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Thread: Nodame Cantabile

  1. #61
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Another excellent episode. Some ego boost for a few character... And not so much for one other. I guess. Although with Nodame it's always hard to say, since for her only Chiaki's words matter anymore. However, Chiaki seemed to take that old lady's words seriously, so it'll be interesting to see if his attitude towards Nodame gets worse. After all until now he has considered her to have a special talent, even if that talent is much of the time buried under a ton of trash. Still, Chiaki isn't, or shouldn't be or haven't been, a person who would just believe somebody else's opinion and leave it at that.

  2. #62
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    So, a question for those who seem to know more about the subtleties of what they're doing with each of the pieces. (I know little about classical music.)

    Was Nodame's version of the piano piece in episode 9 supposed to be an angry or desperate variation of that? That's what it sounded like to me. I could definitely tell something was very off with it compared to the others under Nina. Was it supposed to be impressive, or just very strange?

  3. #63
    i'm going to say impressive. considering the reaction that it got from nina.

  4. #64
    More good times with Nodame and co. I liked Nodame's mindless determination to not suck, and it's too bad she couldn't get recognized by Nina, but then success just isn't her style.

    One thing that's starting to annoy me is that they rarely animate anything while the Orchestra is playing, or Chiaki is conducting. The use of lots of still shots takes away from the experience, though I suspect they do it to emphasize the music.

  5. #65
    Benevolent Dictator
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yukimura
    One thing that's starting to annoy me is that they rarely animate anything while the Orchestra is playing, or Chiaki is conducting. The use of lots of still shots takes away from the experience, though I suspect they do it to emphasize the music.
    That struck me a lot this episode too.

    My theory is that they blew their budget on orchestration and couldn't afford animation too. But that's a somewhat ... cynical interpretation .

  6. #66
    I thought I had complained earlier about that, there usually not being any animation for when the characters play their instruments... guess I only thought about it and forgot to post it. So, I agree with you guys...

    Anyways, I hope that someone kills that timpani afro "chick" already. And Nodame going zombie and ape mode was awesome. Too bad no one saw her play, and Chiaki seemed to have lost some faith in her. I thought he would defend her more aggresively with her teacher who he knew since he was little, but he simply accepted the facts she gave him without no real explanation.

    I wonder if in time and in the future we'll see Chiaki and Nodame incorporating their music somehow, since apparently they're both in very different paths that should drive them far appart has they progress in their careers. Luckily for Nodame, Chiaki is a pussy who can't travel.

    It also seems like there will be a new character that will take screen time frequently from now one. Might possibly become a love interest... I guess that makes 4 primary characters that have shown an interest in Chiaki's love life.

  7. #67
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    There's also the long-forgotten and rarely appearing Saiko, the vocalist major. She seemed to be considerably close to Chiaki, and we haven't really seen her since episode 3.

    Wonder what happened to her...

  8. #68
    That's why I mentioned 4...

    Saiko, Nodame, Afro, and the reporter now... And as you, I wonder why they haven't shown much of her lately.

  9. #69

  10. #70
    Missing Nin kooshi's Avatar
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    Another great episode. Stresemann is a lot more silly in this episode with him demonstrating some "sexy movements" and his comment on Chiaki's charm.
    However, the part that disappointed me the most was the Rhapsody in Blue concert. I know that the animation during the concerts have been mainly still-animations, but I was really hoping that the animators would make it more lively for this song. This concert was my favorite in the live-action, so I guess I was expected to be disappointed, hehe.

    Regardless, the best part of this episode was at the end with Stresemann announcing his departure after their concert. It's something you wouldn't expect this early, especially after his escape from his manager earlier on. The question is: how will Chiaki take this?

  11. #71
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    A great episode, indeed. While the still picture concerts bother me as well, I guess I'm getting use to them slowly, despite watching also the live-action. They have been like that all the time, so it's just too hopeful to expect anything else at this point, anymore.

    I was happy to notice Chiaki hasn't apparently changed his attitude towards Nodame despite what the teacher over at the camp said, and how Chiaki seemed to take it back then. But now it seems he just treats her as he always did, and also wasn't overly critical during the strange S-concert.

    Well, this series is bound to change somewhat after Stresemann leaves, but it remains to be seen how. Personally, I'm letting the anime lead, so my live-action knowledge is always behind, and thus I have no idea how it will affect Chiaki.

  12. #72
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    And just like that, we get another episode:

    Episode 11 [froth-bite]

    I felt that this episode was far and away the best episode so far. There was so much packed into it, that it nearly felt three times as long. First, we get a really excellent concerto that really made me want to download a version of it right away. Though it only went on for about 7 minutes, it definitely felt a lot longer. Also, we got some CG of Chiaki playing it. I can't say I was impressed, it looked really out of place. I've never really cared whether it was stills or not, since the music itself was the only thing that mattered to me (especially when I could finally recognize a piece in the last episode). With this though, it seemed so off at times that I really would have preferred the stills.

