A long time ago, during the dark times of the net and the anime community, when the legendary place now widely known as Gotwoot was but a sprout somewhere in the dark, chaotic ocean of the net, there was no order present. The wise minds of Gotwoot then decided that to survive and grow, discipline must be created. So, they sagely picked up the phone, and called... Bud Bauer.
After many broken virtual fingers, slit digital throats and mutilated pseudo bodies, the order was created and things started to move smoothly. Bud Bauer, also sometimes referred to as Budweineken, then found himself with little do, in terms of tortu... that is, friendly questioning and encouraging order, and so he tuned his vast information gathering capabilities anew and started a job that isn't yet finished: To list and announce all new series for the rest of the Gotwoot community to find. And finely has he been performing in that duty ever since.
Happy Birthday, Bud!