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Thread: Naruto 219

  1. #1

  2. #2
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Goodish episode. It will be even better if Naruto actually uses the Kyuubi next episode(they've done a good job creating a situation that actually warrents it).

    But even more importantly, next episode is the last filler! And instead of being a throwaway episode, it's gonna be the end of this not too terrible arc.

    So close now...

  3. #3
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    Did anyone else notice the placement and orientation of the armor and the black sword?! I couldn't help but laugh EVERY time i saw that dude with that smug look on his face. The attacks coming straight from its "head" made it even worse. Even though this episode sucked in terms of plot, with the exception of Jiraiya coming to save the day and kick Naruto's ass into shape, the sexual innuendo's, even though it was probably accidental, made it great.

    Anyway, if the Takumi Village people were really pissed at all the Five Hidden Villages, especially Konoha for some reason (don't see why else Konoha would be at the top of their list), wouldn't they have known that Naruto, as well as Gaara, has a demon hidden in the deep recesses of his body, forever locked away until he forcibly calls it out or is about to die? With that in mind, wouldn't it have been wise to have tried to capture and harness the infinite power contained in both of those vessels instead of just relying on one? Furthermore, if only one of the two (Gaara or Naruto) is captured and the other is finally able to control his power, wouldn't he be able to neutralize Takumi Villages' Ultimate Weapon? Not only that, but so far Naruto is in the lead in terms of 1v1 combat between the two monster-wielding prepubescent children. Why capture the one that lost? I mean, it took that village over 100 years to choreograph this fight (with pinpoint accuracy i might add) and they can't even do it right!

    I don't know...but in the past two years it seems like no one in the Naruto Anime writing team takes 2 minutes to figure out that something is totally absurd tactics-wise. Then again, I look back at the plots of the past two years and I'm flabbergasted that Naruto hasn't once used his Rasengen in this battle. Come to think of it, this would have been the PERFECT battle to use it! So far he has fought two people with the chakra-sucking armor and he doesn't use the most powerful chakra-less weapon in his arsenal.

    Bah! Until the Rasengen is used, i can't even consider that this was written by the same people that have so effortlessly defiled Naruto with its seemingly endless filler arcs that have always culminated in the now-jaded series of events of Naruto ostentatiously blowing his opponents away with his Rasengen. I think the manatee's from Family Guy have decided to help out with the plot here and have threated to resign if the Rasengen is used.

    By the way Darth Ender (I'm assuming that your name comes from an amalgamation of the Star Wars series and the Ender series, both of which i enjoyed greatly during my middle school years) it seems very apt, from the few posts of yours that i have been able to read, that your avatar is that of Dr. Gregory House. Here's to seeing more of your, and Dr. Houses', good wit. <i would put a cheers icon here but i can't seem to find one >
    Last edited by Danad_corps; Fri, 02-02-2007 at 02:58 AM.
    i saved a unicorn

  4. #4
    Missing Nin
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    Jul 2003
    first off Rasengen is a ball of pure chakra how anyone could think its a chakraless attack I have no idea whatsoever.

    That out of the way this episode was tragic. I mean what the heck is Naruto doing jumping around and being cut as he realises he has no ability to tear apart metal with hiis bare hands.
    On top of it we have a undead guy with a flaming penis sword among other weapons that appear to be able to teleport and combine not to mention completely change form for no explainable reason.

    Overall NOTHING was good about this episode and while I understand they are building upto the final filler episode and as such want to use everything and everyone possible. I still think they could have easily done better then this mess.

    Oh and the top thing that bothered me was when the three bladed weapon that turns into a chakra dragon was magically stopped by a freaken string and on top of that looked nothing like any of the previous times its been used suddenly being black solid dragons instead of light blue chakra dragons.

  5. #5
    i really hated it, and it's very obvious that they're really rushing it and just putting in whatever BS they can just to finish up the fillers & conclude part 1...

    at least we know that part 2 is gonna be amazing, but it still would've been nice to make naruto not seen dumber than he usually is..

    what's with..

    a. standing around there and getting hit
    b. didn't use his usual kage bunshin and rasengan combo...didn't even try
    c. trying to break fortified steel with his bare fingers
    d. try to smash fortified steel with a kunai
    e. doing back flips and somehow always getting hit

    then there's the whole "revive a 100 year old random old guy" and he is magically able to fuse with the weapons and even combine the weapons together? yea..ok

    that's like saying that they could revive shodaime and nindaime hokage, which is impossible now because of the edo tensei...

    hopfully, the final part 1 epi will be least the non filler chunk...and then the week after (part 2's 1 hr special) will bring back naruto's high quality episodes...

