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Thread: Naruto 217

  1. #1

  2. #2
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    Finished watching.
    Wow... total copy. Although I liked it.

    Removed something.
    Last edited by RyougaZell; Fri, 01-19-2007 at 06:39 PM.

  3. #3
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    For some reason i didn't like it much. When kiba saved konkaru why didnt chouji attack that kid? When shika saved tamari why didn't ino take over that chicks body? They had the upper hand there so come on. No one will leave that many openings for the enemy. Well i can't really complain since they are fillers. I do like how they are ending the fillers with the sand ninja, since it is in a way the way it ended in the anime. Technically this isn't paying the sand siblings back for helping them out, because the sand siblings owed Naruto for changeing Garra.

  4. #4
    As much as it pains me to say it,leaving gross openings for your enemy to attack in order to 'look cool' is not a filler only problem it's essentially a rule of the Naruto world. Anyway, I'm surprised they came up with a way to make Garaa not instantly win, fair play to them.

  5. #5
    Missing Nin BioAlien's Avatar
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    Too darn lazy to login, so just lurking in the shadows instead.
    This new episode came with a news from DB, apparently, they need our help,

    i'm gonna watch this episode now, will edit if no one posted.
    edit: well, this was kinda enjoyable. Not watch i expected it to be, but still good to watch.
    Last edited by BioAlien; Fri, 01-19-2007 at 02:43 AM.

  6. #6
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    I would be lying if I said I didn't really like this episode.

    Much like the Greenery country arc, I put down liking the episode to the fact that there's badguys with interesting powers.

    The very best part though was when Naruto started to bitch and everyone in the squad was just like, "Shut the hell up Naruto, and do what the hell Shika tells you to."

    Although the part where Naruto said, "But I can't say that, cause we haven't got there yet" was pretty funny too.

    All in all, I liked it.

  7. #7
    Why hasn't Shino, Neji, or Hinata noticed the dude carrying the hostage? Why aren't they helping to fight? How the hell is Sakura going to help EVERYONE? There's one medical nin in every squad right? Usually the girls... Why's only 1 out in the battlefield?

    I agree with FMA. It's very un-Shikamaru-like for him to waste a surprise attack opportunity to look cool. He would say "that's too troublesome." He could've had Temari throw a kunai or something as well as dodge, and yes, have Ino attempt a body snatch. How the hell did he do that roll on his tree branch anyway? Chouji's slow, so maybe he was a little behind.

    So... is Naruto going to do the whole "We're allies of the sand..." speech AGAIN when he reaches Gaara? Or will he actually attempt a surprise attack?

  8. #8
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    This was pretty enjoyable. Of course it was also quite a copy like RyougaZell said, but that only made it a bit more funny. And I have to agree with Yuki: I was also surprised they found an elegant way for the dude to survive more than 10 seconds against Gaara. That was a good detail.

    Also, it looks like Shikamaru apparently arrived only just in time to let Temari keep her head. He no doubt had no time to give Ino orders, and it could be Ino isn't the right person to attack the enemy without a direct order from the commanding officer. Considering her attacks might not be the fastest and most secure ones, that could be a good choice.

  9. #9
    Ino couldn't have attempted the mind transfer jutsu because Shikamaru was not restraining the enemy, and way back in the Ino vs. Sakura fight they explained that it's a very easy attack to dodge and if the enemy dodges it then Ino is incapacitated for a while because her mind gets lost.

    Although Chouji sure could have spike tanked the guy or something.

    They already found the enemies, so is the reconnissance team going to help the fight now?

    I bet Tenten is on the super secret 3rd team and is laying booby traps or something, or at least maybe SOMETHING to get her some air time. Filler writers must have been unable to think of a cool new jutsu for her to use.

  10. #10


    they copied Ivy's sword from soul calibur...

    hope DB gets enough money...

  11. #11
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Pretty good episode, even though it's somewhat re-hash. They did a good job of setting things up and showing some detail to flesh out the scenes. Story was predictable with the Sand ninja needing help, otherwise how could the Konoha ninja "return the favor".

    Animation was good at times, lackluster at times. You can really see the difference in animation quality when they showed the Sound 5 flashbacks.

    Can anyone translate what Shikamaru wrote on the tree and the then bugs consumed?

    To those of you questioning why the Konoha ninjas didn't attack in unison, I'd say the writers are trying to draw the arc out longer, so they can't defeat the enemies too quickly. Though I didn't like how they skimped on the Temari fight.

  12. #12
    Yondaime Hokage Psyke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Can anyone translate what Shikamaru wrote on the tree and the then bugs consumed?
    Those characters resembled hiragana, but are actually gibberish.