    Moving on, though the reporter squealing like fangirl was pretty funny, Saiko got a lot of screentime, and it seems like they may be moving her into a better position of the love pentagon. Her jealously of the other opera major shined through, and most importantly, Chiaki outright mentioned to her that she should show off more of her mean side in her singing to better her performance. It's easy to forget how easily Chiaki can read people, then tell them to their face with absolutely zero malice (except disgust perhaps at Nodame, mostly from her hygiene).

    Saiko's Glass Mask style reactions (though used often with others as well in this series, were executed perfectly with her in this episode), peering at Nodame and Chiaki through the barely open doorway, while Chiaki rides on top of Nodame telling her of all things to swallow...was almost too much for me.

    A definitely excellent episode. I'll be tracking down any and all soundtracks for this series.

  13. #73
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Hmm... Interesting. You say this episode felt longer than normally, for me it was the contrary; The concert being played somehow ate away the actual story part of the episode in a sense, and thus it felt like not so much happened. However, I'm not saying this in any negative manner, because I enjoyed simply listening to the music. The end was pretty funny, though. I didn't remember Saiko doesn't know Nodame at all. But she's certainly a third wheel right now, even if she got some more screen time and depth. But honestly I don't see anything romantic development between her and Chiaki anymore, no matter how much she hopes for one. She was the kind of cold bitch who was with Chiaki as long as he looked like a rising star, then dumped him, and now when he soared again she's suddenly back. Nodame, no matter how weird she is, has been honest all the time.

    And, as much as it is just stating the obvious, Chiaki needs someone like Nodame to keep showing him music isn't just a performance of technical skills but also art and feeling. Saiko can't offer anything like that at all. In fact, I fail to see what she could offer, aside from a more ladylike appearance.

  14. #74
    Procacious Polymath Ryllharu's Avatar
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    Well, if you thought it ate away at the available storytime, maybe I was just really tired. I agree that Saiko doesn't have a chance in hell of getting back with Chiaki, she's too much of a bitch, and Chiaki even called her on it.

    Chiaki does seem to know now that music isn't all technical skills, at least deep down. He did tell Saiko she needs to put more of her bitchy personality into her performance. I don't know whether or not his time with Nodame taught him this, but Nodame is at the very least teaching him to give that similar advice to himself. Nodame puts all of her natural exhuberance, and sometimes desperation into her music, so perhaps Chiaki is starting to put his perfectionist attitude and dignity into his music, no matter how much those aspects are threatened.

  15. #75
    Vampiric Minion Kraco's Avatar
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    Yeah, Chiaki seems to have grasped it somewhat well by now. After all, Stresemann himself told him that, and it looks like Chiaki both respects Stresemann more now and also he seemed to be quite satisfied with his performance, which, I think, showed already more feeling than his previous ones. And of course there have been in the past instances of Chiaki already telling others to play just like they want and feel. And furthermore, he wouldn't respect Nodame at all if he hadn't realised the other factors aside from pure skills.

    That's basically why I said he needs someone like Nodame to keep demonstrating
    him the value of feelings so that he won't forget it and better finds his own true artistic self. It was a long road for him to accept that fact, after all.

  16. #76
    Wow that was quick...I thought I downloaded the latest Nodame episode but it looks like Froth-bite released episode 11 shortly after episode 10. I guess they were able to sub it quickly because almost half of the episode was the A orchestra playing Rachmaninoff. I've never been into classical music but I actually liked it.

    I'm with Ryllharu in that for some reason the episode felt long(even though half of it had almost no dialogue). I also agree that Saiko's role is getting less and less important as the story progresses since it seems to be a one sided "love triangle." I'm glad Stresemann decided to tell her that she needs to take music more seriously and that her current level she can't hope to stay with Chiaki. Even though its pretty rough on Nodame it seemed to work because she ended up practicing the piece non-stop.

  17. #77
    Episode 11 was a favorite for me as well. I was so happy they actually animated the people playing the instruments, even though I wasn't really paying attention to the screen by the time the piece was in full swing.

    The story parts were also very good. I loved how Chiaki dealt with Saiko since she deserved it, though I think that move she pulled against her rival singer may have been foreshadowing. Nodame's appearance after practicing for 4 days straight was excellent and I got good laughs thinking about how far her and Chiaki's relationship has come.

  18. #78
    Episode 11 was nicely animated, though Chiaki's arms looked wierd at some instances. Won't waste time stating the what has been stated in the previous posts, but I really liked Nodame's bum appearance, and Chiaki waking up with a bunch of prostitutes was funny.

  19. #79
    Remnant of Woot Lucifus's Avatar
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    Checked out frostbite fully expecting to find nothing.

    Nodame Cantabile is bacK! After a 2 week break. Rejoice!
    [Frost-Bite]Nodame Cantible 12
    Don't believe in yourself, believe in me, who believes in you.

  20. #80
    Omg, Omg, where are my timpani drum sticks.... I am so excited. Though I already know what is going on because i watched the Live Action in anticipation of the Anime. Can't Wait to see my Chiaki again...

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