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Thread: Bleach 110 Discussion

  1. #61
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Wow, it's amazing how everyone is so cheery and easy-going now that they think fillers are done. If this had been a filler episode, I'm sure we'd have heard the following complaints:

    animation was poor at times
    re-hash of Ichigo clothes-lining Keigo
    re-hash of Keigo accusing the main four of leaving him out
    re-hash of Tatsuki clobbering that one chick for groping Inoue
    how did Tatsuki know it was his Dad who sewed on the good luck charm, and not one of his sisters
    re-hash of the two punks absent from class
    some kind of wise crack about the shinigami badge and its "automatically generated field"
    why did Inoue and Chado run to help Ichigo, when he's so powerful
    why did Inoue think the hollow wouldn't be around anymore

    Pretty good episode overall.

  2. #62
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Did your post have some point? The fillers are over, and there shouldn't be anything amazing about everybody being glad. There are people who like Bleach very much, myself included. And as strange as it might sound, the more you like Bleach, the less you might like the fillers.

    If you have been sustaining yourself for a year with some industrial stuff barely resembling food, you are likely to be very glad when offered a real homemade meal, even if the cook wasn't some three michelin stars one and there might or might not have been some problems with the fare.

  3. #63
    Wait .... king fisher changed into a hybrid? Does that mean he has a sword now? Completely forgot if they showed him having a sword or not.

    Anyhow, good to see them back to the normal storyline, the new character's voice is just as i pictured it. Good start so far ^_^.

  4. #64
    What's up, doc? Animeniax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kraco
    Did your post have some point? The fillers are over, and there shouldn't be anything amazing about everybody being glad. There are people who like Bleach very much, myself included. And as strange as it might sound, the more you like Bleach, the less you might like the fillers.

    If you have been sustaining yourself for a year with some industrial stuff barely resembling food, you are likely to be very glad when offered a real homemade meal, even if the cook wasn't some three michelin stars one and there might or might not have been some problems with the fare.
    Ummm, yeah it has a point. When it was filler time, these little details were deplorable and completely unacceptable. Now they're glossed over or not even mentioned. Why the change? To use your meal example, if you eat crap for a year and whine about it continuously, then you get a homemade meal that's crap, how is it suddenly better and there's no more whining. Just pointing out the double-standards.

    Anyway, it was a good episode. Personally I didn't like the rehash of the school scenes that were so wicked the first time they were used.

    @kensee: Why doesn't steroid-enhanced Grand Fisher upset everyone as much as steroid-enhanced Mizuki from Naruto?
    Last edited by Animeniax; Tue, 01-16-2007 at 10:11 AM.

  5. #65
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    But the thing is, like you said yourself in your first post, that it wasn't crap.

    Now we are enjoying again a good homemade meal that might have a bit too much or little salt, yet it's by default much more enjoyable than some goo that played the role of food for such a long time. And when people are happy, why would they complain? Don't make the mistake of thinking most of viewers would complain because they like complaining more than enjoying a good story.

  6. #66
    And as strange as it might sound, the more you like Bleach, the less you might like the fillers.
    I agree completely. The truth of this statement should not be ignored.

  7. #67
    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Ummm, yeah it has a point. When it was filler time, these little details were deplorable and completely unacceptable. Now they're glossed over or not even mentioned. Why the change? To use your meal example, if you eat crap for a year and whine about it continuously, then you get a homemade meal that's crap, how is it suddenly better and there's no more whining. Just pointing out the double-standards.

    Anyway, it was a good episode. Personally I didn't like the rehash of the school scenes that were so wicked the first time they were used.

    @kensee: Why doesn't steroid-enhanced Grand Fisher upset everyone as much as steroid-enhanced Mizuki from Naruto?
    I agree with most of your post. I believe the reason those minor details were ignored is because we actually have other shit to talk about, as with fillers there was nothing worth discussing so why not take a crack at all the worthless shit we were "forced" to watch. Most of the complaints you mentioned on the first post I have, just didn't see the necessity to post them when other matters are more worthy of discussion.
    You said it yourself, it was a good episode overall, so why not focus on the good and important things instead of discussing worthless and uneventful scenes that probably have no importance in the story line.
    Also, in past times when someone made a statement on how bad an episode was, it was good for him to support his answer, hence why he would detail everything bad he found with the episode. If your purpose is to show how much you liked the episode or how the episode was good, there's no reason for you to contradict yourself by posting about those worthless scenes mentioned.
    Anyways, I agree that the jokes were aweful (as I almost always find them in anime) and some of those other instances you mentioned did bother me, I just chose to ignore them in order to enjoy the episode, as I often do with almost everything I watch to increase the chances of me enjoying them.

  8. #68
    Awesome user with default custom title UChessmaster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Animeniax
    Ummm, yeah it has a point. When it was filler time, these little details were deplorable and completely unacceptable. Now they're glossed over or not even mentioned. Why the change? To use your meal example, if you eat crap for a year and whine about it continuously, then you get a homemade meal that's crap, how is it suddenly better and there's no more whining. Just pointing out the double-standards.
    crappy meal or actual crap, what would you take?
    You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful. -Marie Curie

  9. #69
    Awesome user with default custom title XanBcoo's Avatar
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    Seriously though, Animaniax is right. The animation was pretty shitty. The characters were off-model in just about every scene.

    Honestly, what's so hard about making sure that Ichigo's eyes are at least focused?? Why is Orihime's face sloping? Beh...At least the second part of the episode looked half-decent.

    Despite all that, I'm gonna agree with Bud and Darthender. There's interesting material to be discussed now, so people will naturally address those points first and enjoy the episode. I'm looking forward to this arc.

    <@Terra> he told me this, "man actually meeting terra is so fucking big", and he started crying. Then he bought me hot dogs

  10. #70
    AdmiralKage DarthEnderX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kensee
    Wait .... king fisher changed into a hybrid? Does that mean he has a sword now? Completely forgot if they showed him having a sword or not.
    He definatly has a Zanpaktou now. They show it at 17:10.

  11. #71
    Missing Nin el_boss's Avatar
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    I heard that the filler ended so I'm back.

    This episode was sort of incoherent, but that's probably because I haven't watched the show since ep sixty-something.

    The plot is so so, I mean couldn't they come up with some new designs? They totally ripped of Gin or whatever that smiling guys name was... I mean evil glasses man's accomplice.

    Also I agree that this ep looked like crap. That's why I thought it was still fillermaterial at first.

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