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Thread: Problem with getting bleach/naruto

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Canada, B.C.

    Problem with getting bleach/naruto

    Okay, so basically I'm having a problem with getting Bleach & Naruto on specifically one of my computers (the computer that I usually DL on). When I go to the yhbt website to get the bittorent, I can't get in (Reads "You are not authorized to view this page"). Anyways, at the top left corner of the screen, (where it would read Gotwoot Forums - ____ on gotwoot), it reads "HTTP 403 (Forbidden)". It obviously isn't an IP ban, since I am able to get on my laptop, use the internet, download the tracker from yhbt, then put it on my normal computer and start dl'ing the bittorent without a problem.
    Last edited by Canadian; Wed, 01-17-2007 at 01:25 AM.

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