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Thread: Naruto 341

  1. #21


    wow thats at least 50% of that incomplete jutsu!! what would it look like when its 100%

  2. #22
    Hopefully smaller. If the blastradius gets any bigger, it becomes unpractical for about every purpose.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  3. #23
    hey how about naruto not being able to kill just about anyone, cuz thats just SO NOT BORING.

  4. #24
    Could this manga possibly become any more predictable? Please... Bring back Shikamaru and make him the main character!

  5. #25
    Cool chapter, everyone quit whining naruto finally "omgwtfpwned"
    74% of all statistics are made up, 22% of the population knows that.

  6. #26
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    For someone with so many years of experience, kakuzu sure got decieved pretty easily. I remember the days when even seasoned chuunins would get kawaramied every which way by the most basic of jounins, and now a genin manages to mortally "punch" an akatsuki.

    Naruto's always been capable of delivering the final blow to enemies, regardless of what level his rasengan was. It wasn't the power that was lacking before....
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  7. #27
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Naruto didn't really do anything different from before. He created a kage bunshin diversion and came behind the guy with a rasengan, the same way he does every attack, except this time it was just a more powerful version. I don't see why this diversion should work and the previous ones not other than it being a lame main character plot device.

  8. #28
    The diversions worked both!
    First diversion -> works -> rasenshuriken failed -> naruto rescued.
    Second diversion -> works -> rasenshuriken works -> kakuzu down.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  9. #29
    Wow, that certainly was a lot of destruction. Anyway, I think Kazuku underestimated Naruto and that's why he was tricked. Yes he was a badass super ninja, but with all that power and skill comes confidence. So when a loud mouthed simpleton comes at him with a cheap trick he figures, oh this kid is just a dumb one step thinker and I can easily beat him by planning another step ahead. However Naruto has thought further ahead than it appears as he expected that Kazuku would see through the shadow clone ruse if he tried it again. Thus Naruto technically outsmarted Kazuku by taking advantage of Kazuku's ego and letting himself seem like an idiot. Of course this isn't Shikamaru level strategy or anything but it at least shows, once again, that Naruto part 2 actually thinks a lot more in his battles rather than his old method of throwing chakra at the problem until it went away.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    Wow, that certainly was a lot of destruction. Anyway, I think Kazuku underestimated Naruto and that's why he was tricked. Yes he was a badass super ninja, but with all that power and skill comes confidence. So when a loud mouthed simpleton comes at him with a cheap trick he figures, oh this kid is just a dumb one step thinker and I can easily beat him by planning another step ahead. However Naruto has thought further ahead than it appears as he expected that Kazuku would see through the shadow clone ruse if he tried it again. Thus Naruto technically outsmarted Kazuku by taking advantage of Kazuku's ego and letting himself seem like an idiot. Of course this isn't Shikamaru level strategy or anything but it at least shows, once again, that Naruto part 2 actually thinks a lot more in his battles rather than his old method of throwing chakra at the problem until it went away.
    regardless of what you said, Im still disappointed with the way Kazaku died and the way Naruto's jutsu worked...

    First of all, Kazaku lived for so long that he should have seen through a simple bunshin diversion. And why didnt he detach his "masks" so that they could fend off the remaining bunshins and Naruto? Whats so special about this new rasengan if its just a simple overpowered form of the regular rasengan? Im so disappointed with how Naruto is turning out right now...he still uses the same , kage bunshin / rasengan fighting style and its so predictable and gay...

    Instead of teaching him a powerful move, I'd rather have the story teach Naruto a bunch of low/mid level jutsus and better taijutsu. He should also have at least one genjutsu technique as well.

    This chapter had nice explosions but it was a failure

  11. #31
    Actually, the story dictated Naruto to learn the powerhouse first. He still has that high-level criminal organization in his back that tries to get a hold of him. Spending precious time teaching him katons that will bounce of Itachi's coat will do him no good. Storywise, he needed the instagib-move so he is able to fight them.
    And if 341 proofs one thing, then that he now has an instagib against Akatsuki. He now also has a show-off jutsu for Sasuke so he can whine that one is able to advance in konoha too.

    Apart from that, I am totally on your side. He now needs to learn a broader set of jutsus to gain versatility. Right now he is a two trick pony with (A) Kagebunshin->Rasengan (B) Kagebunshin -> Kyubi.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  12. #32
    The Dark Dragon. Dark Dragon's Avatar
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    Naruto is an average ninja and the only thing kyubi give him is a massive amount of chakra, if he was to spend him time learning mid level genjutsu and taijutsu technique he would be an average ninja that would have no chance vs an akatsuki. Rasengan is an extremely high level jutsu that is usable by 4th Hokage, Jiraiya and Kakashi, Naruto actually even being able to use the technique is a miracle if you consider that even naruto regular rasengan is half complete.

    Naruto also has no talent/advantage as far as genjutsu and tailjutsu go so again it would pointless for him to learn them when he is going to be fighting talented people like itachi and sasuke, it's better to take advantage of his massive amount of chakra and teach him high power level ninjutsu (Rasengan Shuriken) that is able to annihilate the enemy in 1 strike.

