title "Bleach ### spoiler pics," then once the raw comes out, change the title to the normal "Bleach ###."

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    Just post the spoilers with the thread title "Bleach ### spoiler pics," then once the raw comes out, change the title to the normal "Bleach ###."
    That's what I want to avoid. Still. the problem will persist. The scanlation links will be who knows where in the thread, people will get spoiled just by going through the posts looking for the link. We can't always rely on the first poster of the thread keeping his first post updated with the scanlation links.

  7. #7
    Jinchuuriki Knives122's Avatar
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    That place over there........ahh never mind
    Hmmmmmmmm, I say do it. It'll be a lot more organized and we'll be able to actually talk about previous things in the same thread without having to go back to another thread just to see what we said.

    R.I.P Captain America.

  8. #8
    ANBU Augury's Avatar
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    I voted for seperate threads, although I do not mind spoilers.

    I think it depends on the outlook of the people who do not want to be spoiled. For readers who dont mind spoilers, having one thread or two threads really does not make much of a difference. For readers who dont want to see the chapter until it releases, having one thread with the link to the scanlated chapter somewhere in the middle is annoying because it may be difficult to avoid being spoiled when reading the posts in between the first one and wherever that link is. I see three solutions:
    1. Get the chapter from a different site
    2. Have a mod edit the first post to include the scanlated link so people don't need to scroll down
    3. Have seperate threads

    I don't think we want to discourage traffic on GW, and Bud has already stated that he is raising this question because the mod edits are tedious, so I think seperate threads would be the best solution.

    A problem that could come from this is too much clutter. If that becomes an issue, there could always be a single "Spoilers Here" thread that could be added to weekly instead of having a spoiler thread for each chapter.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Augury
    A problem that could come from this is too much clutter. If that becomes an issue, there could always be a single "Spoilers Here" thread that could be added to weekly instead of having a spoiler thread for each chapter.
    I'll have to second this suggestion.

    Mind you, I'm one of those who dive straight into the new spoiler pics each time, but this seems most sensible with all things considered.


  10. #10
    Too much clutter? Please, there are barely any discussion topics in the Bleach Manga section, how is there going to be clutter?

  11. #11
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    When going through a thread looking for the raw/scanlation link, I simply just don't look at the words and just look for the underlined blue link. Works fine for me.

  12. #12
    Ok, seems like most people want to discuss it in the same thread, so we'll keep it as it is for now.

    Now, for this to work out a few things have to happen. In most threads created recently to discuss the chapters I've mentioned in bold to the first poster over and over on what to do, but people keep doing the same shit.

    1. When creating a thread name it "Bleach xxx"; don't add "first look" or "spoilers" or whatever to the thread title.

    2. In the post itself, if you're including spoiler pics, please say that you are indeed posting spoiler links and pictures. The thread title is not the place to do this, it's on the post itself.

    I've been very lennient about this, but I'm going to start giving out warnings to people who can't follow these two simple procedures.
    Last edited by Munsu; Thu, 02-08-2007 at 11:38 AM.

  13. #13
    Genin 12345p's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Budweineken
    1. When creating a thread name it "Bleach xxx"; don't add "first look" or "spoilers" or whatever to the thread title.

    2. In the post itself, if you're including spoiler pics, please say that you are indeed posting spoiler links and pictures. The thread title is not the place to do this, it's on the post itself.
    I recommend the above be given a new thread name "THE two Rules of Posts" or somesuch, thread locked (or not, depending on how you feel about it), and be "sticky" so it stays at the top of forum threads.

  14. #14
    Will do soon enough.

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