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Thread: Naruto 216

  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by Danad_corps
    I think Tenten is quilting sweaters for everyone back at home. Its the ONLY reason to be left out of the mission.
    That and the fact that she's not particularly popular and even less interesting than Ino. Sakura is at least engaging b/c she's so 'hateable' but all Tenten has ever made me feel was...meh, when will this scene be over...

  2. #22
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Danad_corps
    My big questions is why is there a four-man team of reconnaissance/medic shinobi when Sakura is the only one who has had any sort of formal training? I understand that Hinata and Neji will deal with the reconnaissance part but what the hell is Shino doing there?
    Shino is also very good at reconnaissance. He can spread his bugs out to canvas a wide area and then can return to him with information without the enemy noticing.

  3. #23
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    maybe ten ten will come at last minute and save everyone? cant say that isnt a surprise
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  4. #24
    When I read the post about the characters jumping through the forest while in poses, I laughed SO hard when I actually finished watching the episode; it's so true! Just seeing them float across the scene, rarely landing to jump on a branch...I couldn't stop laughing.

  5. #25
    at least naruto wasnt upside down this time

  6. #26
    All I can say is, Wow. That was the probably the best filler I've seen. Normally filler is chock-full of inane and stupid plots, with character degradation, but this filler was actually pretty good.

    First off, we get the sand in a filler and they're not completely lame. Gaara was actually in character, which was a pleasant surprise. There was some strategy - for example, in the typical filler, Gaara and Co. would have just started chasing the 4 bad guys as soon as the student was kidnapped. Here they actually went to the Sand council to discuss the situation! I was in shock when it was apparent the writers put some thought into the story. After all, if some ninjas can effortlessly wipe out an entire patrol, you shouldn't just chase after them unprepared.

    Still, there were some problems. The sand's reason of possibly getting rid of Gaara (the reason why they won't send any jounin after the kidnappers) is ludicrous. I mean, they created Gaara, and now they don't want him? Makes no sense at all. I imagine Baki will come to save their asses though. Also, the village that hands out missions is waaaaaay off manga I think. Didn't we see representatives from feudal lands coming to request missions in person near the beginning of Naruto? Plus, a lot of missions were stupid easy things like finding cats and things.

    I don't see a problem with the ways the teams are set up. A medical team is a good idea for a mission like this. I liked the "return the favor" idea of Shikamaru's, it gives a tie-in to the manga which is always a good thing. The only real problem is that this arc will only be 2 more episodes, so things must be wrapped up quickly, which is a shame. I'm sure they'll kill off the bad guys in really fast and unrealistic scenarios - it is 13 vs. 4 after all. I have high hopes though.

  7. #27
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Pretty good episode, though it seems to be a bit of a rehash of the Sasuke-chase arc. They even admitted to it but tried to explain the differences, which was kind of lame, but it's filler, so what can you say.

    Animation was pretty good, with the usual filler character lapses.

    To address some of your concerns, Shikamaru wanted Sakura along because she's a medical ninja and he knew this would be a tricky mission that might require her medical powers. When they're running through the trees, it was kind of weird, but still better than in recent fillers where they run along the road. Not sure why Tenten wasn't included, but I'm sure that will be revealed, or not.

    Oh, and there were 4 bad guys this time, so it looks like they listened to complaints about it always being groups of 3 bad guys.

  8. #28
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Well that's because the good guys aren't a team of 3 this time either.

    Add an extra 10 good guys and you get to have 1 more badguy!

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by Danad_corps
    My big questions is why is there a four-man team of reconnaissance/medic shinobi when Sakura is the only one who has had any sort of formal training? I understand that Hinata and Neji will deal with the reconnaissance part but what the hell is Shino doing there?
    The bugs are friggen awesome for reconnaissance, that's why he was sending out waves of em to scan the area. Also, we've seen before that Shino's father had bugs which could extract the uber deadly poison Kankuro had, so there could be some medical potential in him.

  10. #30
    Fails at reputation Mizuchi's Avatar
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    Why are konoha genin always sent out to try and kill jounin-level ninja???

  11. #31
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    The Springtime of youth is unstoppable. That's reason enough, I reckon...

  12. #32
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    Why are konoha genin always sent out to try and kill jounin-level ninja???
    Too true. It was even a little unplausible way back when they took on the Sound 5 and won. They each had to take it to their limit, but in the end they defeated enemies with superior abilities, including the ability to "power up". During filler time, it's routine.

    Maybe the difference between Jounin and Genin isn't so much power level and ability, but more the knack for leadership and increased mastery of skills and techniques. Even with superior skills though, having heart and inventiveness can win out, so the Genins stand a chance against Jounin. Or maybe it's just poor writing. Or maybe Konoha lives by higher standards, so it's tougher to gain Jounin level than at other villages.

  13. #33
    Genin FullMetalAlchemist's Avatar
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    The sound 5 thing is a little diffrent when compared to these fillers though. You have to remember the sound five fought a couple of jounin in the forest before fighting the genin. They where weekened, and had to use the cursed seal to take them out also. Also the only two that were killed by one genin where considered the weakest, and lost to a genius/chunin level ninja (in skill at least) "neji", and a steroid induced chouji (he should have lost still lol). While the others had to be killed by 2 genin/chunin each. After they where tired out fighting 1 person they had to face sand ninja also. Also kimi fought garra which we all know isn't genin lvl at all.

    What im saying is atleast in the real story they had little things to make it more believeable, instead of fillers where everyone is unstopable.

  14. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by FullMetalAlchemist
    The sound 5 thing is a little diffrent when compared to these fillers though. You have to remember the sound five fought a couple of jounin in the forest before fighting the genin. They where weekened, and had to use the cursed seal to take them out also. Also the only two that were killed by one genin where considered the weakest, and lost to a genius/chunin level ninja (in skill at least) "neji", and a steroid induced chouji (he should have lost still lol). While the others had to be killed by 2 genin/chunin each. After they where tired out fighting 1 person they had to face sand ninja also. Also kimi fought garra which we all know isn't genin lvl at all.

    What im saying is atleast in the real story they had little things to make it more believeable, instead of fillers where everyone is unstopable.
    Well, in this they have like a dozen genin vs. 4 people we can assume are jounin level, so it's about 3v1. And they don't have uberizing curse seals (I hope).

  15. #35
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Also remember that 4 of the Sound 5 are only Chuunins.

  16. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by DarthEnder
    Also remember that 4 of the Sound 5 are only Chuunins.
    2nd level curse seal definitely brings them above Chuunin level in combat ability.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mizuchi
    Why are konoha genin always sent out to try and kill jounin-level ninja???
    Everyone else's jounin suck...duh! Actually thats always been something I've hated about every single one of these fillers. Usually its just naruto vs. the commander of the enemy jounin and Naruto wins easily (hes able to happily walk home after the fight).

    Btw, the part I didn't understand about the recon/med team was why would they put the 3 recon people in medical positions if anything happens, especially if the 3 recon people have absolutely no idea what they are doing medically (maybe with the exception of Shino and his poison-sucking insects).

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