  6. #6
    If Gaara could use the Shukaku's chakra in the kimimaro fight without being influenced by Shukaku (we can assume he did because there's no other way that he could be such a pansy in this arc if he wasn't using Shukaku chakra the entire time up until now), why can't he do that now? And I didn't see his body armor sand get wet (even though getting wet is really a pathetic excuse for Gaara's kryptonite-like weakness).

    Naruto somehow became MORE retarded, apparently the filler writers heard us say "stop making Naruto use the same strategies with the same two jutsu over and over." and decided to make him use absolutely no strategy whatsoever. Also, when he fought Neji, he could 'burrow' underground supposedly pretty fast, but now he can't anymore?

    Pansy androgenous ninja student that couldn't fight a log can suddenly take on 3 uber powered up chakra dragon sword blade thingies?

    There wasn't even a story behind the bad guys, it's like they just made up this arc as they went without knowing how they were going to end it. And apparently Orochimaru's technique which was so hard to invent for raising the dead can be easily copied if you just have a big mass of chakra?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Necromas
    There wasn't even a story behind the bad guys, it's like they just made up this arc as they went without knowing how they were going to end it.
    And now how exactly is this different from the past 90 filler episodes?
    "If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
    I hope to die before I have to use Microsoft Word." (Donald E. Knuth)

  8. #8
    I guess the filler writers REALLY wanted to go out with a bang. This is the BIGGEST LOAD OF CRAP of ALL the fillers!

    The ONLY good part was Ino's self reflection of uselessness.

    First, he keeps bashing at Naruto instead of attacking the source of the sand shield?
    Second, let me make an eyeball that's absolutely useless!
    Third, I think I'll just stand there while the enemy is wide open doing some resurrection ceremony.
    Fourth, OH LOOK! It's a guy with a giant boner sword!
    Fifth, boner sword guy just slashes Naruto while he's wide open in the middle of the air instead of STABBING HIM. (I REALLY REALLY wanted Naruto to die in this episode. He was just SO RETARDED!)
    Sixth, Naruto being HORRIFICALLY RETARDED!!! Let me try to stab a METAL SHIELD with my little Kunai. That didn't work... OH! I KNOW! I'll use my BARE HANDS!!! Nevermind my powerful RASENGAN that could probably shred this thing wide open... WHY OH WHY wouldn't this guy just KILL NARUTO!?!? Surprise! Bare hands doesn't work. I'll just try to dig him out ALL BY MYSELF!!! Nevermind I can make a million clones to help me dig him out. PLEASE!!! Just kill Naruto...
    Seventh, WOW! Hinata and Neji can magically use Byakugan without their eyes changing, or veins popping out, or even saying: "BYAKUGAN!"
    Eight, OK... now that you've said your stupid speech... NOW I'm going to try to kill you Naruto.
    Ninth, I think I'll just close my eyes while this guy tries to kill me. Even though I've been in this situation countless times and am a TRAINED NINJA that would never close his eyes and stand still while an attack comes my way.
    Sigh... it just goes on and on...
    Finally, HEY! It's Gaara! Yeah... I'm happy. I don't notice his HUGE ARM. Nothing's wrong until I see his face drooling. WAIT... The stupid bad guy WANTED Gaara to break free in MANIAC MODE? What good would that do?

    I suppose this idiot bad guy is going to make Gaara fight him while absorbing his chakra. How dumb is that? Fight a monster with limitless chakra to absorb it? You'll just keep fighting until someone wins. Even if the stupid bad guy won, his source of chakra's now dead. WHOOPEE!!! do_Ob

  9. #9
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was a pretty sad episode indeed. And most of the points have already been listed, so there's no need to type them again.

    One thing, though: Where the hell were the rest of the gang camping while first Gaara and then Naruto fought (if you can call that fighting) the villain? Based on the clips they have been moving really fast all the time (except for Lee who was being healed), but the others. I guess they just kept going in circles despite the fact Hinata and Neji could see the enemy all the time.

    This last filler arc started in a somewhat promising manner and style, but in this episode it certainly crashed below many of its miserable predecessors.

  10. #10
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    The only good thing about this episode : The preview for the next one

  11. #11
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    Sorry, I completely forgot that the Rasengan was created by creating a flow of chakra and then making it rotate insanely fast. I guess I was influenced by all these fillers and started to forget parts of the REAL story (i thought he was somehow creating the ball by rotating the wind around it).

    Anyhow, during these fillers no one has ever acted like a normal ninja. This was the only arc where they actually used a reconnaissance and medic team! I'd say that in itself is a huge move forward. However, they also took a giant leap backwards concerning everything else.