    Both Lee and Shikamaru can also consider to be a one trick pony if you think about it. Lee is only capable of using Taijutsu technique and it would be quite easy for an enemy to exploit his fighting style. Shikamaru only true weapon is his mind, outside of that he lacks any real sort of power and in alot of situation so far he is only able to pull draw at best vs enemy that is stronger than him example would be Shika vs Temari and Shika vs Tayuya. I think both Lee and Shikamara are awesome character but everyone has their short coming but it's unfair to keep bashing Naruto's while praising other characters that pretty much has the same weakness Naruto does.

  13. #33
    As it is right now, Naruto needs to:

    a. learn to manipulate another element (fire?)
    b. learn to fuse the 2 elements together
    c. start mastering taijutsu to gain speed and to counter the sharingan + mangekyo sharingan
    d. a few other sets of jutsu b/c as it is, naruto is very limited to a few...
    henge no jutsu -- orioke no jutsu -- harem no jutsu
    bunshin no jutsu -- kage bunshin no jutsu
    kuchiyose no jutsu
    rasengan -- purple 1 tail kyubi rasengan -- oodama rasengan -- futon: rasen shuriken
    ...and transforming into kyubi (which sorta does not count because he goes totally berserk with 3+ tails kyubi)

  14. #34
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimbap629
    As it is right now, Naruto needs to:

    a. learn to manipulate another element (fire?)
    b. learn to fuse the 2 elements together
    c. start mastering taijutsu to gain speed and to counter the sharingan + mangekyo sharingan
    d. a few other sets of jutsu b/c as it is, naruto is very limited to a few...
    henge no jutsu -- orioke no jutsu -- harem no jutsu
    bunshin no jutsu -- kage bunshin no jutsu
    kuchiyose no jutsu
    rasengan -- purple 1 tail kyubi rasengan -- oodama rasengan -- futon: rasen shuriken
    ...and transforming into kyubi (which sorta does not count because he goes totally berserk with 3+ tails kyubi)
    First off, the only way he can counter sharingan/MS is by learning how to fight like Gai by watching the feet of the oponent. (which the special jounin/jounin teachers can't do themselves), also he goes berserk in 4tails mode not 3tails. They have also said they are trying to supress and not use kyubbi tails/chakra from now on (yes i know he uses chakra from kyubbi for shuriken rasengan, but thats because it's suck a high level jutsu he gets forced into it).

    People are forgeting naruto has planned ahead during his fights. look at the fight against neji where he placed a bunshin in the hole, while he dug under neji to do a final blow. Also he is useing his bunshins to give him info about the enemies tecnique/speed/strength. That comment of him being average without kyubbi chakra is wrong because he has his own huge pool of chakra himself. Before all this kyubbi stuff ever happened at the begining kakashi said he had more chakra then anybody else.

    The only major thing i think naruto needs is speed training for taijutsu, and maybe another element, either water, or fire. He probably wouldn't be good at genjutsu at all so i wouldn't expect him to learn any of that. Also stop calling both rasengans the same, they aren't. A regular rasengan wouldn't have taken all kakuzu's hearts. While the new one keeps hitting you with multiple hits like kakashi said.

  15. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by kimbap629
    b. learn to fuse the 2 elements together
    That was a good one. Haven't laughed that hard for a while.
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by AssertnFailure
    For someone with so many years of experience, kakuzu sure got decieved pretty easily. I remember the days when even seasoned chuunins would get kawaramied every which way by the most basic of jounins, and now a genin manages to mortally "punch" an akatsuki.

    Naruto's always been capable of delivering the final blow to enemies, regardless of what level his rasengan was. It wasn't the power that was lacking before....
    i dont think that rank really matters at this point as far as naruto is concerned. hes become much smarter in combat, the only thing is that most of part 2 hed get hella mad really fast and rely on the kyuubi, which makes him rather insensible. hes far stronger then any "genin" and hasnt had the opportunity to take the test in years

  17. #37
    screw him learning more shit and getting stronger
    how about him unlearn how to be able to kill akatsuki, then maybe we wouldnt see the end of the manga in about 2 weeks.

  18. #38
    I was hoping for a more detailed one on one battle between Naruto and Kakuzu, which would have really demonstrated Naruto's development.
    Instead, we got a simple distract-and-hit-with-the-I-win-jutsu fight which, in my opinion, cheapened the villainy of the Akatsuki.

    Even when Naruto succeeds, he disappoints.

  19. #39
    Banned mage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzyeyebrows
    screw him learning more shit and getting stronger
    how about him unlearn how to be able to kill akatsuki, then maybe we wouldnt see the end of the manga in about 2 weeks.
    Do you realize the manga has been going for over 7 years? I really doubt it's going to end anytime within the next 200-300 chapters, but even if it ends way before that, it will have had a good run.

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by Q-BeRt
    Do you realize the manga has been going for over 7 years? I really doubt it's going to end anytime within the next 200-300 chapters, but even if it ends way before that, it will have had a good run.
    Do you realize 200-300 chapters would be another 6-7 years? Surprised doesn't describe what I would be if the manga continued that long.

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