    I liked this episode, despite all the short comings mentioned in the previous posts. The best part was when Naruto shouted "shinobi" and realised that he can't say it.... yet.
    "Our hearts are full of memories but not all of them reflect the truth. The heart isn't a recording device. Even important memories change with time. They warp or fade, leaving us with but a shadow of what we hoped to remember." 天の道を行き、全てを司る。これは僕の世界。

  13. #13
    Wild Card Fool RyougaZell's Avatar
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    I believe Shikamaru wrote "kekkai", that is barrier.
    I can't read kanji nor anything, but he thought that and then Shino though "there is no kekkai" as well.

  14. #14
    Wow again (two weeks in a row). This is actually a good filler. I like the first episode, I like this one, and next week's looks good. They're putting some strategy back into the fights and I'm actually excited to see what happens next!

    The enemy has the perfect counter to Gaara's Desert Funeral, the perfect counter to Temari's wind, and that sword guy is giving Kankuro a run for his money. Hell, if I didn't know this was filler, I would actually be worried about the three sand ninjas. I wonder how they're going to explain away the destruction of both of Kankuro's puppets, though.

    Kishi must be fleshing out the plots for these eps because I just don't see how the same script writers that wrote the "ramen ninja" episode could ever write this...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by JaySee
    Why hasn't Shino, Neji, or Hinata noticed the dude carrying the hostage? Why aren't they helping to fight? How the hell is Sakura going to help EVERYONE? There's one medical nin in every squad right? Usually the girls... Why's only 1 out in the battlefield?
    Thats exactly what i was getting at in my posts for ep 216. But, i think i may have found the answer. She Neji and Hinata look at everyones fights to warn her if someone gets hurt. Then after she heals someone she'll use Shino's bugs to help her get back to their original location (with Neji, Shino, and Hinata). At least thats the best i could come up with for keeping those three out of the fray and having only 1 medical ninja.

    Quote Originally Posted by RyougaZell
    I believe Shikamaru wrote "kekkai", that is barrier.
    I can't read kanji nor anything, but he thought that and then Shino though "there is no kekkai" as well.
    Actually it really is gibberish. It isn't any form of hiragana, katakana, or any kanji for the word barrier (i looked at just to make sure that it wasn't "barrier" in kanji).

    I loved the part where Naruto was told to sit down and shut up by everyone. Finally someone put him in his place. His overzealous, loud-mouthed, idiotic characteristics in these fillers were getting on my nerves.

  16. #16
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    why dont they ever bring one of the other many konoha genin along? I mean there are more genin in konoha than just those 11, as seen in the chuunin exams. =/

  17. #17
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Because they all suck? None of them even made it past the second exam.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Because they all suck? None of them even made it past the second exam.
    Someone has to die in Konoha...why? Just cause no one has except the old dude (who wasn't part of konoha) and the stupid kid who blew himself up for no reason (he also wasn't part of konoha). I'm getting sick of how ninja's are supposed to have a hard time on missions when everyone returns home unhurt and almost unscathed (the dude at realawesomepower must be having a fit 'cause no one has wailed on a guitar nor has anyone been decapitated). Someone must die...i pick tenten. She is dead in my eyes forever more (just cause she wasn't in this arc at all).

  19. #19
    haha funny Darth,
    I think they don't include or introduce any other genin, cos then they would be spreading themselves thin trying to keep up with and develop each genin's character. Besides, they still do not want to stray too much from skeletal structure that makes up Naruto.

    I have fair hopes for this arc, although it is totally a copy but at least they decided to copy a really really good part from the main series so thumbs up on that choice. I personally thought it was funny when in the beginning of the arc Shikamaru told Naruto to team up with Lee and Lee turns around and says "Don't go off doing anything by yourself", still cracks me up.
    But here is a question, wasn't it the case that Kiba couldn't transform into the 2 headed wolf unless it was absolutely necessary? So then how come he is using it as his opening move? Unless he has increased his chakra level or gain a new jutsu.
    Anyway, as much as I enjoyed the flashback I wished they had cut it shorter to let more of the new episode be shown. And I just wished they had spent a little more time showing the three matchups before the konoha guys got there.
    Another question, what does Kankuro have without his puppets? I don't see him as being powerful at all without his puppets.
    But all in all I am looking forward to seeing what they do in the next episode

  20. #20
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    I'd rather they developed characters like Ino and Tenten rather than introduce new characters, but the problem is they wouldn't be as disposable as random genin, without deviating from the manga too much.

    I think Kankura can use his puppet strings on any object, not just his dolls, so if he had to, he could manipulate fallen branches and use them in a coordinated attack. His technique reminds me of medical ninjas, with their precise control of chakra. At some point I could see him learning how to take control of another person's body with his puppet strings, kind of like Shikamaru's shadow bind technique.

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