    As for Gaara's sand. He used most of it to create the spear the killed the dude who originally had the chakra-eating armor. I guess at that time he didn't have enough strength or chakra left to create the armor again (i think i remember them saying that it takes a lot of chakra to mold that during the chuunin exam...but i could be wrong as i was earlier about the Rasengan). Either way, as kraco said it started out promising and then ended with a complete and utter disaster.
    i saved a unicorn

  12. #12
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danad_corps
    wouldn't they have known that Naruto, as well as Gaara, has a demon hidden in the deep recesses of his body, forever locked away until he forcibly calls it out or is about to die?
    Well, to be fair, Naruto's status is kinda a secret. I mean, even Naruto's friends don't know about the Kyuubi. Orochimaru and and the Atatsuki seem to be the only ones outside of Konoha that know he has it.

    On the other hand, Gaara is well know to have a monster inside him. The Sand village practically uses it as an advertisement for the power of their ninja.
    Quote Originally Posted by Danad_corps
    By the way Darth Ender (I'm assuming that your name comes from an amalgamation of the Star Wars series and the Ender series, both of which i enjoyed greatly during my middle school years) it seems very apt, from the few posts of yours that i have been able to read, that your avatar is that of Dr. Gregory House. Here's to seeing more of your, and Dr. Houses', good wit.
    Yes and yes on the name. Although Ender is actually my name. But that is the character my dad named me for.

    The avatar is actually an amalgamation of House and Gendo Akari from EVA that I saw on that I used even though I can't stand EVA because the picture just looks badass.

  13. #13
    I would say only the young people of Konoha don't know about it... But all adults in Konoha should know that Naruto has the Kyubi inside of him. That's the reason why he was always alone in his youth and everyone resented him.

  14. #14
    Yes, but it's a well kept secret. The only people outside the village who know are Orochimaru (being a Jounin) and Itachi (being a Chunin or Jounin or learning from Orochimaru). They went and told the Akatsuki. Oh yes, and Orochimaru's subordinate. I forget his name.

  15. #15
    I don't know, I thought this episode was good. The only bad part was Naruto not being true to his character. Usually he just runs in with a bunch of clones and tries to use Rasengan, which would actually be a good tactic in this situation. Instead he just charges repeatedly and tries to pry open a steel cage with a kunai repeatedly - what happened to the old predictable Naruto that we know and love?

    I don't think there's anything wrong Narutoverse-wise with this episode; it stays pretty true to the rest of the series with the exception of Naruto's behavior. It does seem like the head bad guy is using an Edo-Tensei like technique, but he does have to give up his body in the process, so it's pretty much the same. Edo Tensei requires a human sacrifice and preparation to revive the dead, and the same thing happens here. The area is obviously prepared with the coffin and the trap for Gaara, and the guy does sacrifice himself for Seimei's revival.

    The floating is a little bit over the top, but can be explained away with wind use. Temari could semi-float using wind, so this is probably a similar technique using a lot more chakra. 10 to 1 odds say that all the genin will get their asses kicked, and Jiraiya and Kakashi will suddenly appear to save the day. Not that I'm complaining, it'll be nice to see Jiraiya in a serious role one last time.

    The other point about using Naruto instead of Gaara is incorrect. Not everyone knows that Naruto can access Kyuubi's chakra - Kakashi seemed surprised the first time it happened in the Zabuza arc. It wouldn't be clear to the bad guys that they could extract anything from Naruto, but Gaara does advertise his power everywhere he goes. All the feudal lords knew about him durin the chuunin exam, and that's why a lot of them came.

    The whole revenge plot is pretty lame, but not unreasonable. There will always be some powerful / ridculously smart crazies in any village I still think this arc is probably the best they did so far, in terms of serious fighting-related arc plots. The Kakashi's face one-ep is definitely the best non-serious arc, if you could call it an arc.

  16. #16
    ANBU Nai's Avatar
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    Yay, Kimimaro is back as a chubby old man with a giant flamin' boner sword... and is it only me or does it look as if he's been through rehab a few times? Way to surprise me yet again with that golden originality of yours, Naruto Filler Squad!

    ... Somebody just take me out of my misery? I seriously don't think a villain can get any less cool than Seimei...
    / No, you warrant no villain's exposition from me.

  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Oh shit, it is Kimimaru. He even has the head dots!

  18. #18
    Moderator Emeritus Assertn's Avatar
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    Uh what? Did they seriously resurrect Kimimaro?
    Gaara went demon form?

    All these stops the filler writers are pulling out....
    It SOUNDS like they should be pretty interesting....yet from what this thread sounds like, this is far from the truth.

    Oh what have these fillers done to you guys?? 'A'
    10/4/04 - 8/20/07

  19. #19
    We make it sound better than it really is. Kimimaro coming back to life would be much less of a plot hole than what's actually going on in this filler arc.

    100th post! WOW!

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